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Hello patrons. Sorry to come up on a bit of a sad note, I was supposed to upload the requests this weekend but an unfortunate event happened.

My left hand has this tingling sensation since Friday evening, and the doctor recommended me to not force anything on it. I am on medication with a chance of having a tumor or heart failure, but the chances of those two are really, really low. I apologize if I didn't meet this schedule and I hope I can make up in the near future.




I hope u get better I luv ur art I’m praying for u


John, I'm a spine doctor. The chance of you presenting with hand tingling as the first sign of a tumor or heart failure approaches zero. You are an artist and as such, your posture while drawing is likely giving you spinal nerve symptoms. As well, I thought you are under 30 years old. if so, the chance of you having heart failure is even more ridiculously low. Neither of the things you mentioned is even rarely associated with hand tingling, but since in medicine, "anything can happen" we never say never. You don't have to have neck pain to have cervical spinal nerve symptoms. Other more reasonable diagnoses include nerve injuries outside the spine such as carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome. I recommend a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation doctor or Neurologist if it doesn't improve within a week with an anti-inflammatory such as ibuprofen. Good luck!


Hey! Thank you for the input! Yes I do realize the chances of Heart Failure and Tumor are really low. My family doesn't have precedents either. But like you said: Never say never. The pain still persists though but it has been healing recently. I am taking two anti-inflammatories right now.