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She's complete!! and we have only one day left to decide the new winner from The Rough Sketch Poll  who's gonna win?  before jumping to that, please pick your IF set without watermark, alt versions and full resolution here!:


The Password is: valhallaknight

I hope you like it :)! now continuing with the poll vote, I've been following the results closely! and it seems like even I can vote but I won't (I would just vote for all of them anyway) and I'm happy to see so much participation... So I have a surprise tomorrow X) so with that in mind, will the votes stay like they are right now or we will have a sudden change? I'm looking forward to see it!

PS: Remember my previous post with the Party Request? SAO and Persona? well I had to remove it for security, I'll be careful from now on, even though I haven't break any of the rules, that's only under my own judgement. For future updates regarding the Gun Gale Online drawing I will leave an external private link so yo can still see how is being made.




She looks lewd- her clothes are so tight lmao i really like it c: