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The Empire had been dealt a heavy blow. A blow so heavy the New Republic was able to form in its place. Some remnants of the Empire however still linger. Princess Leia and others within the new government have been doing their best to ring control back into the hands of the people. The most populated and civilized planets were the first to adjust. While planets not as built up still had Empire control or were only just getting out of their clutches. Peace had not come to the galaxy completely, though it was far closer to it than it had been in the past. Though those who work toward this goal do so tirelessly.

“I can’t believe this.” Leia sinks into her seat watching all matter of people walk by. Different races, different droids, everyone was doing their part. “I don’t even know what Luke’s up to. And I’ve been here trying to help run the new government. I feel even more tired than when we were at war. I’ve barely even begun to try out these odd Force powers.” Looking at her hands Leia groans softly, noticing how her skin was far paler than usual. She had been held up in office rooms too much lately. She never even had time to practice her blaster shooting, let alone trying to use the force like her brother. “I need to get out of here to actually do some training again. Every time I get a chance to leave, I feel like someone wants me for something else.”

Brooding Leia makes her way from her office to outside of the small compound Republic Base. She like many other officials kept making operation bases on several different planets to help more directly reestablish a government. On this day she was on a planet that was covered in a vast swamp. The planet had a good mix of races that usually made homes in the tall and wide trees of the swamp by hollowing out the insides. The trees could still live even with a hallowed inside and the bark was strong enough to not be phased by a laser blast so they made good homes. Getting some fresh air for Leia even in a swamp was nice, though the downside was her body was still not getting any sun. The tall trees had a canopy of leaves with large branches blotching out the sun. It kept the swamp cool but also made it so the mud and swamp gunk never really dried out by itself.

“Old threats, new threats, yet no rest for the righteous.”

Leia cocks her head back as she walks on her path. She planned on just going to one of the nearby bars to grab some food at least, though the voice she heard sounded like it was coming from all around her. Just in case Leia always keeps a blaster on her hip, her fingers were eager to hold it just in case the voice tried to make an odd move. “Hello who’s there? I don’t want any trouble.”

The voice chuckles, an older woman’s voice it sounded like. A few leaves crunch, a few branches snap, and the voice gets closer, less formless than before. “Well, it is just me young one.” A woman with red skin, she looked like she was of the Twi’lek race. The long tentacle-like tendril hair running down the woman’s body told Leia that this person was indeed old. The Twi’lek race was often desired for their rather retained beauty, and well, the woman did look good. Black patterns run across her red skin, but she was perfectly fine showing them off. Some run along her arms while the others run along with her hair tendrils. The outfit the woman was wearing was a bit scantly clad, Leia had worn some odd things at points but if she had a choice, she preferred comfort over fashion. This Twi’lek woman though wears a form-fitted tight black dress, squeezing her rather sizeable red chest, while also having a slit at the side of her thighs to expose her legs. The dress stops a bit above the ankle and has a few decorated items clattering at the hem, like little wooden charms carved from the swamp tree's special bark. “Instead of staring at me so intently, you may simply call me Veera. I am what the people of these swamps call a Witch. Probably the most cultured of all here.” Veera as she calls herself walks slowly to Leia, the woman’s movements had a sort of seduction to them that made Leia blush a bit. Veera did not seem to be trying, but maybe it was just because Leia had not been out much recently. The older woman wearing black pump heels and some form-fitted slit dress somehow was just too alluring, from how she walked to how she spoke. Maybe that was where the Witch title came into play. “Don’t worry, many are aw struck first meeting me. I hoped to meet you though girl. You only just helped the Republic push back the Empire about a year ago. Yet you have worked tirelessly to have the Republic regain control of the planets in our galaxy.”

Leia carefully lowers her hand away from her blaster. This Veera seemed more strange than dangerous so far. Carefully Leia thinks what to say, she had no idea what a person like this would even want from her. “Hoped to meet me huh? What exactly did you think I could help with? We checked this planet for any acting government and it seemed the locals never cared to mention you. If that’s the reason you came, well I’m happy to get you into the system, but I really rather at least get some food first.”

Veera smirks and chuckles softly into her hand. “Oh poor child, I’m not asking you for any favors, rather I figured to offer you a vacation of sorts. You want to relax, yes? Escape responsibility for a bit?” Lifting her hand in the air the Veera closes her eyes and breathes slowly. First, nothing happens, then Leia hears an odd hum in the air.


Slamming into Veera’s hand a wooden staff made of the hard tree bark rests. Just like the trinkets connected to the hem of her dress the staff also had symbols engraved into it. “I am Force Witch. Surely you so blessed with the power must know what it can do?” Leia stares amazed; she had seen Luke do some interesting things but the woman appeared to pull the staff from who knows how far away. “As a Force Witch I have no rules that bind me. I use the force to manipulate the world around me to my liking. So how about I help you rel—”

Leia almost bows but stops herself and instead just blurts out her words. “Of course! Please help me get some time to myself! I’ve been waiting for this too long!” With hopeful eyes, Leia clasps her hands together looking at Veera with a begging look. “Help me actually relax a bit! And maybe help me learn more about the force after as well! Lu—My brother… he, he is not the best teacher.

The Force Witch holds her hand up to silence Leia. “Enough, you’ve agreed, I shall grant your desire then.” Lifting the staff above her head Veera closes her eyes and twirls the staff several times between her fingers.


Slamming the staff into the ground Veera’s eyes give a misty green glow from them. “It is done.” That is all she says, though Leia could not really say she was relaxing just standing in the middle of the swamp.

The magical force however was just taking its time. Leia’s skin was starting to change color. The paleness to it was being replaced with blue, a dark blue at that. Leia at first was starting to back away from Veera thinking nothing had happened. “Well, if that’s all then I was going to get to the bar for some food…”

Seeing the changes before her eyes Veera smirks and tosses her staff into the air, the wooden staff hovering away back into the trees. “That’s fine, girl. You’re needed at the bar anyway.”

Leia was confused by the words. The confusion only buds more when Leia notices her hands are clearly a dark blue color. “What is all this?!” She leaps in place and rubs at her hands just to make sure it was not some sort of paint. Nothing changed though, the blue was still there and the skin felt a tad different compared to normal human skin. “Why is my skin— What did you do to me?!”

Leia goes for her blaster for real now, though as soon as her hand squeezes at the grip her body freezes. “Girl.” Veera smiles softly and lifts a small card showing an electronic display with credits listed on it. “You see, I need someone to get some credits for me. Even if I live on a swamp planet, I’m not uncivilized you see.” Leia tries to flinch, to move, but her body was still frozen stiff. “Don’t bother, my force is holding you in place. You really do have no training do you girl? Well, I’ll make things simple. Go to the bar, they're expecting one of my workers. Make credits for me. I don’t really care how. Just be quick about it or you’ll regret it. Call that a small insurance policy.” Veera turns on her heel and starts walking away. When the woman vanishes from Leia’s sight, she once again gains movement in her body.

“That… that Witch!” Leia kicks at the side of a tree trunk and sighs looking at her now blue skin. “She expects me to make credits for hers? Is it a lot or a little… she didn’t even tell me. Is this just some game to her?” Leia had no real reason to do as she was told beyond the fact, she was now blue. That was the first thought in her head. Though the Witch’s words of insurance policy started to show, to egg on Leia’s compliance. “O-Ow what was—” Grabbing at the back of her head Leia no longer felt hair or even her normal skin and skull. Firm yet a little soft is how she would describe the new feeling. Two tentacle-like head tendrils now brush down her back like pigtails on a human girl. “This… this can’t be right; she somehow can change my body into a different race?” Surprised was one way to put her feelings, though Leia was also in awe of just how much the force could really do. The hair however was not the only change about her body. Her fingernails are a darker hue to match with the skin. Her body somehow contorts at the waist making her shapelier than before, even her thighs feel a tad plump. Her chest was still rather flat but it seemed Veera knew well enough a shapely worker at a bar got more tips. “That Witch really wants me to prance around like some sort of hussy, doesn’t she? I’m suddenly grateful Han isn’t here. Knowing him he’d try and sell Chewy once he took a look at me.” Leia chuckles nervously under her breath, maybe some humor would help calm her given the situation. “I have to go there now… I was going there anyway.” Sighing to herself Leia makes her way to the bar, as she had intended to in the first place. Just now her body was completely different. It was not the afternoon lunch she thought she would be having.

The walk to the bar is only a handful of minutes, Leia reaches the large tree trunk door with ease. Walking in Leia gets a few glances right away from guests. It was about noon on the planet so the lunch rush came in. Given the different races sleeping cycles on the swamp planet all hours were alcoholic hours too. The bar served drinks throughout the whole day. Though it only served food at certain times. “Hey, you!” A voice of a woman, directed toward Leia. Looking at the source it is the woman behind the main bar counter. She’s a good few paces away so Leia is a bit surprised she noticed her. Though she seemed to be the only dark blue Twi’lek in the area so that probably helped. Veera did say a job was already lined up so Leia walks on over to the bar passing by a few booths and round tables. People were eating all manners of food, some of it looked edible to Leia. Finally reaching the counter Leia raises a hand to speak but the barkeep cuts her off right away. “Get in back. We got work. Get dressed and get out there. Get bigger tips, get out of here faster.”

Walking into the backroom Leia sighs right away at the heat she was feeling. She was not even in the kitchen but being closer to it made the temperature increase for sure. The establishment though was not low-grade Leia could attest to that. The rooms were clean, even the main floor of the bar where customers ate and drank was kept pretty clean. The doors inside were electronic and slid open as well, the floor itself kept a cool black color too it that had a feeling like tiles though seemed to have a different hardness to them. The inside of the swamp tree acted as the main walls which were a lighter brown but the colorful lighting of the bar along with windows kept the place brightened up. The walls separating different rooms were a brownish metal to try and match the inner tree. “Alright… uniform.” A door is luckily labeled for Leia reading dressing room and entering in she sees one locker with a green light on it. The locker reads Veera’s Girl across it and Leia can only sigh. “Of course, she would have something so blatant. Well… it can’t be worse than what I wore at Jabba’s, just get it over with Leia.”

The outfit is of course a bit swanky, to say the least. After getting undressed Leia has to get herself into a pair of strappy heels, a slit dress exposing her legs and shoulders. It looked a bit like Veera’s outfit just a tad sluttier. The dress had an opening in the torso to show Leia’s under boob but also exposes her center, a bit of her upper stomach stopping at about the belly button. A diamond opening that felt a tad embarrassing for Leia, but as she told herself she had worn more revealing clothes. Taking her time Leia even has fancy cuffs to lock around her new Twi’lek pigtails as she decided to call them. Something to help offset all the blue her skin had. Then the girl fully dressed walks out of the locker room, the bartender standing right there waiting for her. “Hah, of course, I was right. Here, standstill.” The bartender grabs at Leia’s cheeks and puckers her lips. Leia’s eyes roll seeing the tube of lipstick press against her lips. Of course, what every slutty waitress needed right? The bartender gets a decent coat of dark purple lipstick slathered on Leia’s lips, and even touches up Leia’s eyes with some eye shadow, and her cheeks with a bit of blush. “Despite what you may believe.” The bartender smirks and slaps Leia’s ass toward the door. “We try to keep things a bit classy around here. Make sure you don’t give my bar a bad name while you work. Your jobs simple. Make sure people are having a good time. Check my bar if I have any trays for you to hand out to any tables. Get orders from people as needed. The cuffs record them, just press the button on the side. Press again to send over to my side.”

Leia did not like getting women handled, though she knew better than to speak out about things at this point. “I’ll get the job done.” It was all she could say now, and what she needed to focus on. Pushing open the doors she begins to walk the floor. Looking at a few of the other waitresses though she could tell she was not exactly acting with as much elegance. Her walking was a bit sloppy, though she was a government official having to deal with a war front for years. It never gave her much time to learn all the refined movements of being a woman. Not that she exactly went out of her way to learn them. “Alright… I just have to find rich suckers in here that actually have money. So, the opposite of Han? Or who he thinks he is.” Leia starts walking past tables scooping out her possible marks to make as many credits as possible.


The slap to her ass this time was not from the barkeep but some man that had a tentacle-like beard. “Hah-hah-hah! Another good one on the floor today!” The man laughs with a deep voice and eyes Leia’s body over. “Your kind always are so shapely, aren’t they? I heard flexible too.”

Instinctively Leia grabs at the man’s collar and stomps her heel into his foot. “Listen here you meat sack—”

The man laughs and so do the people at his table. “Hah-hah-hah! You’re a spunky one, aren’t you! Fella’s keep this one in mind for next time!” The man is unfazed by it all. He does not move his foot despite having a heel dig into it, and he does not even move his arms to grab at Leia’s hand. “Now today, I think I’ll have, hmm, the special bark soup. Bring me a usual for the drink!”

Leia’s cuff blinks a few times and she presses the side of it. Apparently, the order was taken just like that. Stepping away from the man she simply huffs and turns her head away. “Your order will come in a while, maybe not from me, but someone will get to it.” Leia keeps herself going from table to table. Some eyes were drawn to her more than others for sure. A lot seemed to be eyeing her backside though which she found odd. “I just don get it did—” Patting her butt just for a moment Leia understood right away. It felt huge compared to her normal butt size. The slit dress was exposing more of her leg from the added curve to the dress. Her body already had decent curves but the larger butt just helped give her the hourglass bottom. “Oh great. If I don’t make enough credits quickly my body is going to keep getting… more desirable assets?”

“You! Blue Girl!” The gruff voice cuts off Leia’s train of thought. Though this gruff voice was from another woman sitting at a table by herself. Leia knew there were all types of folk, but many of those types liked her now enlarged butt it seemed. “Yeah, you with the hand on your ass!”

Removing the hand from her butt Leia walks over to the loud woman and crosses her arms under her chest, quickly pressing the button on her cuffs ahead of time in case she wanted an order. “Yes, miss? Can I get you anything?” Leia wanted to at least try and be more of a waitress, it was probably what was expected of the establishment. Though she only came into the bar once or twice to pick up food so hard to say.

“Heh.” The woman with green skin smirks at Leia crossing one leg over the other. “You got a hot bod don’t you little miss?” The green skin woman was about eight feet tall Leia assumed, so the height difference was indeed there. “I got some friends over there. So…” The woman’s yellow eyes flicker between a few tables and then back on Leia. “How about you sit on my lap, give me a kiss, just to the cheek is fine, then I’ll give ya a good tip, alright?”

Leia wanted to roll her eyes, but getting more credits was her objective. Her eyes themselves trying to find the table the girl mentioned, she does spot one with a few smaller green-skinned girls. She was being used to impress them or make them jealous maybe. “Fine.” Leia plops herself right into the green-skinned woman’s lap and looks up at her. The woman though was blushing more than Leia, it seemed Leia was far more used to awkward situations. “Oh, stop being so bashful.” Leia teasingly swings her arms around the tall girl’s neck and scoots herself up a bit kissing her purple lips against the green cheek. “Make sure you think of me when leaving that tip alright?”

The girl blushes a bit more and Leia slips off her lap and gives her a small wave leaving the table. Passing by the table of the other green-skinned girls she could hear them whispering and giggling to each other. Whatever that was all about seemed to work a bit at least. Sadly no rich investors seemed to be in sight so Leia stops at the bar, she more or less walked in a circle around the whole building anyway. “Back to me huh?” The barkeep huffs under her breath and sets a tray down. “Take it to table twenty-two, the numbers go smaller outer, inner larger. Twenty area is close to the end. Go that way.” The barkeep finishes setting a few drinks on the tray as well as four plates of food.

The day keeps going like this. Leia gets a new tray and sets it at a table. People make some comments or try and flirt she usually turns them away and most of them seem to enjoy it. Some people even begin requesting her as the blue girl. Leia later just tells some to call her V since she is supposed to be Veera’s girl. Most people though are just interested in Leia’s body. The odd part is none seem to notice when it changes more, and changes it does. Throughout the day Leia watches as her breasts begin to tighten a bit too uncomfortably against the dress she was in. Her butt was big enough but apparently, she needed the full hourglass figure and not just the bottom of one. She was looking more like some sort of bimbo and something about it felt like it was starting to affect her brain. “Yeah sweetie, I hear you, just make sure to give me an extra big tip just for me kaaay~?” Leia’s voice was becoming filled with more energy. Energy she had no desire to have but it seemed to at least get people to tip more credits. Though it was like all she cared about was getting money and using her body to do it. “Lap sitting costs extra, a kiss to the cheek, too, hehe, if you want something more well…” Leia seemed to be feeding off people’s embarrassment. Part of her was letting it happen, even though she wanted to resist sometimes, it was getting her results. “Ah, this is way too easy Veera shoulda just done this herself if she needed money hehe.” Finally, the night had come, the bar was still packed and bustling just with new nocturnal scum and whatever else the planet could gather. Leaning against the side of the bar Leia just felt happy, finally, she was doing something she was good at and could enjoy. No need to worry over the tough stuff like economic plans and how to seat a new government into power. “Okaaaay how many do I have left to do?!”

The barkeep flinches at Leia’s excitement but she sighs slowly polishing a glass, trying her best to ignore the louder folk currently at the bar stools. “You’ve actually made more than I thought. Decent enough tips you’ll be free to go after serving a few more customers.” Leia excitedly turns around eager for once to go serve. “Hey, wait, you are Veera’s right? Just make sure to not be making a fool of yourself when payments transfers!”

Leia could care less about the barkeep's words, she was doing an amazing job is all that mattered! “Finally almost there~! What was I working toward again?” The thoughts were leaving Leia’s mind a bit too quick it felt. She knew she had to get credits but kept forgetting why. At the very least she got to keep using her lovely body to make money. She was always willing to do that. “Helllooo~!” Waving at a customer Leia walks right over to them and places a hand on their chest. The man was human, and now blushing, they were one of the people from the government base Leia was helping set up. Though something about the current situation, Leia could not pull his name from her mind, she knew he had plenty of money at least. “How about I offer some of my special services to you for an extra tip~?”

The man starts to sweat a little and wipes his brow nervously mumbling over his words. “O-Oh my. U-Umm what sort of services are you referring to miss? I-I um… I don’t normally come to bars with waitresses that look so… so—”

Leia walks around to the man's back and gently places her hands against his shoulders. “Looks so beautiful? Plump~ Maybe hehe, shapely?”

He swallows back some spit and fidgets his hands over the electronic menu in front of him. “Y-Yes those are some of the words I may use Miss. U-um they certainly are friendly here, aren’t they? I usually just order out but um, today I thought to sit in and… and…”

It was pretty easy to tell after having worked for hours now. Leia had this guy in the bag already, she simply needed to tie the bag up and take it home now. “Aw you’re heads going a bit blank! Hehe, mine can get like that too, but you look soooo smart.” Leia slides in closer to the man her arms gently hugging him from behind, her breasts gently pressing against the back of his head. “Don’t tell me you haven’t interacted with that many girls before? It’s nothing to be ashamed of you know, I’m happy I can help you~”

The man nervously quivers in his seat and points to some items on the menu. “Th-the swamp wort stew sounds pretty good I bet!” Leia of course presses the side of her cuff to accept the order. “And I really um, don’t know what you may be offering Miss.”

Sighing softly into the man's ear Leia lets her purple lips gently graze against him. “Oh, you don’t know? If you give a nice little tip I’ll be of better service. Like sitting in your lap~” Leia walks back around the man and sits her large rump down in the man’s lap, her arms resting on his shoulders still. “For a bit more I even give some little kisses like this~” Leia leans in, her plump purple lips pressing against the man’s hot reddening cheek.

The man was already panting away nervously, Leia was doing more than she needed too but it was too fun to pass up. “O-Oh I wonder what happens with even more.”

Leia may as well have stabbed the poor man with a spear with the kind of fishing she was doing. Letting her butt rub against the man’s legs as she purposely adjusts in his lap smirking widely. “Oh~ I just wonder what a little more would get, you’d have to give quite a bit for that though. Hehe, anyway, I think the free samples done~”

Getting up from the man’s lap he seems a little sadden and still nervous, right away his hands were fiddling with his credits card seeming to pander, but Leia knew now was the best time to walk away. “Th-that was the sample…” The poor thing was in a sea of mumbling as is, she should probably avoid draining him dry.


Leia falls flat on the ground face first. Her body felt off balance and now her chest hurt too. “Wh-what was that?” Pressing her palms against the ground she slowly sits up, her breasts, they were gone. “This, my body?” Her hands were changing from blue skin to the pale white skin she was used to. She really did need more sunlight but this time seeing the pale skin was reassuring. Standing up on her feet the rest of her body too was changing back to normal. Her butt was normal size, her waist not so exaggerated, she was, normal. “I’m really me again? Arg!” Holding at the side of her head Leia feels a headache rush over her body. The actions she was performing in her Twi’lek body were not all of her own. The body was making her act like some sort of ditz that only cared about money. “D-dang that Witch… if I stayed like that any longer would I have even been able to go back?” Only now does Leia realize her clothing did not change. Standing there in the middle of the establishment, people were staring at her in a now loose-fitting dress and her pair of strappy heels. The cuffs that were on her tendril-like hair were simply on the ground now too having nowhere to attach to. “Well… I should be going I suppose.”

The walkout of the bar felt a bit awkward since many people she was working with were there. Though she gets out quickly. The barkeep was kind enough to run her clothes from the locker out to her before she left. She was even allowed to keep the uniform of the bar if she desired. Veera on the other hand was a different matter to handle. “Enjoy the work?” The red-skinned woman had her staff in hand once again, the path she was on was more or less that same area Leia had first met her on. “You made the money faster than I thought you would. My bar tab is paid in full now.”

Leia’s eyes twitch in anger. “Th-this.” Squeezing her eyes shut she stomps her heel down and glares at the woman. “This whole time I was just paying off some bar tab?! Are all the people I meet in this galaxy bound to be this vain?!”

Veera rolls her eyes and holds both her arms on her staff. “Vain or not, I was right. You would pay off my tab, and you did. We both got what we wanted.”

Leia now walks right up to the woman and starts wagging her finger before her angrily. “You can’t just decide what’s best for me! I said I wanted to relax not work some job to pay off your debts!”

The women seeming to be at an impasse say nothing for a long while. Then Veera slams her staff against the ground and begins to float back into the swampy woods. “You seemed to enjoy it enough. Meet me on this path again, if you ever need something. Maybe I’ll pay you the credits for some of those special services.” Chuckling the whole way, after a few minutes Leia loses sight of the witch.

“Tsk… the only thing she’d be good for is disguising myself.” Leia sighs deeply and looks at her clothes wedged between her arm. “Who knows… maybe I’ll take that crazy Witch on her offer, I can’t do this work constantly with no breaks, and I guess it wasn’t all that bad.” A small breeze ripples through the air and Leia shivers from the cold touch against her bare skin. “M-mm… but I’m not just going to let her make me some hussy ditz again!”


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