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Somehow this happened! we were so close to have 3 winners too O_O

So now! the new winners are the Squids Sisters from Splatoon and Vigne from Gabriel Dropout ! check the results HERE

Thank you everyone who voted and shared their request and opinions! two winner is not a bad thing for me, IT HURTS ME not being able to finish them all, that's why I'm looking for solutions, starting by opening 3 slots for those interested in finishing old sketches, this option won't be available for the Party Tier because they had that option available since the start XP anyway! I'm still feeling a little full but I'll make an announcement this month, one day after opening those slots so those interested can have their request done with a good price, it will be first come, first take.

Let me know what you think!!



I'm going to try and be the first to take a slot for the past requests. Both times we lost by such a close margin, so I'd like to see my girls through to the end!


Yay ! Squid sisters. :3


So glad squids won, thought lost by one vote would of been sad