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Hello! it's been quite a while since the last update back in October, if you were wondering where I was or what I was doing well it's quite ... a lot, so  I made an entry in Newgrounds explaining things in details, is more like, taking things out of my chest... But first and foremost, I'm okay, my work is okay and I'll keep drawing of course! Also, I'm very sorry for the long wait, The short explanation can be summarized in a series of unfortunate events! I did explain in twitter last week but my phone is currently dead, then I got sick so I couldn't go out and find a solution and then as if that wasn't enough I lost internet FOR A WEEK! so I was ... is hard to explain, but if you know  the meme Yamcha's death Pose that would be a perfect example of my state of mind these past few days... I'm used to lose internet (unfortunately...) but after the third day I knew that there was no telling when it was coming back.

Things should be fine now for a while now. I can't let my guard down just yet, trying to not get my hopes up too high... But you know depiste all that, my computer was fine so I wasn't just sitting around sobbing! ( except Saturday and Sunday because that's when on top of all things, we lost electricity for 5 hours both days!) so when my fever was gone I did some stuffs that I'll show you now!

Thanks for reading, for helping me and specially for enjoying my work thus far! now ... Let's aim for the futureeee



Congratulations on your recovery ~


Putting you in such bad mind state that you can describe it with the Yamcha pose (love that meme). You pulled through some crazy shit again Anyway Welcome Back! :3 Without a doubt the cat means the universe demands more neko Adorable Heart 🧡 although it doesn't mean the other option is excluded :3


I'm a little shocked with the fact that you pulled out a literal orange heart there, well, for now there's only Neko neps hahaha. And thank you! tadaima I think! hehehe


Welcome back ! I’m glad if you’re better, I hope everything will be okay from now on !


Huh i could have sworn i used 🧡 already here, but maybe it was just on twitter, as you can see i'm not to be underestimated :p