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this is not the weekly animation, i made this animation previously(around the time of raiden pool animation) i thought it look like low quality so i never posted it. however i decide i will post it for you guy because i kept seeing it in my folders.

is basic animation

will be posted by tomorrow




Do you have more unposted animations that you will upload sometime in the future?

lemon T

many times, i make an animation that i do not post because i feel the animation is lacking. this one is lacking to me but it was already almost finish, so i decide to finish it.



Mr. Moon

Have you uploaded it? Can't find it, I'm too dumb in this thing

lemon T

very sorry i forgot to make a post for it, https://mega.nz/folder/PUE0hbLI#McUgwLdSkObPCcKQyPGC5w/folder/CF1U2ZKB