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Hello my dear supporters! I have news for you all!

Changes are often bad news, but not this time, I'm changing to give more! This month (as soon as my connection lets me) I'll add a new Tier, changes for Tier 1$ (adventurer) and tier 5$(Warrior); what are these changes ?

For Tier 1$ They'll have access to polls for future content that has not been used yet for Tier 5. What's this future content? That's what the next Tier will make.

For Tier 5$ They'll receive each month a rough sketch, my drawings are always 1) rough sketch 2) Detailed sketch 3)Base colors 4)Full colors so if you've seen my previous post, you can have an idea of what to expect.

These drawings will be given for the first 10 people who request them (10 is a limit I'm going to test first) and once they're all done I'll share them here and you all can vote for the best one and I'll complete it full color and all with no additional payment of course.  Will this be the only way to have your free rough sketch completed into a full drawing? no, but I'm going to test the waters first and see how it works, I really want to avoid delays or find myself unable to make stuff for my own amusement.

The only things I'll ask from you is to be conscious of what I've been doing so far (You can check more details about What I make based on my commission Info HERE), if you think I'll like your idea is more likely it will look better and lastly to keep it concise and easy to understand, for example "I want X character in X pose with a [weapon, toy or cosplay]"

I'll make an announcement as soon as I can update the new Tiers and you can reply there with your requests! I hope you like this, please feel free to give your opinion about it or any question you might have.

PS: This ain't a joke for April's fool of course, I was just waiting the start of the month to make the announcement.  



Coo, I'm excited


I feel like this is a fun idea. Definitely a good one.