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The Reapers were ravaging planet after planet within the milky way. Just when one Reaper could finally be destroyed more would take its place. Even if they had limited numbers, the amount of destruction just one Reaper would cause would be too great before they could be countered properly. Something had to change and only a few people were willing to find any solution.

Liara T’soni an asari and Miranda Lawson a human where two individuals actively trying to fight for the survival of the galaxy. Even when met with such a great threat so many in the galaxy are quick to simply fight each other and complain about economics. Even as people burn up from lasers or get killed by crashing rubble. The mission of these two women was at least a noble one compared to the political fools letting their people die. Liara a researcher of an old race known as Protheans seemed to finally find something to turn the tides against the Reapers. As usual, Commander Shepard and his team seemed to be the only group of people willing to fight for the Galaxy and work together. As Shepard was working on another mission to figure out more about old relics from the Protheans Liara and Miranda are tasked with looking into rumors of a precursor artifact. The term precursor was used in regards to Prothean technology but could have been made by a different species. Regardless Precursor relics and technology were over fifty million years old. Finding any that still worked was a marvel, more so if the Reapers had not destroyed them.


Liara’s white boots hit the dirt of the planet's vast cave system under its surface. “I still can’t believe it. This tunnel system interconnects. Each tunnel leads into one another, it’s so vast, wide and well… it’s mapped really. It could only be made by technology or hand. Though the elements of time have made the cave system appear natural to many others.” Right away Liara was going into full Research mode. Space helmet on her white gloves hands taps against the forearm of her armor to input different commands into her omi-tool being mindful to upload data where needed. “I’m glad we had the Normandy run a deep scan over the planet before dropping with the Mako. This sort of planet is simply fascinating. It reminds me of the one Shepard found me on years ago.”

Miranda though intelligent did not claim to be a researcher. A lot of what Liara found fascinating Miranda was somewhat filtering out and focusing on moving. She was more or less supposed to be the muscle for the mission. That and Liara did not know how to drive the Mako. “Miss T’soni, though this is all interesting remember our priority is finding this precursor relic… or whatever it is.” Miranda would normally take the time to toss her hair over her shoulder the helmet over her head prevented that so she moves along. Holding her gun in her hand she was feeling relieved not having to use it. Though walking through the cave systems no animals seemed to be on the planet at all. Their helmets currently were on because they were unsure about running into anything unsafe. The planet did have oxygen to support life though.

Crouching down Liara digs up some dirt samples. The soil was grayish in spots though it was a mix of different browns as well. It gave the planet's ground a dull look. Standing back up then Liara sighs, her head not bothering to turn in Miranda’s direction. “You can just call me Liara. You’ve done away with your dealing with Cerberus we have no reason to act so… formal. I’ll simply call you Miranda at least. Now let’s keep moving, we have plenty of ground to cover as we go deeper.”

The women take their time walking through the cave system. They were only able to take the mako into the caves so far as the tunnels got too narrow. Luckily for them, the narrow tunnels were pretty far down. Liara and Miranda both could already feel the heat of the planet's core as they walk. Though slowly but surely the tunnels look less naturally shaped and more artificial. Above the women they can see indents of what looks like a drill that had long since drilled out the tunnel. The only reason the shape was somewhat retained was that the surface under the women’s feet felt solid like a rock. Liara was making sure to make note of the formation and changes in the ground constantly. Nether of the woman though expected to walk into a place with an actual structure.


The lava below them was hot, though not unbearable since the women both have their protective suits on. In front of them, is indeed a structure. Circular in shape, piping going into the lava possibly for geothermal power at the source. The size was about the size of a human’s football stadium. Large but honestly not as large as Liara was expecting. “Unbelievable.” Liara’s mouth gawks in awe. She bolts from Miranda and runs right to the structure making her companion forced to keep up. “This is amazing, an actual intact structure! It even appears to still be functioning! How could we not have found something like this sooner?!”

Miranda catches up to Liara panting at the girl’s side as she glances over the structure. “This… ah, this black metal stuff. It’s strange. This facility, is it using the planet's core itself to power it?”

Walking on what appears to be a walkway Liara begins mumbling to herself, flashing her omi-tool all over the place to capture footage as well as quickly type notes. “I’m unsure but it seems the structure was made specially. Almost like it was made with the intention to feed off the core of a planet rather than be powered by it. Those pipes on closer inspection seem to be intake tubes but I see no output.” Liara brushes her hand over the wall of the building trying to find any spot that seems like a door. “This material is cool to the touch even through my suit. I’m unsure if the inside itself then is filled with lava too. Though…” Liara’s lip quivers as she presses her hand against one piece of the wall and a rectangle indent presses in. “Did that open it?!”


Yet again the sound of steam echoes through the caves. Only this time the black surface of the wall opens sinking into the ground below to relieve a surprisingly small room, enough for probably five people. Walking into the room cautiously both women make note of the object floating in the center of the room, a white light shining over it. The item appeared to be some sort of staff made of the same black metal or stone of the structure. Typing out some notes on her arm Liara can only theorize the staff is probably a refined version of what the structure is made of. “Most interesting. The amount of energy the staff is giving off should have killed us as soon as we walked in.”

Miranda shivers in her suit hearing the comment, her voice now more nervous rather than excited like Liara. “Well, that’s great we’re still alive. But we figured out that thing generates a massive amount of power, right? We know where it is and how to open this thing. I think we should report back to Shepard and discuss with everyone what we should do about this.”

Despite Miranda’s words, Liara was already standing just three feet away from the rod, just another little step and she could grab at it easily. “This is far too interesting of a find… what sort of device could this be used for? Or is the staff itself a device that needs this much power? If it has been constantly functioning, has It stored energy that surpasses fifty million years?”


The Wall opening closes behind both the woman leaving them shut inside. Liara of course keeps staring at the staff leaving Miranda to freak out by herself about being possibly trapped in the small room. “Oh come on is there another way to open it from in here?! Why did it close?” Miranda rubs her hand all along the while trying to find any seam that acted as a button but she found nothing. “Liara stop messing around with that thing, if we’re trapped in here, it won’t mean anything!”

Sighing Liara takes a step back and tries to open up her communications channel noticing she had no connection. “It appears that inside this is a dead zone. Our signal was rather weak close to it as well though. I am sure if we’re actually trapped Shepard will send another team for us shortly. In the meantime, we can keep examining this staff.” Miranda sighs and slides down the side of the wall watching Liara. “Don’t get depressed over this Miranda. I think this device is useable. Let me just—” Good idea or not Liara finally reaches her hand out to the staff and simply touches it with just a fingertip. Then, everything goes dark. The room was only illuminated by lights over the staff. Now the room was just pitch black. Liara and Miranda both try and turn their lights on but that does not work.


The girl’s bodies wobble and Liara even stumbles onto the ground Miranda barely keeping herself up sitting. It was like they were both flung in an elevator or some sort of whacky amusement park ride. The room around them even takes some time to settle from shaking, then, the door of the domed room cracks and slides down open. The doorway though does not lead to a cave with magma. Miranda being the closest sees what looks like a hotel room almost. Bed, TV in the room, nice open windows overlooking a park in a city. Walking out of the black room Miranda gives a glance back and only sees the door to the room, it did not look like the room itself had crashed into the building. “Well, this is just strange. Liara… you see this right? We’re not in the caves, and the structure, the building, it didn’t crash into anything.”

Liara looks at the staff for a few moments and decides to walk out of the room herself turning back just as Miranda had to look over the odd placement. “A structure that size in a place like this, it doesn’t make sense for sure. We heard it crashing as well. Unless that is what we chose to hear?”

Both the women now turn around on their heels and walk together over to the window. Looking out at the city the city they were in was in good condition. Staring at it for some time though they even notice in the streets and through the air now and again cars were moving by. The races of the people they could spot seemed to be mostly human. “This… doesn’t make sense.” Miranda utters the words softly, the closest she could guess was they were on Earth, but the city was not in ruins. The Reapers were supposed to have left most of the Earth in tatters. “A city on earth would not look this nice… the Reapers destroyed so much of it.”

Liara’s eyes widen and she quickly spins back around and gasps. “No! No, no, I was a fool, why did I not think of such a possibility!” Liara runs across the room and bangs at the now-closed door in front of her. Miranda stares in confusion as she looks back but begins to realize herself; the door to the black room was no longer there. The only door there was a closed closet door. “This… that whole structure. It must have been some sort of traveling device! But… on a quantum level?”

Miranda was no scientist or researcher so somethings Liara could talk about would go over her head. Though she was by no means stupid either. Hearing Liara’s babble now the situation was telling enough, something bad just happened. “Quantum… are you saying because we were not keeping actual eye contact on the structure it simply vanished, it moved?”

Pacing back and forth Liara nods looking over the building now and again and outside the window. “Though that seems to be the case, I don’t understand it all. Did the staff itself activate some sort of quantum field around the structure only? As well if we are indeed on Earth where are the Reapers? We have to figure this out, we must contact Shepard at least.”

Thud, rip, tear

Miranda falls to her knees. Some sudden pain ripples up through her body. “G-gah what is all this?!” Trying to speak felt hard, and her suit even rips and tears in places. It was like the reinforced fabric meant nothing.

Stunned Liara takes a step back and quickly taps at her omi-tool. Though her legs buckle as well feeling the same pains. “A-ah it seems the staff, the structure affected us in some way? Or is it where we are?”


Both the girl’s clothes burst from their bodies like a popped balloon. Omi-tool, helmet, boots, nothing was safe, everything bursts off like some sort of cheap cloth leaving the girls completely naked. Though awe-struck Liara is even more surprised to see the articles of clothing fade away into nothingness. “Th-this… where exactly did we end up? N-ngh what is this pain we’re feeling?”

Biting at her lip Miranda lets a moan past her lips. “Mm-mmngh!” Wincing eyes, clenching toes, the pain in her body was changing to stimulation. Her breath falls into pants, her cheeks getting red from a mix of embarrassment and whatever pleasing feeling she was experiencing. “Th-this is not what I… s-signed up for!”


It felt subtle at first the pangs at Miranda’s chest, but it became far too clear. Her breasts were growing right in front of her eyes. She was unsure how to even react. Grabbing at the mounds of flesh was doing nothing, just making her eyes wince more. They press into her hands and keep growing larger. She was usually a pretty modest average girl in build if she had to say so herself. She did have breasts but they were not oversized by any means. The breasts connected to her body now seemed larger than her head swaying around, pulling her back into a slouch. “A-ah this doesn’t make any sense!” Miranda whines out her words, though hoping the sudden breast enlargement was it would be too good to be true.

Jiggle, jiggle

Miranda’s butt even increases in size, along with it her slender muscly figure changes with it. Butt pushing out her muscle leaves from her body to fit a more feminine hourglass style figure. The natural curve to her back and butt somehow made it easier to support her new breast size but the logic to it barely made sense to her. Even some of the girl’s black hair seemed to have grown a bit, more than usual falling over her shoulder. “Th-this can’t be real.” The pain leaves her body, and she gently brushes her fingers across her face. It was plain as day even parts of her face changed as well, her lips felt far plumper than before.

Liara was dumbstruck. Miranda’s body had changed completely before her eyes. “Th-this… even your muscles? You seem like the women that would work in the massage pal—” Squeezing her eyes shut Liara’s chest jerks forward her breasts suddenly bouncing up pulling her forward, the size increasing right along with the jerking motion. “W-wait it’s happening to me as—”

Jerk, jerk, bounce!

Pulled forward by her own body again Liara almost falls over as her breasts bounce up and then expand in size again making her brace her knees. “None of this makes sense… it-it defies the logic of—”

Bounce, bounce, thud

Now Liara’s backside even pulls at her pushing her back till she finally falls on her backside. She feels a rather sizeable cushion under her, the butt had grown just like Miranda’s had. “A-ah, why is mine pulling at me, does it change with race? These proportions are far too impracti—” Trying to speak up Liara feels a squeeze at her hips, she now also had a lovely hourglass frame just like Miranda. Each little moan rippling off Liara’s lips she felt changes on her face too; thicker lips, soft and plump as if perfect for kissing. Then it seemed both the pains and pleasures filling the girls stop. They were left alone in that room naked still.

“So.” Miranda sits herself up slowly and then shakily stands up her body wobbling back and forth from the different center of balance. “Why… should I even ask why? Are we in someone’s fantasy? This feels all too real to me.” Miranda grabs at her breasts, feeling the weight and tug as she lets go. “These… this is ridiculous.”

Standing up herself Liara seems to keep her balance easier though her body does squirm a little now and again her eyes shifting around nervously. “Our bodies changed completely, suddenly; our clothes phased away like dissolved into nothing. Not even dust. We… we need to figure out where we are.” Liara at first tries to cover her breasts though notices right away her arm cannot reach over both of them. Sighing she instead just walks over to the remote of the room and examines it. A nice tablet-style remote to input commands for different aspects of the room. Liara switches the wall display on, which normally acts as a TV, to the interactive browser. “There… and at least this still functions.” Waving her hand over the display she scrolls through different news articles, even looks at the dates, and begins pulling up different tabs for things of note. “You’re seeing all this too correct?”

Holding a hand over her mouth Miranda could barely believe her eyes. “Each one… none of these make sense. That’s the correct date, but all of these events are different. No Reapers ever found? Shepard became some sort of marketing toy for different stores in the Citadel? Cerberus never revived him too it seems. Some things were still an issue now and again, but the matters were handled quickly. The date is correct… but the reapers never attacked. It even says we’re on earth. This, where are we Liara? Why did our bodies change?”

Biting at her thick bottom lip Liara places a hand on her hip and swings herself around to look Miranda in the eye. “Well, this is just a theory currently. Though it seems we’ve entered into an alternate reality. It is the only way I would be able to explain things. Our clothes dissolved because they do not belong to this reality, our bodies changed most likely to fit the reality… in this reality Miranda and Liara are.” Liara gestures over herself, her hand sliding back up her waist to accent the blatant curvy figure. “Whatever you’d like to call this. Apparently, we are not fighters in this reality.”

The one question the girls still had not answered was why they appeared in the building they did. Looking up information on the place listed it as private. Searching the apartment though the girls found clothing they could wear, though male clothing was also in the mix. It was only when they searched through the walk-in closet do they notice old armor that was far too similar. “This, is Shepard’s, isn’t it?” Miranda gingerly picks up the helmet with the white and red line at its side. The N7 logo on the armor displayed gave enough away. “We’re in Shepard’s home away from home…. most of the female clothing looks slutty, well all of it to be frank.” Miranda sighs and grabs one of the dresses hanging in the closet along with a pair of heels. “Still better than wearing nothing I suppose. I’m gonna find some underwear Liara, then get changed. May as well grab something for yourself too. Even if this reality made us Shepard’s girls or something. We still need something to wear to move around in public.”

Liara albeit begrudgingly grabs herself a dress and heels as well. It seemed most of the clothing for them to wear was feminine, and revealing, as well as not kind to the feet. “Well, this is certainly not the sort of night of dressing up I planned on.” Liara sighs walking up to Miranda’s side to grab her panties from the drawers. Slipping on the white lacy panties Liara makes short work getting dressed. A corset-like top acts as her bra, the white pencil dress she had gotten going over it. The white dress clings to her hourglass form making sure to accent all the right places. Then she slips on the strappy white heels to her feet and sits down at the edge of the bed in the room. “It’s not that I mind Shepard… actually. I wonder if the Shepard in this reality is a boy or girl. I read the articles but I had not looked. I wonder if that would change their personality at all. I just assumed he’d be the same, but humans do vary more…”

The asari was going all white, Miranda on the other hand has a black lacy bra and black lacy panties. She was hoping for something a tad more basic but lace seemed the most modest somehow. The dress she had picked out is a red pencil dress. Apparently their other-selves were at least consistent, that or had a style. The red dress squeezes at her frame and shows off the center of her torso exposing a bit of under boob and a hint of her bra. The dress may pass off fine in a dance place, but for casual wear, it was a bit much. Miranda’s heels are a pair of red pumps, closed-toe and about five inches in height. Liara’s were just three, fortunately, Miranda was used to walking in heels at the very least. “Well, we certainly look dressed up like this.” Miranda looks over herself in the vanity mirror of the room. “My face seems pretty cleaned up too, the thicker lips have a decent natural color, don’t even need makeup.”

Both the girls look back and forth between each other. They had clothes on at least now, but their bodies were changed, they were in a different world. “We may as well be lost and confused.” Liara sighs into her palms slowly standing back up. Walking over to the bedroom door she cannot help but sway her hips and place one foot in front of the other as she walks, her heels clacking against the ground each time. “It seems my body insists on moving a certain way. Come on Miranda, we have yet to even look at… Shepard’s home beyond the bedroom.”

Following along Miranda and Liara enter the living room. The place appeared rather clean at least, though Liara was heading right to the door out. “Liara is walking around in public like this going to be a good idea?”

Rubbing at her chin for a moment Liara nods to herself and opens up the front door. “This place would have basic needs but we have plenty more we need to find out. Let's just explore a little and regroup here.”

Sighing to herself Miranda follows along but grabs onto Liara’s hand leading her forward. “Well, I’m a bit more adjusted to walking around like this, I think. My body is weaker for sure than it was before, so let’s keep together just in case.”

The complex had a few floors to it. Taking the elevator down to ground level Miranda and Liara noticed no one else. Exiting the building proved different. The streets were lined with people walking by. Any of the eyes on those streets not looking to the scantly clad dressed asari and human were talking and chatting loudly. Miranda more understanding of human cliches already could tell a few people passing by, be it on the street or in cars were considering asking them for services. They both certainly looked like that type of girl. A fancier dress only helped so much, the inflated ass and oversized chest probably made most think they were girls looking for a sugar daddy. Walking just two blocks away the girls notice a bit of a change in the cityscape around them. More stores, more people. The area they were in moments ago seemed to be a residential area. One thing was certain being on the planet earth not many other races were wandering about. Though people could tour the planet Earth was not always so desirable to visit compared to others. Liara however stops in her heels noticing a group of asari chatting outside a store. They seemed young, around Liara age. “Hello! Excuse me!” Liara waves her hand to the group of asari and they look at each other surprised and confused as she walks over. More so with Miranda walking behind her. “You three, do you mind if I ask a question?”

The three girls stare at each other and one tries their best to not start laughing. Leaving the girl with frameless glasses on for style to speak up. “What… what would someone like you want from us? I don’t know anything about bars in the area.”

Miranda tries her best to hold back her own laugh but Liara just looks down disappointed. “I simply wanted to ask if you girls knew of anyone currently studying precursor sites.”

They all look a bit surprised at Liara’s comment. Though they seemed taken aback by how she speaks as well. “Well, you can find out that stuff online. I’m pretty new to earth, so if you mean anyone in this area, I couldn’t say myself.”

Nodding Liara bows her head, her breasts swaying a bit back and forth. “Thank you very much.” With that Liara grabs back at Miranda’s hand and the two keep walking down the street together. “Before you ask… I wanted to see how they’d react to me. Many asari, more so those close to my age were aware of my efforts, my research, many even inspired by it. They all seemed to assume I was some sort of—”

Miranda jerks her hand away this time and finishes the thought. “A ditz. Yeah, we both look like a human’s cliché bimbo. You can see people with these sorts of bodies in old archives online.”


A slap, a jiggle Miranda had a hand slap across her bottom. Twisting on her heel a man was grinning at her but his face quickly goes pale. “Oh crap, you’re one of Shepard’s! U-um, s-sorry miss!” The man bows quickly and frantically grabs at their smart device. “I’ll transfer credits now for any damages! Th-that should be enough! I apologize again, j-just don’t do anything alright! I’m leaving!”

Sliding her palm across her face Miranda turns back toward Liara. “See, I guess we both have a reputation we don’t know about. Maybe it would be better for us to figure out what people actually think of us? We walked around the block. Let’s head back for now before we get too many unwanted eyes. This Shepard of ours may not be around for a bit, but if we can use their place with no issue, we may as well.”

Heading back to the complex the girls notice a few other sets of eyes watching them. Some a bit more sternly than before. They were unsure what sort of attention Shepard brought in this reality but it appeared to be a mixed bag just like in their own.

“Alright first things first.” Liara eagerly pushes open the apartment door and runs over to another display and gets online right away. “I’ll look up a few of the papers I published, as well as try and look over my own records.”


Miranda rolls her eyes looking at the short amount of text on the display. “It seems like you don’t got a whole lot about you now.”

None of Liara’s papers were there. The articles she could find about herself mentioned how she would party too often, bringing home guys and girls every week. Her grades were always bad too. The best thing about Liara was she was able to win a few beauty contests, though usually, humans were the ones running those sorts of contests. “Y-you… Miranda you were right.” Liara bites at her thick lips and sighs deeply into her palm. “We’re nothing more than, what was the word, a couple of ditzy overgrown women!” Liara stomps her foot angrily, clearly more upset than Miranda. “Even if I gave up much as a shadow broker… my findings my research. This world has no Reapers but what exactly does it even offer us now?! What are we supposed to do here? Do you think we’ll even be able to leave the planet?”

Sitting herself down on the couch Miranda crosses one leg over the other. “Well, I say, for now, we wait for Shepard, enjoy their stock of food and drink. Then we can worry about the rest later.” Seeing Liara about to speak up Miranda holds her hand out to make the girl stop rambling. “We can’t do anything right now. If you don’t see an easy fix for us right now. That means we need to wait and weigh our options. We can’t weigh those without knowing what options we have. So, let’s wait for Shepard. And come on, not having impending death of our whole galaxy, and the trade-off is we get some slutty dresses… I don’t know how bad that is. But it beats being chased by Cerberus agents at the very least.”

Liara finally sits on the couch as well sighing again into her palms. “What about our reality though? Did we change our reality into this one, and retain our memories because of the device? Or is our reality still facing doom? We escaped to here and get a pampered life?” Liara brushes her thumb gently against the side of her hand. “We’re a different factor in this world retaining who we are. I guess we can only see what we can discover about this world. Though I think if I have a choice. I would much enjoy finding that strange structure again.”


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