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It was the second day of summer, but it’s was Claire’s first day without Jen. Claire wondered what her best friend as up to, or what sort of fat camp torture she was going through right now. Claire was sad about what was happening to her friend, but part of her understood it. The fact that both girls had ballooned up over the course of high school was very unusual, she couldn’t blame Jen’s parents for trying to reign her in. But the fat life had been so tempting, littering the path there with donuts, pizza, and plenty of fast food cheese burgers.

Despite the fact her bestie had been sent away to summer prison, Claire was trying to enjoy her summer of indulgence, it was her last one before the end of her family competition and Claire could not let off the gas now. 

That night Claire's dad asked her what she wanted for dinner. Claire was in the mood for pizza, so they ordered from their favorite pizza place in town, and within 30 minutes there came a knock at the door and a smell that was distinctly delicious.

*knock knock knock*

"Claire do you mind getting that? My hands are full." Her dad shouted from the kitchen.

"Sure thing." She shouted back. Claire's laziness usually kept her from answering the door during deliveries, but dire times call for dire measures. She waddled over to the door, salivating at the thought of the pizza. She had convinced her dad to order the same amount he normally would when Jen was coming over, but of course she wasn't. Claire knew this was going to be enough pizza to keep her satisfied all night long. She opened the door with a huge smile, but all of a sudden her jaw hit the floor. Standing there holding the large pizza order was her old flame Steve. 

Steve on the other hand almost toppled the pizza's when he saw large lady Claire standing inside. "C-Claire?" Steve stammered.

"Oh my god, Steve. It's you. You're our pizza delivery boy?" Steve wanted to be quick on his toes. He had already blown Claire off twice so it was going to be hard to keep up the facade that he had any interest in her, especially now she had somehow gotten even bigger. But he was on the clock, so he had to stay professional.

"Yeah this is the job I was telling you about. It keeps me so busy. So yeah… I've been meaning to call you, but I just never get a night off." Steve fumbled trying to get some sort of excuse out there. He looked like he could not get any more awkward.

"Oh don't worry hun, I know how things get busy." Claire still thought Steve had it hot for her, so she saw no reason not to be flirty.

Steve tried to change the subject before taking his leave. “I didn’t know you lived here. I think I’ve delivered here before.” Steve didn’t want to tell her, but he’d delivered here a lot, Claire’s family was like one of their best customers.

“Oh yeah, I’m a big fan of pizza, and the stuff you guys make is the best.” Claire said as she absentmindedly rubbed softly the sides of her bulging belly.

It shouldn’t have surprised Steve, but he couldn’t fathom how Claire had gotten so much bigger. "Well I gotta run, I’ve got some more deliveries to make." Steve was trying to find an exit asap, even if that meant lying.

"Aww you can't stay for a minute? I'm even resisting the urge to dive into these pizzas right now." Claire thought this was a tease to Steve, as something like that was always playful to Jen, but to Steve he was just disgusted. Claire had taken the order from Steve and placed it inside, so there was now nothing blocking Steve from getting a full view of just how large Claire had gotten.

"Well babe these pizza's don't stay warm forever." Steve said casually like he would to any girl that he would be dismissing while womanizing. Immediately his hands slapped to his mouth. 'Did I really just say that? Did I really call her babe? What was I thinking?!' Steve could see Claire's eyes light up with joy, so he decided to start backing away towards his car.

"Ok, well I'll see you again soon babe!" Claire said as Steve fled the scene back to his car.

"Yeah sure thing." Could be heard faintly from Steve as he got further and further away. Claire watched Steve has he sped away before closing the door and turning to her pizzas. She forgot how much she had ordered and her smile widened even more as she let the smell of the pizza over take her.

That night Claire enjoyed a smorgasbord of pizza, and come the next day she requested pizza again for dinner. Her dad thought it odd that she wanted pizza two nights in a row, Claire was usually begged for more variety than that, but he didn’t question it. He also found it weird that she wanted to answer the door for the pizza delivery boy. She was usually complacent to sit and have it delivered to her in the living room, not having to lift a finger. 

Of course it was Steve at the door again with the delivery, as Claire had predicted. Steve secretly hoped last night was just a one time occurrence and that Claire’s dad would be the one the answer the door from now on, but his dreams were sadly crushed when he saw the lovely Claire at the door again, wearing a smile from ear to ear.

Claire had a new plan for the summer, and that was to see Steve as much as possible. She had the whole world in her hand, beauty, smarts, family, a best friend, the only thing missing was a boyfriend. She had overcome many challenges these past few years so she was confident this could also be hers.

The nightly pizza orders continued. She knew Steve worked every night, so this was the only way she could spend time with him, it was as close as she was going to get to a date. Steve actually only worked 5 nights a week, but he asked to make the deliveries to Claire’s house even on the nights he wasn’t working. His coworkers thought this strange, but Steve knew that if Claire thought Steve didn’t work every night of the week she would be able to rope him into going on an actual date, for which he wanted to avoid at all costs.

As the first week of summer went on, Claire asked for pizza again and again every night. Her folks compiled since they just wanted their little girl eating up every night, but they had their suspicions. After a few days they spied on her while she answered the door for Steve, and caught her making googly eyes and flirting with him. After that night they didn't ever question Claire's take out decisions again.

Meanwhile Steve was having it rough at work. The rest of the crew had found out why they kept getting an order from the same house every night that week, and taunted Steve about it. Steve pleaded with his boss to let someone else deliver that order. If he didn’t ever have to see Claire again he would be off the hook as far as any date was concerned. "Steven, they are our very best customer. Ever since that little girl realized you're the delivery boy they have ordered every night. They used to only order once a week. I mean I'm not going to mess with the golden goose, capisci? Just suck it up." There wasn't much else Steve could do.

The daily deliveries started to become electric, as both parties found creative ways to push their agenda. For Claire, she wanted to spend as much time and be as intimate as possible with Steve. Steve on the other hand wanted to avoid Claire at all costs, and get out of there as soon as possible. Steve came up with this little trick of pretending to get a phone call from work and having to leave to go back to the pizzeria. This was of course a lie, as Steve’s boss had been sending him out with only Claire’s delivery that was he wasn’t in a rush while visiting their best customer. 

Claire counter moved one day when slipping Steve the payment for the pizza she put her cell number on a slip of paper. “I know you have my number babe, but just in case. Feel free to text me anytime, I know you are always on your phone.” Claire said with a wink.

“Aww such a bummer actually. My phone broke just last night, so I have to save up for a replacement.” Steve lied. He wouldn’t be pulling the phone trick any time soon anymore.

At the same time Claire was trying to work her way into Steve's heart, even though she felt she had him wrapped around her finger, or so she thought. Claire asked herself ‘what would Jen do?’ realizing Jen’s answer was always dress to impress. So Claire made sure to gussy herself up each night, doing her make up, styling her hair, and wearing something that showed off her hard worked for curves. Claire, who was getting more comfortable with her body each passing day, felt like she was really roping in Steve each time she saw him.

After about a month of daily delveries Claire wanted to move things along a little bit. So one night Claire decided to ask Steve on a real proper date. “Stevie, maybe you can take a night off some time so we can go out.”

Absolutely dismayed by this idea Steve thought up a good way to turn her down. “Claire you know my boss is pretty strict about work, especially during the summer we are pretty busy, so I really can’t take any time off.”

“Aww that’s too bad. I was hoping we could go out to the mall. They have a new Cinnabon and I haven’t been all summer.” Steve could only roll his eyes every time Claire talked about food.

Having successfully shut her down, Steve felt like he had done a pretty good job of keeping Claire at arms length this whole time. Soon enough she should get the hint that he just isn’t into her.

A month later into summer things were still heating up, as Claire’s desires were not waning at all, she only tried to throw herself at Steve even more. Steve could tell all that pizza was going somewhere as Claire was looking distinctly bigger after two months. It even grossed him out that he could tell how much bigger she was. Claire was out growing her wardrobe, but she thought this only made her more appealing to Steve as she was trying to be more revealing and come off as even more sexy.

Claire’s next more she thought would endear him to her even more. Claire asked her parents for a little bit of extra money to tip with. They knew she was trying to impress the delivery boy, so they went along with it. So that night when she handed him the money, “There’s a little bit extra in there for you sweetie.” Steve felt obligated to check just to see what she was talking about, and there was indeed a good amount extra in his tip. “I know you’ve been saving up for a new phone.” He wasn’t. “And I just thought you deserved it.” Claire gave him her patented sultry wink. 

Steve didn’t how to respond, so he just thanked her. He felt like this was actually the first good thing to come out of this miserable experience. But it didn’t change how he thought about her.

With every good turn of fate, there comes a down turn, and soon after this one befell Steve. A large order of breadsticks was sent back at the pizzeria right as Steve was about to take off with Claire’s order. “Hey Steve why don’t you bring these breadsticks to your girlfriends house, a little freebie for being so good to us.” His boss laughed, but made him take the extra order of breadsticks on the house. Steve didn’t know what he was walking into, but this was about to open a world of trouble for him. 

Claire noticed the breadsticks right away. “Oh Stevie, did you get me an extra order of breadsticks. That’s so sweet.” 

Steve was a little caught off guard, since they were from his boss and now Claire thought they were from him, not an association he wanted Claire making in her head. “Umm those are on the house you know.”

“Oh you are so good to me Stevie.” Claire just giggled and grabbed the boxes from Steve. He was at a loss for words. Since it was just once he didn’t think it was a big deal, and let it slide this time. But the next day his boss gave him an extra pizza to deliver to Claire. When Steve asked what it was for, his boss just replied that he wanted to thank his best customer with a little something extra. Of course Claire continued to think that these extras and freebies were all from Steve, as day after day he would show up with cinnamon bread or some BBQ wings.

Since Steve was now showering Claire with extra goodies, she felt even more comfortable with him in regards to her size and appetite. Claire was routinely sampling the extra goodies her ‘boyfriend’ was bringing her right in front of his face. Steve continued to try and deny that the extras were from him, but Claire always just shook him off. “Oh sweetie you don’t have to be so modest. It must be great working at a pizza place, you get all the free pizza you want. I wouldn’t be able to work there, I’d just constantly be in the back trying something hot out of the oven.” Claire giggled as she embraced her gloutney, the biggest thing that turned Steve off.

This all lead up to the last week of summer. Claire had expected Steve to have put the moves on her by this point, but he didn’t seem to be taking things as fast as Claire would have liked. Steve continually denied Claire's advances for dates and the such since he was always working, but at least he had a good excuse. She still thought that he should at least be taking advantage of their mini pizza dates. He had for obvious reasons not perused anything with Claire, but she was not going to let that stop her.

It was only a few days before summer and Claire was ready to make her move. She really got herself gussied up and put on her sexiest outfit and waited at the door for Steve's arrival. He arrived at the normal time, carrying her hefty order. Claire swiftly opened the door for him and made sure to take the pizzas so they were not in the way. Steve was super nervous since Claire had obviously got all dressed up for him. He tried to make this his briefest trip yet. "Thanks Claire, see you tomorrow." Steve turned to walk away, but was not quick enough.

"Not so fast Mr. Hunk." Steve, started to turn back around briefly as he wasn’t sure what Claire was talking about, allowing Claire to put a beefy hand on his shoulder and spin him back to face her. With one fell swoop Claire‘s lips moved in and planted a nice big wet one on Steve. Steve, who was obviously not kissing back, tried to break away, but Claire kept making an advance keeping the embrace alive. Eventually Steve put enough distance between them that Claire broke off the kiss. It all happened within a few seconds but to each of them it felt like minutes. "Ah, I've been waiting for that all summer." Claire taking in a big relieving breath said as she donned a large grin. 

"...uh..." Steve was speechless. All he could do was scoot quickly and befuddled back to his car and drive away.

"Where are you going?" Claire said as he left. "I was just getting started." Steve's car was bounding down the street within seconds. "Maybe I was too hot and heavy for him?" She said before turning back to head inside. 'Well he will just be back tomorrow anyways.' She thought as she picked up her pizzas and took them into the kitchen.


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