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Hi all!

So it seems a large number of you missed out on the August rewards pack, this is mainly due to the timing of when I launched my Patreon.

I launched August 31st, so this gave new patrons a very small window to obtain my August rewards pack.

I'm a Patreon noob, so I was unsure of exactly when the cut off date was that Patreon stops charging new patrons for that month, but it appears that:

  • everyone who joined on August 31st got charged
  • some people who joined on Sept 1st+2nd got charged
  • but other people who also joined on Sept 1st+2nd did not get charged

So the 31st (or the last day of each month) seems to be the cutoff that you must to be a patron of someone to guarantee you get charged for the next rewards cycle.

I sent the rewards through Patreon messages on Sept 5th to everyone who had been charged. So if you didn't receive that message it means you have not been charged this month.

A lot of people have been disappointed that they missed out on the first bunch of rewards, and have reached out to me offering to paypal me the money to get the rewards. I hate that I've disappointed so many people, and I wouldn't feel right taking money through paypal, so I've decided to include the August rewards alongside next month's rewards free of charge.

This is my way of saying thank you for making my first week here on Patreon a bigger success than I could have ever imagined. So your first charge will be on Oct 1st, and then I'll send you both the Aug & Sept rewards on Oct 5th.

Hope that explains everything, if you have any questions just let me know, thanks everyone!^w^


TLDR: If you did not receive the August rewards don't worry, you haven't been charged anything. Your first charge will be on Oct 1st, and I'm going to include the August rewards pack free of charge alongside next months rewards, so you don't miss out on them ?


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