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So exactly four years ago I was in Las Vegas for a work conference, when I was standing in line to get a taxi. I spotted this young woman my age, who was wearing what I thought was a very interesting green dress. She was also fairly busty, which filled the top of her dress nicely. Being a huge creeper, I tried to take in the view as much as I could before we parted ways. Anyways, on the plane ride home I came up with the idea for Becky's Eating Problem, and I think I wrote most of it right then and there.

Afterwards I had an idea for a similar story, but it would be for Becky's sister. So I wrote an outline and started the story. I knew how I wanted it to end, but I just never got to filling in the middle. Now years later I'm possibly going to finish it, and I've started to rewrite the beginning to my liking. 

So I present to you the beginning of the original draft of Becky's Sisters Eating Problem.


Briana is the younger sister of Becky, but everyone called her Bri. While Becky was more of the classy green evening dress type, Bri was more the black and red corset type if you catch my drift. Just like her sister though, she was well endowed in her chest area, I guess you can’t disagree with genetics. She was well aware of her assets and made sure to show them off when she was out on the town, which was often. Bri was the typical litter sister, a bit spunkier than her older counterpart, a bit of a wild child and not afraid to show it.

*Ring*Ring* Bri’s phone buzzed in her tight back pocket. “Hey Becks.” Bri answered.

“Hey Bri.” Her sister said, just like every time she answered the phone. The girls had their usual banter before getting to the meat of their conversation. “So I wanted to tell you I met a guy.” Becky continued

“Ooo you slut.” Bri said playfully.

“Yeah, I’m the slut.” Becky said highly sarcastically, knowing how provocatively her sister dress and acted.. “But, yeah, he’s just the best. When are you gonna find a nice guy like this?” Becky pried.

“Yeah ‘nice guy’ is just what I’m looking for.” Now it was Bri’s turn to be sarcastic. “But, hey, I’m workin on it. I just downloaded one of those dating apps, one of those swipe left, swipe right kinda things. I’m sure I’ll have a date in no time.”

“Well I do hope you find someone special, and not just give it away for free like you are used to.” Her sister picked, with a little bit of truth behind her jab.

“Bitch.” Bri said into the phone, as she knew her sister didn’t mean anything harsh by it. Bri was a bit loose, but being the spunkier of the sisters it was her in job description.

They both signed off, leaving Bri alone, with nothing to do, and her phone. Since boys were on the brain after her little chat, she decided to fire up her new dating app. It was one of the many new dating apps for the 21st century, making it easier to people to hook up. The one feature that set this app apart from the rest was that your dates could leave feedback for your future dates to see, but you were unable to see these comments. Bri thought it would be a good way to avoid some creepers and sickos in her quest for love… or a one night stand.

She picked some pictures to display from her online profile, and wrote a line or two about herself.

Then she was at the good part. She started swiping and tapping on all the guys in her area that were using the service. Some cute, some not. Soon enough she was getting matches and starting up conversations. This was going quick. She even got a request for dinner tonight. ‘Why not?’ She thought. ‘He’s cute enough. Plus free dinner, score!’

Bri slapped together an outfit which matched her personality, racy and revealing, and met her date and a small local restaurant in town. Her date's eyes almost bulged out of his head when he saw how low cut her top was, and how full her boobs were. She was not one to hold back, and this guy felt like he had just won the online dating jackpot.

He ended up being a nice guy, he paid for dinner, and she gave him a kiss goodnight. Bri had a good time, but the guy was kinda a dork, and talked about fantasy football too much for her liking. She didn’t see a second date in their future. That was until she got home and saw all the other responses she was getting on the app, then she knew that last guy was for sure not getting a second date. Guys were barking up her tree, and hard. She had tons of date offers, and from guys she thought were super hot, and their bios made them sound amazing too. She set up several more dates for that week, even two in one night.

Most of these guys only suggestion was dinner or a movie, something easy. In this fast pace dating world no one wanted to go too creative or expensive, since if the date didn’t work out you just moved on to the next person down the list. At the end of the night Bri would either invite them up to her place if she was having a good time or just say goodnight at the door. Either way the next day she was on to the next one. She didn’t stay in one spot for too long. Why settle when the next adventure is right around the corner. This wasn’t unexplained for Bri, she had never really nailed down a steady boyfriend, which is why her sister was always so worried about her finding a nice boy to settle down with. Bri had graduated from school last year but wasn’t really doing anything with her life.

Bri was having a great time in the new modern age of dating. Although she was bouncing from guy to guy, she loved the attention she was getting. But all this dating did have one down side, Bri was slowly gaining weight. All the eating out had really started to pack on the pounds. It wasn’t as bad as it sounds, because it really only accentuated Bri’s features even more. She even had to go bra shopping so she’d stay halfway decent while out on the town. 

A few extra pounds didn’t stop Bri from having a good time, she hardly noticed them at all. She continued her endless string of dates and hook-ups, accepting pretty much any date that was willing to show her a good time, which usually meant a tasty dinner. Eventually Bri started to only see guys willing to buy her dinner. She had found so many willing to shell out for cuizine, why settle for less? Night after night of free dinner was delicious, but also deadly, waistline wise. As she continued to eat out on someone else's dime, all those burgeoning calories found their way all over Bri’s body. Quickly the pounds started to become more than just additions to her amazing assets, but they were now bulges and soft spots in places less desirable. Her toned arms softened up, and her belly started to round out and it’s outline could be seen in the tight revealing dresses and getups she would wear out. Bri was unbothered by these changes, she was having too much fun to care. Bri was enjoying herself so much she started to see how much she could get out of each date. She’d order an appetizer, entree, and even desert. All the eating out had given her the eating capacity to pack as much as she wanted away. She had quickly become accustom to the larger portions usually served at restaurants looking to please their customers. 

Word started to spread about Bri, the girl who loved a good meal. Guys still found Bri incredibly attractive and were bending over backwards to take her out. As the word got round guys started to learn the tricks to Bri’s heart and how to get a little action out of the gig as well. A three course meal was necessary just to get the date. Show up with a box of chocolates and you got a goodnight kiss with a little extra tongue. Send a bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries and you’d get to second base. For those who went the full mile to pump Bri full of calories usually were the lucky ones who got to go all the way. 

All these little gifts though went straight to her curves. Bri had already entered the chubby zone and was now encroaching upon full on fat. As Bri continued to eat out constantly and accept constant treats as gifts. She didn’t notice all the weight, and what few pounds she did notice, like the several that had gone to her chest, causing her to go up a few cups sizes, she just shrugged off. She didn’t realize that it wasn’t just her bust that had gotten inflated, but she was also sporting quite the round and jiggly potbelly, as well has a much rounder and thicker ass that stuck out farther than ever before. Bri didn’t care or notice, she just kept bouncing from man to man. 

Despite her rise in weight she was still getting tons of dates. None of her online pictures showed off her recent gain, and her reviews were very positive since she was always down to have a good time, and that included getting physical.

Soon Bri was more interested in the meals than the men. They just started to be a way that she could eat out for free, and eat out well. And from the way her waistline was growing her dates sort of knew what they were getting themselves into. She was starting to look nothing like her pictures online, having gained about 60 pounds recently. Bri would moan as she dug into rich creamy pasta dishes, after already having packed away the bread from the table as well as a tasty fried appetizer. “We should really get dessert, they have the best tiramisu.” Bri said through a mouth full of pasta, leaning forward trying not to get alfredo sauce all over herself, but also allowing her huge knockers to plunge down in front of her, giving her date quite the show since she was wearing she a low cut top.



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