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Another day passes in Gremory territory. Another business venture, another peaceful day having luxury. Having everything a person could want and more. Though when someone has everything. How much is too much, how much is never enough? At what point do people stop and say they are finally content? Be it an angel, demon, or human, can the thirst for desire ever really be stopped?

Venelana Gremory had many thoughts like this. She had money, power, a good husband who knew his place, and children that knew theirs. Everything she could want she had really. Even when hurting for cash she could always find another business venture and make it successful rather quickly. Though now after her daughter was more or less an adult, she found herself wanting. Maybe because she had gotten older. She should not want for anything yet she did want now. “That boy that makes my daughter so happy…” Sighing into her palm the light brown hair of hers brushes against her shoulders. Her purple eyes stare at the picture of her daughter Rias Gremory. The picture though had another in it Issei, the boy who had taken Rias as a girlfriend. Just like the mother, the daughter also had an eye for untapped talent. Though in this case, it was not for business ventures but for power plays. Issei was a pawn that could become anything he wished. And Rias was willing to make him a harem king. It was only natural that such a man should have all sorts of women around him after all. “It just feels all so… worthless.” Sighing again Venelana stretches out her arms and lays back in her bed. For everything she could think alone, around others she was a calm strict noble lady. Or a stern yet kind parent. Regardless of that showing desire was not something she often did. More so envious desire because of her daughter’s happiness. “If I was in her shoes I would make that boy a nice dog. A husband should fear their wife. Just like my Zeoticus.” Even with the words said, Venelana still found some strange pull to Issei. Maybe it was what made so many other girls flock to them. But unlike them, she wanted Issei to herself. Rias was supposed to be the main girl, only she had the power to stop his harem antics. “Really though… what am I thinking. It’s not like I can just steal him away. He belongs to Rias.” A long pause lingers in the air, and Venelana sits up and walks over to her vanity opening up a side drawer. “I could have my fun still… couldn’t I? She hasn’t come home for a visit in some time. And Zeoticus is out for another few weeks.” Staring at the drawer it is filled with a variety of different potions and trinkets. Some Venelana had come across and others that she was simply gifted from business ventures. “I can make him believe I’m Rias easily enough.”


The large double doors open, Issei and Rias casually step their way inside the home. The shabby brown-haired Issei rubs at the back of his neck looking over the large hallways to the mansion. He was never that used to being in more fancy buildings in the first place. A fancy home had a different air to it. Though it sounded a bit quieter than usual. “Hey, Rias… you’re brother and Dad’s not even around right? Your mom really wanted us over the next few days?” Issei at the very least managed to usually keep his speaking pretty casual even if at times he could act and sound a bit rude being a pervert.

Brushing her long red hair over her shoulder Rias nods slowly, as usual, she kept herself graceful like her mother. Her voice had that nice stern yet sultry tone as usual. “Of course, this is just a small vacation for us. Though the others said they’d like to come too. I at first rejected them but mother insisted it would be alright. It sounded like she had something she would like me to do for her.”

Sighing Issei tugs the bag on his shoulder and keeps walking through the house toward his usual room. “Well, I guess I’ll get myself set up for now alright? I wanted to set up a console quick since we’re gonna be here for a bit.” Rias nods in agreement and the two split off. Rias is off to find her mother and Issei to get his vacation nest ready to be lazy and play games. Getting to his usual room, well Rias’s old room he throws his bag down and sits down on the oversized bed. The room had some adjustments since Rias and Issei now shared it when he came over. For example, having a TV he could use to set up his game consoles. “Ah, boy this place is always… so lavish.” Laying back on the fancy bed he groans in contentment his spine happy with the soft mattress. “Haven’t had a vacation in a bit though. All this problem-solving… heh, I think I’ve heard the word boost too many times now.” Issei was mindful to make sure his dragon companion shut his trap since he finally had some off time. “We’re partners but really, need some alone time now and again. But ugh, I’m mumbling too much. The new Dragon Paladin game just came out and me and Koneko hadn’t even gotten it started yet.” Standing himself back up Issei walks over to his bag and starts taking out his game console.

Knock, knock

A knock sounds at the door and he lightly chuckles. “Come on Rias no need to do that—” Grabbing the nob and pulling it open Issei does not see Rias standing there but Venelana instead. “Oh!” Jumping up in place Issei straightens himself out to at least not look like a complete fool. “Hello! Mrs. Gremory!”

Venelana today was wearing a simple white summer dress, a few wristbands on her right wrist, and a watch on her left. It was a basic outfit that she paired with some sandal wedges. Good for the summertime. Though right now she kept things simple to make sure to not sway Issei’s mind too quickly. Crossing her arms under her rather sizeable breasts she gives a soft smirk to the young man. “Well Issei, I see you’re getting yourself comfortable. If you do need something please do let me know. I can have one of the servants fetch it right away.” Today she did not mind sounding like a noble lady. It was cute seeing Issei squirm from the worry in his eyes. He did not know what she was planning. “Though I can see you probably just want to relax.” About to open his mouth Venelana holds her hand up to stop him and simply invites herself into the room walking right over to Rias and Issei’s bed and sitting down herself. “You know I had Rias go out to tell the other girls to grab a few things. I figure they can enjoy a little shopping while we have a bit of a chat. You do like beach parties, don’t you?” Issei’s eyes light up, of course, the boob-loving pervert loved the beach. It was an excuse to look at girls in bikinis and have it be totally normal. “Hehe, from the look in your eyes, I already know the answer. We’ll stay here a few days and take some private cars out to a beach of ours. I’ve heard how much you’ve all been working lately with the new company. So, I wanted to make sure to give you a little treat.”

Issei could barely believe it but he had no reason to complain mumbling a silent prayer to all that is perverted he takes his console equipment over to the TV and starts setting it up while talking. “It sounds like it’ll be pretty fun. I think the other girls will love some relaxing time too. Hah, you made me a bit nervous a moment ago, but um did you have anything you needed from me then? You said you sent Rias out, so if you needed me to grab anything I don’t really mind. Long as it doesn’t involve fighting I’ve done enough of that lately.”

The hook was just dangling with bait and Issei gobbled it whole. Venelana’s lips crease into a wide smirk and she walks over to Issei looking down at him as he connects wires into his little game. “Well yes actually. I was wondering if you could look at something for me.” Issei cocks his head to her and she begins to tug at the collar of her dress pulling at the middle to show more of her cleavage. “It’s just…” A softer voice suddenly left her lips. Her breasts swayed ever so slightly in an innocent white dress. Issei was already starting to drool at the site. “Hehe, I wanted you to have a look at this for me!” Pulling her dress more Venelana’s breasts give a hardy bounce showing a strange painted pattern on her breasts. Issei’s first reaction is to start noise bleeding, but his eyes are transfixed. He could not look away, not that he wanted to. “Yes that’s right Issei… just stare, after all, you’re looking at Rias right now.”

Issei’s head felt blank and cloudy. He could see breasts in front of him. They had a nice shape, round, and a good bounce too despite the ag—No they were still young and perky. Full of dreams any man would desire. The breasts were Rias’s for sure, Issei knew them anywhere. His head felt like it was spinning but breasts he always knew. Why was he thinking about Rias’s breasts so much though? Well, it was pretty normal but this time it felt different. He could hear words, but they sounded soft. The breasts were Rias’s, she wanted something. She wanted a date. Alone time, just for the two of them. “Rias…” Issei’s words come from his mouth slowly. He was still in a daze, he needed to shake it off. Shaking his head he slaps his cheeks and looks Venelana in the eyes this time instead of the breasts. “Rias wanna go on a date? Today’s nice enough, and I don’t got much to unload anyway! Come on, let's go have some fun, or at least grab something to eat!”

The plan worked, the hypnotic pattern on Venelana’s breast did the trick just as she had hoped. It made Issei easy to give suggestions. Making him even able to replace who Rias was in his mind. “Alright.” Venelana smiles smugly to herself. “Let’s go on a date Issei. I know a nice place we could go out to eat.” Holding out her hand Issei places his in hers and their fingers interlock. It reminded her a bit of her younger days. Without bothering to set up the rest of the game console the two leave the room and the manner. Venelana has a driver take them to a nice restaurant. She had planned for things to work out so she already reserved a place. A nice spot by the beach to get some rare seafood with well-made pasta. With the sound of the waves at their sides, the two sit to eat. “Our orders will be ready in a bit Issei. Heh, but, consider this a taste of the beach air before we have our little beach party.”

Issei nervously twiddles his thumbs a bit stiff. Looking at the nice table the only thing he could do is rest his hands atop it trying to not fidget. “Yeah, it does smell great here with the food being cooked too. But ah… I didn’t get to mention it before… but you look great Rias. How about when we’re done eating? We take a walk along the beach?” For better or worse Issei had some experience with dating. Even if his first date did not turn out very well. The dates he had since gone a lot better. At least usually as long as some fight did not break out. Though that did not stop him from being a pervert Issei still tried to act nicely toward the women he liked. “And… I know that you’ve been working hard too lately. We’ve both been so busy it’s been hard to actually talk with each other lately. So, ya know I’m glad we were able to get a nice dinner out of this vacation. Even if all the other girls are coming along in the next few days. I wanna make sure I spend plenty of time with you.”

Venelana would find it sweet if he was not talking about other women at the same time. She found it funny to an extent, the boy was a pervert yet had some sort of moral code and pride. The women that liked him did not like him for no reason, that much was true. Innocent, and strong, yet a pervert and loser when it came to other things. The poor boy seemed like a walking contradiction in a lot of ways. “Well Issei, I appreciate you too. Heh, if it was not for you, we wouldn’t be able to do half the work we do. If you keep it up maybe I’ll let you take another shower with me.”

Such perverted words being said so nonchalantly even make Issei’s cheeks blush. Though even slightly embarrassed he nods his head with eagerness. “Well I’d say forget the vacation if I get that treatment! Hah, but I get it, I’ll keep doing my best too don’t you worry! Some good R&R this week will be nice that’s for sure I needed the recharge.” From there on the date goes better than Venelana would have thought. Issei may be a bit of a pervert but something about him was intoxicating. Venelana just felt nice being around him. Looking at his awkward smiles and noticing his eyes when they go to her breasts. Anyone else would probably be turned away, yet apparently, Issei still kept his harem of girls. Why should Venelana feel jealous over such petty things? She did not need to care about Issei, he was just some boy dating her daughter. Young too, it was not like she needed a new young fling. Yet, some part of her wanted more. “Okay, thanks for the meal guess I’m gonna get things ready to turn in alright Rias?” Something about his speaking, his gestures, even as he walks back into the manner Venelana wanted the boy to be hers and hers alone. That was how it should be right? The untapped potential Issei still had; she could see it. The boy had limitless growth like he could somehow muster whatever power he needed in the moment regardless of if it made sense or not. He was also sweet and kind, a bit dorky too. Why did Rias get to have him? Those other girls, Rias, no one should have Issei besides Venelana.

“Hah…” Holding the side of her head Venelana lets breath escape her lips. Her thoughts were swirling out of control. Just what was she doing anyway? Why bother to hypnotize Issei, the effects were going to vanish shortly anyway. “What am I doing? Rias will be back shortly… I’m being a bad mother.” Sighing into her palm Venelana walks into the manner herself and heads back to her room. In her bathroom, she sponges off the marking she placed on her breasts and leans against the bathroom wall staring at herself. “It was just some dumb harmless fun, not like I did anything. Still I probably shouldn’t have done any of that. I feel like such a fool.”


Venelana’s body jerks toward the shower floor. A crack, a loud one at that. The tile flooring was completely cracked down the middle. Water was starting to seep into the crack. “What is all this now?” Stepping quietly, she gets to the edge of the shower and bends at her knees to crouch down. “This is odd… I’m on the second floor, it shouldn’t crack like this. The whole floor isn’t about to give, is it?”

In response, the crack in the tile crumbles down instantly forming a large hole, yet the hole is filled with dirt at the sides and a tunnel below. It was far too deep, and the dirt would not be present on the second floor anyway. The logic beyond the hole was lacking, but what was not was the strangeness. From the hole, a pair of white rabbit ears rise. Long and fluffy Venelana thought. With it, a humanoid hand, and pale skin, a girl comes up from the hole with a smile on her face. “Well hello to you Miss Gremory!” Venelana’s eye twitched, she had seen a variety of odd things in her time. Given her work, she had seen plenty. Though none usually ever had the gull to attack her own home and look so innocent in doing so. “Don’t worry I’m not here to attack you. Hehe, I’m here 'cause my Papa told me to be. Usually, he handles the stuff in messy areas. But sometimes he tells me to come around to get some practice.” The girl scoops herself out of the hole and bounces herself onto the shower floor. Black marie jane styled shoes, a blue dress with a white apron, and pure white hair flowing down her back. They looked to be an adult by Venelana’s best guess but the girl was a bit short. The bunny ears were not too shocking they seemed to be real and functional but the real oddity is the girl’s eyes. Black and white eyes, a checkerboard style, swirling constantly like a black hole. Venelana was not sure why but the eyes to her felt dangerous somehow. Like even if this person was a threat, she could do nothing against the little lady. “Now then.” She pats the apron of her dress getting some of the dirt off. “Didn’t really mean to come in through the shower but I guess good to change entrances. Anyway, the names Elica! Annnnd I’m here to give you what you desire or do not. I guess that’s up to you.”

It was all a lot to take in. Venelana breathes slowly and looks toward her bathroom door. Just as slowly she steps over to it and locks it shut looking back toward the girl. “Look here… I don’t know how you managed to get in here with all the defenses we have in place. So I’ll admit I’m plenty curious… You clearly have more power than anything I could muster as well. I’m not so dense as to believe otherwise. So if you haven’t killed me yet, what are you talking about? Why would you come to grant my desire?”

Elica reaches behind her back and pulls out an oversized book bigger than her head. Throwing it onto the ground in front of Venelana she giggles. “Hehe, well you could say it’s boredom I guess. People like us need something to do. We watch, and sometimes we interact. What people do with what we give them is up to them. Anyway, that book…” Elica steps carefully around the book looking Venelana up and down. “It can make your old body all young again hehe. But more importantly… it could make you in to your daughter. If ya wanted to of course.”

Carefully Venelana squats down and flips open the book. She could not read the text inside. All the letters however glow with some sort of power Venelana could not even begin to understand. “Well… this is an artifact of some kind it feels like.” Skimming her finger over the letters it felt like too much power was in the tomb. Flipping a few more pages she even finds some pictures showing a drawing of bodies with arrows. “If it really can change me to be lik—” Stopping herself she shakes her head and looks up at Elica. “No, why would you give me something like this? What are you even saying turn into my daughter?”

A sheepish grin crosses Elica’s lips and she holds her throat, her voice instantly mimicking Venelana’s. “Oooooh how I wish I had Issei all to myself! Rias? The other girls? He should belong to just m—”

Shooting up from her squat Venelana puts a hand over Elica’s mouth to shush the girl. “Stop that this instant! Tsk… you can somehow read thoughts too even? I didn’t think I said all of that aloud…”

Another giggle rolls off Elica’s lips and she gives Venelana’s breast a playful poke. “Well, you just admitted it aloud yourself regardless so not like I need to hear much hehe.”

Venelana slowly lowers her hand and squats back down looking at the book. She had indeed just ousted herself. “Look… so what if I do want it? I’m Rias’s mother I can’t just—”

Elica now is the one who squats down and places her palm against Venelana’s mouth shushing her this time instead. “Shhhh! Hehe, you can do whatever you want! You gave birth to her anyway! Soooo who cares. I mean I don’t need to tell you what to do. But all the judgmental stuff you can keep to yourself. Use the book however you want.” Moving her hand away Elica stands up and takes a few steps back toward her hole. “Do what you like, try what you want. Use the book or go throw it in a fire… well I don’t think it would burn but you could like dig a nice hole and put it there.” Nodding sagely to herself Elica takes another step back somehow standing in the air above the hole. “Anyway, I’m gonna… what do the kids say… peace out! So do as you wish!”


Like a simple bubble popping the hole, Elica, both vanish without a trace. No magic, no angel, no demon, no yokai energy, or anything. The girl came and went through barriers and defenses like nothing and threw a powerful artifact on a bathroom floor like it was worthless. Venelana shivers just at the idea, she was not dumb. That small girl was rather terrifying. Not that it was the first time she had been around small powerful creatures. Dragons could be like that when they polymorph. “How did I find myself in this sort of situation?” Staring at the tomb of power Venelana had no real idea of what to do. Grabbing at the sides of it, the book is light surprisingly. “I wonder if it has some sort of spell that reduces the weight too…” Finally unlocking the bathroom door Venelana steps back into her room and sets the book down on her bed starting to pace back and forth. “I could use it… it has all sorts of spells in it. But I don’t even know how to use them… yet that girl made it sound like I could use them at any time.” Grabbing the front of the book Venelana swings it open looking at what appeared to be the table of contents. “Maybe it has more uses than I think if it even reduces its own weight… Tomb. How do I use the spells in you?”


Rias and friends walk through the manner’s front door. “Good job everyone.” Rias speaks calmly and cooly gesturing over to Akeno the mature tall girl walks in front of Rias leading the line of other girls behind. Different sizes, and different hair colors, Issei had a collection of different girls. And the one other male Rias actually employed. “It seems like everything’s finally settled… still I wonder why Mother had us go out to the middle of nowhere.”

The short also white haired girl Koneko looks up at Rias and points down the hall. “Issei already got things set up right…?”

Sighing like an acting mother Rias nods and shoos the girl away. “Yes, go play he’s probably been waiting for you. As soon as we arrived he went right to the room to set up that game.”

Koneko smiles and makes her way right down the hall leaving Rias now alone with Akeno. “So.” The mature Akeno speaks softly her arms crossing under her chest. “Did you notice earlier? When we were coming in. It felt like… something odd happened. But the barriers here… the defenses, everything’s fine.”

Slowly sighing Rias brushes her hair over her shoulder and shrugs. “If it bothers you it’s most likely something. Though maybe my mother was moving one of the artifacts. It could cause the air to change. That or Issei caused some trouble already.”

Akeno thinks a moment but nods seeming content with the answer. “I suppose that could be it. Well, do you mind if I check in on your mother then? We hadn’t had a chance to speak in a while. I wanted to ask her thoughts on the accounting system I made last month.”

Giving a small nod in confirmation Rias begins to walk down the hall. “Do as you will. I think for now I’ll rest in bed and watch those two play their game.”

Knock knock

Venelana freezes up, just hearing a knock at the door made her feel a wash of guilt. “Y-yes?!”

The voice that responds is a mature girl's voice, Venelana could tell right away it was Akeno. “Hello, we have all just arrived. Everyone is getting settled, but I was curious if you could spare me a moment.”

Akeno, one of the girls close to Issei. A girl that was part of the harem, a trusted friend to Rias as well. The book was kind, maybe it was working its magic without Venelana even having to do anything. When she had asked the question earlier the text in the book suddenly became easy for her to read and understand. “Please, come in Akeno, we’ve known each other long enough don’t be so formal.” Just saying the words guilt begins to leave Venelana’s mind. Everything was perfect she just had to try something and Akeno was just offering herself up.

The bedroom door opens and closes, Akeno stands there her long purplish black hair swaying. A well-endowed beauty, the bigger the breasts the easier to sway Issei’s heart. It was those girls that caused the most problems. Because of the mission Venelana sent the team on Akeno wears a black dress, and strappy heels on her feet. Her hair is still tied up as well with a yellow bow in her hair. Despite the bow though her mature air remains. Besides a real mature lady though, Akeno was still just a child playing pretend. “Well, Mrs—”

Not even letting the girl speak Venelana shakes her head and closes the large book still in her lap. “No, no, that won’t do. Please. Just Venelana is fine. What is it you wanted to ask? Is it about the mission I had you do?” Venelana needed the girl close so reeling her in would be easiest.

Akeno shakes her head, though the mission was odd she had other concerns. “Well, first I was wondering if Issei got into any trouble. I felt like I sensed something strange earlier… though I really wanted to ask you about the new accounting system I made for Rias’s business. If you could look over it for me. I would be glad.”

Standing up slowly Venelana begins to walk around Akeno. “Oh is that so?” Going right over to the door Venelana quietly locks it. “I’d be happy to look over any documents you would care to show Akeno. If it’s you I’m sure the books will be in proper order.” It was slow, but Akeno was letting down her guard. Venelana could tell. It would make the process easier. “Though please, before we start why not have a seat, should I get us some tea?”

It was the last hook and Akeno takes it by sitting down at the small table. It was a table meant for tea after all and Akeno did not want to be rude refusing to sit. “Of course, I don’t mind. I did have some documents I wanted to show you. Though I know it’s late I could just show them tomorrow.”

With a deep breath Venelana sits down opposite Akeno and rests her hands on the table the book no longer visible. A nice little trick it came with. Venelana could make it float, follow her, as well vanish from sight a useful little thing indeed. “Now then Akeno. Let’s start testing things, shall we?” Akeno cocks an eyebrow confused but Venelana’s hand was already holding hers. “Null.” Just with one word Akeno’s eyes glaze over and a bit of drool even runs off her lips. “Oh, how wonderful it seems to work correctly… the book feeds me the power, but I need to use the correct command words.” Clearing her throat Venelana makes sure to keep herself clear. “Suggest.” Akeno’s head lifts and stares at Venelana listening intently. “Command. Tomorrow you will take the others, including Issei nice and far away. Go to an amusement park or something. Though you will make sure Rias stays here with me. You work for me after all… the real Rias. The fake pretender is not your friend. It’s just a pawn for you to use in our game. There is no need to respect her. Do what’s needed to complete the mission.” Smirking softly to herself Venelana adds. “Obey. You will gain the power to make those other girls listen to my commands so they will not get in the way of me and Issei. This works on everyone but me. You require contact with the person to create the effect.” With that Venelana lets go of Akeno’s hands. Fixing her hair up a little Venelana leans over the table and wipes the drool from Akeno’s lips. “Hehe, this should be fun my little puppet. Issei will be mine~ That’s all that’s needed. I know you agree. Now then… Resume.” Venelana leans back into her seat and Akeno’s eyes refocus blinking a few times. “I think it’s wonderful dear. I’m glad you talked to me about it in such detail.”

Akeno rubs at her eyes confused and yawns into her palm. “Ah… um, excuse me. I seem far more tired than I first thought. I feel like I fell asleep in the middle of our conversation.”

Venelana sighs and stands up patting Akeno’s shoulder. ‘That’s alright dear, we have a big day tomorrow. So go get your rest, we can talk more later.” The girl nods, stands up, and leaves. The door closes and Venelana smiles. “A big day indeed… it feels so easy to use this power. I wonder what Rias will think of it. Well… time for bed.”


Issei rolls out of bed landing right on his butt. Another day sleeping beside Rias he should consider himself lucky, however, his eyes held dark circles. “I stayed up way too late with Koneko… Crap.” Sighing into his palm the young man stands himself up and dusts off his butt. “Rias is still as beautiful as always… never sure how she doesn’t get embarrasses just wearing a shirt to bed like that. Guess I can’t complain though.” Looking toward the foot of the bed now Issei notices his white-haired cat girl Koneko curled up at the end of the bed. “She… she really fell asleep here too huh?” Sighing again in his palm Issei opens up his room door and starts walking down the hall scratching at his stomach. “Well… guess I can at least grab some breakfast or something. Ugh, tired as hell though.” In just a shirt and his boxers, the groggy Issei slowly walks toward the dining room thumping his head against something soft yet bouncy enough to push him back. “Gah, what th—” In front of Issei stands Venelana in a black nightgown. Her shoulders were a bit exposed and her purple eyes stared with a sultry look. Rias had to get it from someone that was for sure. “S-sorry about that.” Nervously laughing Issei quietly steps around Venelana though he did like boobs usually he did not try to accidentally run into his girlfriend's mom’s breast. “Anyway... um, just gonna grab some food soooo yeah.”

Venelana chuckles faintly turning on her heel to stare at Issei. “Don’t worry so much it looks like you didn’t sleep well.” Issei’s slouches forward to lean into the convenient excuse. “Hehe, poor thing. I was thinking though, and well after seeing you I may as well. I wanted to spend some alone time with Rias today. So… if you wouldn’t mind, how about you take the other girls somewhere nice. Ask the driver and they’ll be able to take you.”

Issei blinks a few times processing the words just said. He bumped into breasts and instead of getting punished is just told to leave the house for a while. Seemed a pretty fair trade still he promised Rias some more couple time. “I don’t know if I should do that. Rias really wanted us to spend some time together. I know the other girls are here too. But we wanted to keep most of our free time to each other. Have a um… ya know, date day, or um, date vacation. Whatever ya w nna call! I want to treat your daughter right.”


The snap is soft Issei did not even hear it. Though it was not for his ears anyway. Stepping behind him Akeno touches Issei’s shoulder a soft smile on her face. Of course she too was wearing a rather sultry black nightgown as if all the girls wanted to tempt Issei today. Venelana figured temp was the correct word at least. She needed him out of the house for a bit to start the plan. “Issei.” Akeno speaks up her eyes flicking to Venelana to confirm things were going well. “Rias won’t mind. She told me yesterday she wanted to speak with her mother for a bit as well. It’s not often she gets time with just her without her other family members around. Let her have a little time, you can spend plenty with her when we go over to the beach house.”

Issei sighs again scratching at the back of his head. He was a bit too tired to be dealing with all this. “I mean I guess if she said it’s fine, I don’t really mind then. But, you gotta help me bring all the other girls along. A lot of them seemed like they wanted to just lay around the house today.”

Venelana and Akeno both smile at each other. Akeno’s words then mimic the one's Venelana mouths. “Of course, I’ll help. The girls should have no trouble listening to me. Now come on, why don’t we have some breakfast?”

With that, the two walk away together leaving Venelana alone. Briefly, she peeks over her shoulder at the large book materializing. It hovers just above her shoulder with a bit of a gap between. “Hehe you really are so useful, aren’t you? Oh, what should I do first then…” Flipping through a few pages Venelana stops skimming over a spell that had several odd-shaped circles on it. “Hm, this should do the trick. I wonder what Rias will think. What should I do… play a card game with her? Make a bet? No, no, who would do that it’s far too simple-minded. Elica wouldn’t enjoy the show with just that.” The book wiggles to the words and Venelana scoffs. “Heh of course you think so too, don’t you? I’m really doing this… I can’t just have there be two Rias in the world…” A soft smile creases along Venelana’s lips as the book closes and turns invisible once again. “She always was a bit of a Daddy’s girl.”


The shower steams, Rias calmly steps in letting the water wash over her body. “Ah…” In the distance, she could hear doors closing and a car driving off. When she woke up no one was in bed with her no one was even in the room. “I wonder if they just went off somewhere? Did Issei need to get something? I didn’t even think he would wake up till noon.”

Tap, tap

A wet foot slaps against the tile of the bathroom and Rias cocks her head to the noise. Just like in her occult club room, her office, where she stayed for long periods. She made sure those places had a rather large shower. Though this was the shower in her room she did not expect more to be walking into the bathroom. “Rias?” But her mom’s voice responds, setting down a towel Venelana walks through the steam stepping up close to her daughter. They stare at one another for a moment and Rias grabs at her soap. “Rias, Issei, and the others went out for a bit, I was hoping we could spend a little time together. Discuss how things are going with your business, discuss how things are going with Issei.”

Rias lathers herself with soap, takes out conditioner, and begins to condition her hair as well. She was no stranger to bathing and showering with other girls. Her mother was not big deal either. Still, Rias had not been talking with her that often lately. With all the excitement they had to deal with, tournaments, little girl dragon gods, yokai, angel fights, demon fights, fallen angel fights. It was one thing or the other lately so Rias had no time to talk with her mom. If it was not dealing with if ass or breasts were better it was something else that threatened the area or even the world. “A lot has happened lately. I’m surprised how much you’re able to handle the different properties and businesses. There has been a lot of work for me and everyone lately. Issei more so, he seems to end up always having to solve the problems somehow.” Sighing to herself Rias drags her fingers through her freshly conditioned hair grabbing some shampoo to start applying it now. “It’s made me feel like a bit of a burden. I think everyone can feel like that. Issei’s amazing. I really do think that. Though he shouldn’t be forced to handle every situation. Yet none of us have been able to really help against any major threat, just the pathetic lackeys and goons.”

Nodding sagely like the mother she is Venelana crosses her arms under her breasts letting the water wash over her. “Aw sweetie, it’s okay to feel inadequate sometimes. Though even if you can’t solve the problems with blind kindness, pervertedness or some irrational power. You still are the reason Issei can find so much of his power. All you girls are.” Venelana giggles softly to herself. “After all if he did not have all of you, I’m sure he would be much weaker. He needs motivation, and you all give it to him. He's still here so he must not be that burdened by it.”

Rias lets her arms relax a bit watching the shampoo run off her silky red hair. “I suppose you’re correct… I just can’t help but feel like I could do more. Though to Issei I may already be doing more than enough just by being near him. Still, I’d like to do more for him. As his partner.”

Venelana places her right index finger on her chin and closes her eyes. “Hmmm.” Innocently she lets a sweet tone fill the shower acting like that kind and caring mother. “Well, Rias my darling. I could help teach you some things that will make Issei only have eyes for you. He’ll get a nosebleed as soon as he sees you. Hehe, you just need to turn up your feminine charms even more. You know he always seems far more attracted to mature girls, doesn’t he?”

A slow breath leaves Rias’s lips and she looks up shyly at her mother. It was not like Rias to jump at asking for help. Though she wanted to do something more. “Well… if you think it would help, I’m willing to learn whatever I need to. I like to think I’ve learned how to be mature and elegant from you. Though with so much time apart you’ve probably already noticed where I’m lacking.”

Venelana and her daughter were about the same height but she has about an inch over her daughter. It worked well for Venelana since she could still coddle her daughter, even more so when she had different plans running through her head. They both have a decent amount of power, and they both have the power of destruction as well. Hair color aside they both even have the same type of cow lick in their hair. Though there were always differences. Venelana grabs at her daughter's hands and pulls her in close. Their breasts push against one another squishing and squeezing as water runs over them. Rias’s blush darkens but she tries to keep herself from letting out any embarrassing sounds around her mother. “I already know you love Issei, after all, I asked him the question right in front of you. For you, it was painted over your face. Hehe, though you know he does love breasts. And Mommies are just that much bigger aren’t they?” Rias kept quiet squirming in the hold she was being kept in. “Wouldn’t it be nice then to grow bigger like how your beautiful mother is? You’re still young, a bit of growth would do you well.”

Rias was not sure what to say, for her age she figured she had grown as large as she was going to get. Though it was true with a larger chest Issei may look at her even more, and count on her even more. “What exactly… what would I have to do Mother? I think I’ve stopped growing… I don’t really see how I can. Magic that alters the body can be risky. Issei wouldn’t like me to change myself drastically.”

The comment was ironic given what Venelana was already starting. “Sweet Rias keep those lips of yours shut tight.”

Rias cocks her head her cheeks no longer blushing now she was just confused. “Excuse me? Those words… feel almost magical. Are you doi—”

Venelana squeezes Rias in tighter the girl's breasts smushing together. Their nipples flick against each other, and Venelana’s hands squeeze at Rias’s wrist preventing her from leaving. Rather, it felt like Rias could not leave now. Like all of her power was suddenly sapped away from her. Her voice felt dry in the steamy shower. No words come from her mouth she looks to her mother for help. Venelana on the other hand keeps up with her chant. “No one shall know any of thy plights.” Rias could not understand why her mother was casting a spell but a magic circle begins to form around her neck. “What’s mine is now yours, what’s yours is now only mine. From this moment on you relinquish all rights.”

The translucent magic circle glows with a black-and-white hue. With the final words said the white circle wraps itself around Rias’s neck and then fades, while the black hovers above the top of her head and shoots down her body, then it too vanishes. “G-gah!’ Rias lets out a gasp finally feeling her words come back to her. Pushing her mother back she stampers almost falling over on the wet tile floor. “Mother what is the meaning of this?!”

Stretching out her arms Venelana lets a long sigh pass her lips. “You had it rather easy did you not? Mommy and Daddy always giving you everything you wanted? Then you start playing around with this boy and even more, things go your way. I’ve had to put up managing your father's harem and you go about making this Issei boy into the spitting image of your Daddy now?” Sighing she takes a step forward brushing a hand through her hair. Maybe it was the book, that put so many thoughts into Venelana’s head. Elica never told her how to use the spells. She never said what to do either. Just that she could, yet Venelana decided to let all of her frustrations motivate her. Everything left unsaid would be the driving force that allowed her to do something horrible with no regrets. “You can have him. I’ll take your boy instead. Start over. Heh, even if a bit smaller I’ll manage fine.” Venelana thrusts her leg forward and takes a hefty step toward Rias grabbing the girl's boobs into her hands. “Now let's start already! You don’t need to be you anymore!”

Rias had no idea what to think, a gasp leaves her lips again being suddenly groped. Yet another feeling was filling her body. It was like when she would use all of her breast energy to help Issei. Though it was something else, her breasts were growing a bit larger. “What… what is all of this? Y-you’re… mother did something happen? Have I been that harsh to you? You like Issei as well?” Venelana smiles and lets go of Rias’s breasts showing off the new pair she had for herself. “Wait… your chest… looks smaller?”

Most would not have thought about what Venelana was doing so she could not blame her precious daughter. “They’re yours.” Cupping her breasts, she lets them bounce as water still runs over her. “What are they again… about ninety-nine centimeters? Hehe, you have mine now. Nice, aren’t they? Just a little bigger, one hundred and eight centimeters. Maybe you could tell Issei about it.” Venelana could not hold back her chuckles. She did gain Rias’s breasts. The book was doing just as it said. Part of her was not sure how well the spell would work but it functioned to the letter.

Rias now squeezes at her new chest confirming the size change. “I don’t understand… we exchanged chests? What are you trying to do?” Rias lets her hands drop and tries to move away but Venelana would not allow her.

Shaking her head sadly Venelana roughly grabs a hold of Rias’s hair. “Null Energy.” Rias had no idea what the words meant but she could see an object behind Venelana glow. “Rias.” Venelana keeps speaking her hand still holding onto her daughter's pretty red hair. “You’ll become the new me. I said it rather plainly do you still not understand? I guess you’ll put it together after this.”

Rias’s body felt weak like her Mom holding her hair was the only thing keeping her standing right now. “A-ah… those words earlier… that light.” As much as Rias wanted to know what was going on she could not have known that her Mom was given a powerful book from a bunny girl. All Rias can do is watch clumps of her red hair fall to the tile floor. “This—” Venelana gives her a shake stopping her from fidgeting. More hair falls. The long beautiful hair she cared for so much was falling off her head like she was shaving it all away. More and more falls clogging the drain, yet Venelana still had something to hold onto. Suddenly she can stand on her own. Rias grabs at her hair that was left and tugs it over her shoulder seeing a lightish brown color. “This… this is like your hair. It even feels the same.”

With a cackling laugh, Venelana tugs at her hair. Though instead of falling out it starts to grow longer. “There get it now?! I’m trading up. I want to be young again, I want young love again. I want the power to control and not just put up with all of this harem crap.” Vulgar, Rias’s mother was starting to sound vulgar, like her noble side never existed. Her hair though still looked beautiful even all wet. The roots of her hair begin to change a scarlet red. Her fingers running through it just make the red shine a bit more. Rias watches her mother gain hair just like she had moments ago. Long beautiful, and red, just like her father's. “I’ll look so pretty as you Rias.” Venelana scoffs out her words and grabs her daughter by the cheeks. “You’re as cute as a button, and now I will be too. You can enjoy managing your father’s harem since you love running this circus with Issei so much.” Kissing the tip of Rias’s nose Venelana pushes the girl over making her fall to her butt. “Your height, bust, voice, hair, I’ll become you. You’ll become me.’ Tapping at her throat Venelana’s vocal tone and pitch both change with each little hit. “See-I-sound-just-like… You. Hehe yes, this is the right voice isn’t it.” Turning on her foot she walks over to the shower controls and turns the water off. “Well. Enjoy yourself now won’t you Rias? I did give you a bigger chest like you asked.” Grabbing Rias’s towel Venelana puts it around herself and takes the one she had brought to use for her now long hair. Already with each small step, she takes to the door Rias watches her mother’s height adjust. They looked enough alike that it was subtle, but Rias could tell. “Oh and.” Venelana turns on her heel her youthful smile beaming at Rias. “I made it so you can never tell anyone about this. They’ll just think you’re me. The more you try to tell, give little hints… you’ll just act more like Venelana instead. Hehe, so play your part. Enjoy walking in Mommy’s shoes for a bit. I’ll make sure to tame Issei well.”


The bathroom door slams and Rias is left by herself. Standing up from the wet floor she carefully walks over to the mirror. Staring at her is her mother. The reflection was not hers. It was her Mother’s naked body looking at her. “Do…” Rias’s voice comes out a whisper at first, but just speaking softly confirmed her thoughts. “I sound just like her too. I can tell the height difference. The weight of my breasts has changed for sure. My hair…” Twirling a finger around the stand of brown hair Rias looks back at the towels on the towel rack she still has. “What am I supposed to do? Also…” Holding out her hand Rias could not summon her power of destruction. No magic, no demon energy, nothing. “She took my powers away. I feel a little stronger than before, at least not wobbling, but what was that she used on me? An artifact? My powers don’t seem to be coming back… they have to if she wants me to be her right? Maybe they only do if I play the part. Was she corrupted?” Rias stares at the mirror conflicted. It was her mother, was it all an act, was it a test? “What can I do…”


The crash of the waves, finally the beach day had come. A nice beach house, babes in bikinis. It was all Issei needed to recharge himself when stressed. Stretching out his arms he sighs slowly. “Ah… I slept great last night. Rias sure knows how to make a guy feel better. Heh, was probably a good idea to not stay up all night with Koneko again though.” Walking along the beach in his swim trunks and an open white button shirt he walks as some of the girls play in the water. Others play volleyball laughing and shouting. Though Rias is standing right in front of him. “Rias, finally grab that shaved ice? Hope it’s good.”

Rias smiles confidently and walks right up to Issei locking her arm around his. “It’s delicious. Want some yourself?” Putting the cup in her left hand she takes the wooden spoon from it and shoves some of the red icy treat into Issei’s mouth.

Swallowing down he laughs his arm pressing now and again into Rias’s breast making him blush. “Y-yeah! It’s great! Honestly, these past few days have been great. White bathing suit by the way; a nice touch.”

Rias laughs and gives Issei another spoon full of ice nuzzling a bit into his side. “Hehe, glad you enjoy it so much. It isn’t often we get a break like this. So, I wanted to tease you just a little bit. When we get back home, I think I’ll give you another treat too.”

Venelana wanted to groan. Sitting under an umbrella table would be a nice time for most people. Venelana on the other hand felt like she could barely do anything. “I really can’t tell anyone can I?” Biting at her lip she looks down at her hands, a nice fruit drink sitting in them.” When I tried to tell Akeno I got this straw hat and maxi skirt bathing suit. When I tried to talk to Asia I ended up telling her how adorable she is. Talking to Koneko I said she seems like a daughter to Issei… None of my words are my own except when I’m by myself. Yet Mother keeps gloating at me. Doing things with Issei in front of me.”

“Mother” Hearing her voice was the worse part Venelana thought. The new Rias was mocking her in every way possible. “Me and Issei are going to go to the lookout point just so you know. We’ll be back before midnight.”

Venelana stands up grabs Rias’s wrist and pulls her in. “Wait just a second young lady!” It was not the exact words Rias wanted to say but it was a start. “You’re not with Issei right now… how long do you intend to do this. It’s already been several days. Don’t you think this is inappropriate?”

Rias chuckles and pulls her wrist from her Mother's grasp. “Oh sorry Mother. Heh, I thought you could handle things like this better. Don’t worry Father will be back in a few days and I’m sure you’ll be able to enjoy yourself. Maybe you should ask another from the harem to take over for a bit if you’re feeling unwell.”

Venelana grits her teeth she wanted to slap the girl in front of her. Though instead of slapping Venelana starts speaking again. “You’re right… I have been missing him a bit. It would be nice to get some time alone.” Issei picked the wrong time to walk into the conversation. He only started approaching, but now he stood next to Rias politely nodding his head. “Oh, Issei!” Venelana giggles but inside of herself, she wanted to tell him the truth. “You better make sure to take care of my Rias now. Don’t get into any trouble too, this is supposed to be a relaxing time for both of you.”

Issei smiles and proudly slaps his chest. “Of course! I’ll take care of her, no worries here!” Grabbing onto Rias’s hand he pulls her along and both of them run off leaving Venelana in the dust.

“Issei.” Rias speaks calmly running along with them as they head off toward the lighthouse. “Calm down a second. Heh, the lighthouse isn’t going to run away.”

Clearing his throat Issei quickly lets go of Rias’s hand. “Opps… yeah. Sorry. I got a little ahead of myself. But um, is your mom doing okay? She’s looked a little sad lately whenever I caught her looking over at us.”

A light grin forms on Rias’s face and she shakes her head. “It’s fine she’s just missing Father. With brother, Father, and the others in the harem all out of the house currently. She’s just a little lonely. It was why she asked us here. I wouldn’t worry about it though, she’s looking forward to when Father comes home already.” Issei shrugs and leaves it at that starting to walk up the path.


Rias on the other hand is stopped, seeing a pair of bunny ears sticking out of the sand. With a soft sigh, she looks back toward Issei. “I’ll be a moment, go on ahead, there’s someone I have to talk to.” Issei nods not caring to pry at the moment. Left by herself Rias begins to walk toward the ears watching them slowly move along the sand till they get closer to the cliff under the lighthouse.


Popping up just like how she popped away in the shower Elica appears. Her shoes dig into the sand and she wobbles a moment but stabilizes with a smile on her face. “I am here once again!”

Rias could feel her heart rate start to go up, any number of issues could come up with Elica around. “What is it you want Elica…? I didn’t expect to see you again. Have I done something wrong?”

Shaking her head Elica bends at her hip letting sand pour out from her dress. “Nah that’s not an issue. I just came back for the book. My Dad said we’d be using it again soon for a different project so I wanted to make sure it’s all good to go! Though it looks like you’ve been using it a lot huh? The voice commands are pretty nice, aren’t they? Did you try the house cleaning stuff? Saves on maid services for sure.”

Rias cocks her head slowly to the side. She had not even known it could do things like clean, though she did not exactly look either. “Well… um.” Clearing her throat, she snaps and the book becomes visible floating down to her hands. “I didn’t know you would want it back. But I’ve done what I wanted so here.”

The book trades hands and Elica gives a hardy nod stuffing the book up the skirt of her dress to parts unknown. “Great nice and safe now! Hehe… oh yeah you’re fine with everything right? The book won’t be able to undo the spells you use unless you have it.”

Rias’s head turns back toward her mother sitting lonely at the umbrella table. Then she slowly looks back to Elica. “I have everything I want now… if it needs to go back to how it was. Someone else can figure that out.” Turning away from Elica she begins to walk along the cliff to get on the lighthouse path.

“Hey!” Elica waves her arm out toward Rias. “Yooou positive? You seem in a rush. Heh, well I guess if that’s what you want not my place to complain. I did give ya all the warnings.”

“I’m sure.” Rias does not look back and keeps walking. “I’ve got a date, so I’m not going to waste time. You have your book. So go do whatever you have to.”

Elica gives a silent thumbs-up and pops away. Finally, everything had been done. Rias meets up with Issei at the lighthouse and they both lace their fingers together slowly walking up the tower steps. Issei smiles happily to himself, and Rias felt happy too. “You know… I guess I’m thankful to your mom for a lot of things.” Rias flinches a little at Issei’s comment but keeps walking the steps. Finally, they reach the top; an expansive ocean view before them.

“Issei…” Rias calmly closes her eyes. “Why do you say that?”

Smirking Issei leans in close to Rias kissing the girl's lips tenderly. His hand brushes her cheek and strokes through her hair. Rias lets him, her arms resting on his back as they kiss. Then, they disconnect, Issei’s face just a bit red. “I love you Rias. That’s why, a lot of people helped my confidence… but her putting things bluntly helped a lot too.”

Rias places her hand on the back of Issei’s head and brings him back for another tender kiss. Pulling their lips away she smiles back as well. “Yeah, I suppose my Mother is pretty amazing. Heh. Probably in more ways than either of us know.”


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