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So I recently found some old hand written notes I had forgotten about. They were written on folded up pieces of paper I believe from when I used to work at my old job. Any time I could find to write I tried to take advantage of. Any ways I transcribed them in their entirely, changing nothing except a few grammatical errors. I can certainly see that my writing has improved all these years later, but it's nice to go back and see this carefree writing I did all those years ago.

The first piece was from a writing.com I loved that I believe has been deleted. I tried to recreate it on my own interactive, but it didn't have the same special spark the original did. The story revolved around a girl working at a bakery, I'll leave it at that.

The second piece is the start to my addition in the Eating Habits of the College Bound Sophomore. It's more of a synopsis than a story, but it tells what happened to that character during her sophomore year. I don't think I've opened the curtain on the work I've done on that story here, so if that is the case I'll do that soon. It's a lot better and more realized than this.

The last one was just a story idea. That old just I was talking about was at Gamestop, and I had a customer once ask what the weight limit of Wii Fit was. It's 330lbs for those who don't know. She told me she couldn't use it then. My young FA brain didn't know how to handle that situation, so it was pretty awkward. But it did inspire this story idea.


Stacy pulled up to the mall she was oh too familiar with. It took her a few minutes to find a spot close to the entrance. Stacy hadn’t realized it, but she had picked up some new habits along with her new form. A year ago she would have parked in the first spot she saw regardless of its distance from the front door. Now each step closer to the door she could get was a grand accomplishment. 

As she heaved herself out of her low car her fully exposed tummy soaked in some sun.She was really quite the scene. As she waddled towards the entrance her belly shook in every direction. The soft pliable stomach had a mind of its own and bounced along to its own beat. 

As Stacy entered the food court of the mall she started attracting many stares. It was quite common at the bakery to work with a fully ridden up shirt, but now Stacy was out in public. The cute 375lb girl stood out like a sore thumb with her shirt riding up so much, and belly so free.

As she stood there, oblivious to all the stares, she started to feel hungry. In her mind she wondered if she had enough for a small meal. Linda had given her $40. Stacy rationalized that she could find a pair of pants and new tee for $30. She took ten bucks out and headed towards a taco joint. As she reached the counter she started eyeing the menu above her head, looking how to best spend her $10. The girl at the cash register eyes widened when she saw stacy standing in front of her. This chubby girl certainly did not need any tacos. The girl pleasantly took stacy’s order and quickly filled it. As Stacy walked away the girl could not take her eyes off her enormous body. ‘Boy some people just have not restraint!’ That perfectly describes our Stacy.

After all the tacos she was still hungry. She thought five more dollars couldn’t hurt and went and ordered a few slices of pizza. That didn’t quite hit the spot so she got a few burgers, and then a little Chinese. After all that her hunger had finally subsided.

Stacy opened back up her wallet to see how much money was left after her small snack. A lonely $10 will was all that remained. ‘Oh no!’ she thought. ‘I went and spent all the money Linda gave me. There is no way I can buy a new outfit with only $10! Well I at least need a new shirt, this tank top isn’t really cutting it.’ Stacy started making her way to Curves, a plus size store stacy had become quite familiar with. She was nervous because she knew how expensive their clothes can be. 

She headed straight to the clearance department. Unfortunately there were not shirts in her size. She then checked where they keep the regular tees. After finding her size nothing was in her price range. Stacy was feeling quite down and debated just spluring the rest of the money on more food when she spotted a bunch of shite shirts with black lettering with a sign that read “Every shirt $9.99 in every size” Stacy was able to find her size easily, but was put off by what the shirt said. The shirt marketed the store, and drew attention to the fact that she had gotten very fat. The shirts were great for those that loved their size, but Stacy didn’t like being fat or having to wear a shirt that reminded her of that fact. 

She was out of options so she bought the shirt and wore it out of the store. On the front it read ‘Curves’ in their signature font ‘Where size really does matter. Whether you're far, really fat, or super sized, we have clothes for you!’ Stacy wasn’t sold on the shirt, but it was better than her old tank top. She left the mall in her new shirt and tight sweatpants, the only clothes that fit her. Tomorrow she had to go back to work, so she returned home and relaxed for the rest of the day.


Sophomore 60:

This year I’m going to lose weight. Wait what is this meal at the cafe from 8pm-11pm? 4th meal? Oh boy this is going to be hard. Last year I succumbed to the freshman 50. This year I’m rooming with a girl I met last year. She also gained the freshman 50. The other girls in our little group live in the two rooms at the end of the hall. They were lucky to only gain the freshman 15. I didn’t expect to gain another 60 pounds my sophomore year. I tried working out but sweets were always so tempting. My bluberous roommate didn’t help. We both let each other indulge. Our friends started to become put off by our size and appetite. After Christmas break my roommates mom made her move out of my room and stop talking to me. My new roommate was a workout-a-holic. My other friends shunned me for gaining another 30lbs so I took solace in food. My roommate tried to help, but ended up giving me her care packages from home.


Story Idea: Wii Fit Customer

Boyfriend brings in system, clerk notices wii fit data and goals. His girlfriend gained until she could not use the balance board anymore. The next day they come back together and she is 330+ lbs and eating McDonalds.


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