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The Earth seemed like it would be destroyed. The only thing that could be done was flee. Though even if other planets had not been hard-pressed none would be safe in time. Every planet in the Milky Way was under attack. The only thing that could be done was for the people of the Milky Way to work together or die alone. With no clear means to destroy the menace, they faced the death toll would only climb unless they could discover some means of victory.

“Wow Mass Effect 3 doesn’t start that fun, does it?” Matt places his controller down and sighs rubbing at his head. Ben his trusted friend was playing the game right along with him or at least watching and commenting on everything. “The ending to this is gonna be pretty cool though, isn’t it? We seen um destroy a few Reapers that were weaker. So, they’ll probably figure out a way to fight the other ones.”

Pushing up a pair of thick-rimmed black glasses Ben sighs shaking his head, a bit of a whine in his voice. “Accctually. I think the outcome is rather clear. The Milky Way finally with a common threat will work together with great scientific minds and not only find a way to deactivate the reapers, but also control them. Then peace will come to our side of the galaxy.”

Rolling his eyes Matt runs his hand over his bald head and snorts snot back through his nose. “Ugh, whatever dude, I’m pretty sure they won’t do something dumb anyway. We worked up to it this far. The good option will probably be like saving everyone, get the girl. Then the bad option is gonna be like joining the weird Cerberus dude and letting everyone die but humans or something.”

For better or worse the two had a new obsession. Mass Effect fever was hitting them hard, they played one and two back-to-back and was ever nearing the completion of three. “Oh see!” Ben excitedly stares at the screen as a large laser seems to crush into a hand-like ship. “The reapers are being destroyed by weapons the people have access to. Now that they know how to defeat them the rest of the people will join up and figure out a way to mass-produce the weapon. They’ll get help from everyone.”

Through Ben’s rambling though Matt sits sniffling into his shirt wiping his eyes of tears. “But like, the robot dude, he was one of my favorite’s dude, why they gotta do him like that?!”

Both the young adults had different priorities in what they enjoyed with the story. Though both still craved more regardless of the aspects they came to enjoy. One scene though grabs both the boy’s attention for the same reason. As they walk their character down a simple hall the screen before them begins to turn fuzzy. Matt hoped it may have been the bug people he had helped in one of the other games finally contacting him. Though the screen stays fuzzy, nothing is said for a long time. As Matt tries to back up his character nothing still happens.


The voice that comes up from the TV sounds metallic but so soft and distant. “What was that dude? You hear it, the TV’s saying something, this is some crazy feature…” Matt quickly turns the volume up on the TV and even gets on his knees to lean in closer to the speaker.

Groaning from such a stupid act Ben pushes his glasses up and sighs leaning into the couch. “Matt, you know nothing’s going to happen if you get closer right? Did the TV cut out, or is this actually happening in game? Hit the menu button and check.”

Matt’s cheeks turn red with embarrassment. “Oh right.” Standing back up he sits back down on the couch and looks at his controller. Everything seemed normal with it and it said it was still on. Pressing the center button would usually bring anyone out of the game to the main menu for the console. If a game froze or the console did, this was usually a good way to check. Pressing this button though nothing happens. “Crap so did it freeze?” Ben scoffs seeing rather uninterested in the plight. “Yeah, thanks for the help, dude.” Matt scoffs back and starts pressing buttons at random on the controller.

“You do realize tha—” Ben stops talking. The screen before both of the boys was starting to make different sounds based on Matt’s input of the controls. “What, it’s actually doing something? Maybe it’s glitched.”

Matt now was getting a little excited rather than angry. Finding a super weird glitch would be something great if he was the first to find it. “Yo, dude just think of all the likes I’ll get for this! This is so weird. If I could do it again… Wonder if I keep pressing stuff if I’ll be able to get out of it.” Matt does as he suggested and starts pressing buttons even more before waiting for any other input from Ben.

“You have been selected.”

To both boys' surprise, the metallic voice they had heard early comes back on over the TV. Only this time it sounded much closer and they could clearly hear it now. “Selected?” Both the boys say the words at the same time, confused, baffled by such an odd glitch.

“Well…” Ben pushes his glasses up again and sits up a bit to lean closer to the TV. “What is all this? Maybe you somehow clipped through the wall and stumbled into unused assets and voice files? Ah… I can’t say I know the ins and outs of game development, so I don’t really know if something like that can even happen.”

Pulling his phone out Matt turns it sideways and begins to record. “Well, whatever it is this is real fucking cool dude. You think like those, speedrunner dudes would pay me for something like this? I need to get my capture card out.” Matt stands back up holding the phone toward the TV’s for a good long moment. “Actually! Ben, take my phone a sec, keep recording while I go grab my stuff okay?”

Ben groans and holds out his hand. “Fine, I guess this is pretty weird. If you make any money just remember I’m here helping too.”

With a nod, Matt starts to run back toward his room.


Matt stops mid-run as if frozen in place. The static of the TV was much louder than before. “What the hell?” Matt tries to move his head but it feels so stiff. His eyes can wander and his lips move but his body beyond that does not budge. “I can’t move! What gives man?!”

Ben too was not having much luck, in front of his face the phone he held was now static. His arms and legs like Matt could also not move. Trying to twist his head to look at Matt would not work either. Just eyes and mouth had motion. “I-I th-this can’t be real, I’m dreaming.”

“Sync in progress”

The metallic voice speaks a simple phrase and Matt and Ben both feel their vision leave their eyes. Their bodies jerk forward like being thrown. Whatever was happening they feel their bodies twist almost like being scrunched into a tight corner but trying to turn. Then nothing. Nothing for a long while, just a black void before them. Now and again though they could still feel one another close. Or at least what felt like another human near them. They had no idea how long it was they sat in that blank void.

“Welcome to the Citadel”

A soft more feminine voice speaks to the boys, and their eyes open to a sea of metal and holograms. The area around them they both knew well enough having seen it time and time again from different angles and areas. The Citadel from Mass Effect was in front of them. Not on a screen either. They both hit their feet against the ground and feel the metal clang against them. The sight was a lot already, but they even see different races walking by, cars flying overhead. Even a few Keepers were nearby working on a few broken terminals. “Wow… this isn’t real; right man?” Matt pats at his chest pinches at his cheek and even lowers to a knee to rub his hand against the floor. “It feels so real.”

Ben was taking the situation a bit differently than Matt was. The young man squeezes at his chest and starts to pant. His glasses fall off his face and crack against the ground. “N-No way… this. This is just like in all the Isekai stories I read.”

Grabbing Ben’s glasses Matt stands back up and puts them back on his friend’s face. “issei? That guy from the boob show? Dude this is Mass Effect not that weeb crap.”

Deeply sighing Ben clenches at the bridge of his nose and waves his arms out to his sides. “No, you idiot I don’t mean anything like that! Look around us! We’re really here! This is it! The Mass Effect world! We’ve been reborn—Taken? We’re in this world now!”

Slowly nodding Matt begins to walk along the pathway. “I wonder if the Asari pleasure place is here… wonder what time we ended up in? Think it’s just three cause that’d kinda blow.”

Ben runs up to Matt and grabs at his arm. “Hey stop it you fool! We can’t just wander around aimlessly. They’ll arrest us on sight looking so different!”

Matt slowly turns his head to look at a group of humans passing by. Then the blue-skinned Asari women pass by next. Even a few Krogan walk by seemingly a part of the Citadel Police force. “Dude. I don’t think they really care.”

Distraught Ben drags his hand across his face and sighs deeply into his palm. “You just don’t get how an Isekai works. First, we should figure out what time we’re in… then. Then…”

Leaning up against a wall Matt stares at Ben confused. His friend was just muttering now staring off into space. “What’s wrong dude? I mean, I agree to figuring out what time we’re in at least. Maybe if we’re luck— Luck…” Matt’s head starts to fill with a daze his vision starting to blur. Was he being pulled out of the world into the black void again? “D-Damn it, dude…” His stomach turns and his head pounds in pain. Something was happening.


Ben’s glasses shatter across the metal ground, this time in pieces rather than just being cracked. The young nerd of a man grabs at his chest in pain. He too was feeling effects like Matt. A pounding headache, straining of the eyes, that feeling like his body was being squished or pressured somehow. “G-gah th-this is not supposed to happen in these stories…”

“You’re turning blue!” Matt is the first to notice the changes. Before his eyes, Ben’s skin was starting to change to a blue hue. Though Matt’s own body became a tad paler. He was a pretty dark-skinned man and was often in the sun to exercise when not gaming. Seeing his skin lighten a little would not normally be a big deal but it was changing to an almost pearly white. The parts of this skin he could touch felt smooth too. It was like a model's skin he would see in a magazine. They always seemed far too pale to Matt but somehow got all the guys to check them out. “Th-this is not normal at all, even my skins getting all fucked up!”

A nerd like Ben had never touched a woman before. Something about his body though was giving him the idea he was about to. “A-Asari skin? They’re… an all-female race, this can’t be right shouldn’t I turn into some hero?!” The nerd grabs at his chest and finally feels maybe the only breasts he would ever touch in his life, just they were growing from his own body. Being lankier someone like Ben was surprised how soft and squishy boobs could be. Yet there was still firmness to them as well. The blue skin also seemed a little rough in places compared to human skin. “Wh-why does this have to happen to me. At least your skin still looks human!”

Human or not Matt also feels breasts push out against his shirt. “W-wow what I got boobs too?” The pains and squished pressuring feeling still linger over both the boys though without much movement given to them; they could only comment. A tightening of the shirts, a melding of the pants. Ben and Matt’s clothing were changing as well, not just bodies. The men watch their shirts fuse into the fabric of their pants and vice versa. They were becoming just all one piece. If not aware of their newly developed breasts before the skin-tight fabric clinging to them made it much clearer. “A-ah why the heck are our clothes getting so tight! I feel like I’m being vacuumed sealed or something!”

Grunting through his teeth Ben tries to not make any unbecoming sounds pass his lips but his voice was becoming more feminine by the second. “N-ngh I don’t know! Most of the clothes in the game were tight because they probably didn’t wanna deal with making wavy clothing!” The white skin-tight combat suit squeezes and conforms around Ben’s body. She was no longer a boy. Though maybe she could say she was since Asari did not have other genders. Regardless his penis was gone. The skin-tight suit made that clear enough. White in the middle, black at the arm joint going down to the leg joint, blue accents to break it up, and then white again. Having searched for the outfit at many different times Ben knew it well. It was Liara T’soni’s outfit. The smart and beautiful Asari companion. “No way this is actually Liara’s?” Ben was startled but hearing her voice, it sounded just like Liara now. The gloved hands, the metal-like gauntlet going up the forearm. She even had the same boots, a flat heel but still above the knee protecting the shins. She knew well enough in the world of Mass Effect people used personal shields as well as biotics to defend themselves. The armor could be lighter and just defend more vital areas. The skin-tight suit clearly had some sort of padding as well to feel comfortable enough but also provide protection from projectiles for at least a few shots. Everything had changed for Ben now. From body to clothing, her eyes were now perfect too, no need for glasses. Feeling the top of her head with her gloved hands she could feel the tentacle-like hair Liara had as well. Hers are small to some Asari since Liara was more or less in her twenties for a human. “I’m… Am I really her just like that? This… this is all so unreal. It feels so real though. My voice is just like hers.”

Matt was having a similar experience to his friend. Grabbing at his groin she was no longer the same dude. Her clothes too were tightening to her, tighter than Ben’s even. A hexagonal white pattern scatters across the skin-tight white bodysuit. Of course, a boob window splits between the chest to show Matt’s new cleavage. “Yo what Miranda?” Matt’s voice too had been altered. It now sounded like Miranda Lawson another female companion that was introduced in Mass Effect 2. “Why are we turning into these two?” Matt’s eyes squeeze for a moment and her body wobbles. Black skin-tight gloves squeeze at her arms and black thigh-high boots her legs. The boots though of course are heeled throwing Matt off balance even more than the breasts do. “G-geez c-come on, this all feels so weird. Kind of makes me glad these girls aren’t stacked.” Matt’s bald head now plums out with a lush amount of dark brown hair. It falls just below her neck brushing at her shoulders. At the very least Matt felt some comfort when patting her stomach. She still has a pair of abs hidden away under the skin-tight suit. The pain too was leaving both the boys now, their bodies that of maturing women, one which was not even a human. “So… we’re… we’re both hot chicks I get that part. But you’re an alien chick?” Matt sighs pressing her palm against her face. “I would rather be Tali if I had a pick, she’s way cuter.”

Ben rolls her eyes and walks over to the wall Matt had been leaning against to examine herself in the reflection. “Blue eyes… dark purple lips. I really do look like an Asari, like Liara.” Shaking her head Ben jumps back and points to Matt frustrated. “Wait what the hell are you talking about?! Liara is the best girl. I became the best girl! That’s why they brought her back for three even the writers knew.”

Sagely Matt nods and places a finger to her lip teasingly. “Weeeell. Miranda’s pretty good looking too~ Hehe, at least had more of a personality than Ashly.”

Pausing for a good few minutes Ben nods. “Okay well, we can agree on that. I mean… I guess Tali at least got to stay in all three games. Even if you couldn’t romance her during the first one. Still can’t say I wanna turn into a girl with a bunch of ya know… health issues.”

Biting at her lip Matt sighs and nods. “Cute as she is I guess that would be annoying. I can settle for Miranda pretty well. Robot chick’s taken anyway… actually being a robot would probably be weirder.”

Both of the new women just nod at each other and stare one another up and down glancing awkwardly now and again to people passing by. “So.” They both speak at the same time silencing again soon after.

“Okay.” Ben places a hand on Matt’s own making sure to speak sternly. “We’re in these girls’ bodies… became them? Maybe we’re their twins now. Or clones or something. This armor I have as Liara looks like the Mass Effect 3 outfit though. So, we’re either after the events, slightly before, or during. If we took both the girl's places… we’re gonna sorta die or endanger the galaxy if we don’t do things right.”

Matt once again slowly nods her head. “Wouldn’t it actually only be your problem. Wasn’t Miranda like DLC or something for three? Pretty sure Liara being the Shadow Broker and crap is a lot more important compared to Miranda being chased by some Cerberus dudes.”

Ben slowly nods her head back, lips frowning. “Son of a bitch you’re probably right. But. Um, okay, okay, we’re probably not gonna fuck up. If we figure out what time we’re actually in we may have knowledge about stuff that hasn’t happened.”

Pushing Ben’s hand down Matt walks away from the wall and grabs onto Ben’s hand walking down the path. To her surprise, she was already walking perfectly in the heeled boots. Her body was swaying rather naturally too just like the femme fatal cliché she was supposed to embody. “Well first things first, right? We can’t do anything by a wall. Let’s look around a little and then ask the Citadel’s VI what’s going on in recent events. I mean if the reapers are killing everyone probably be all over the news. Huh… we didn’t finish the game though so we don’t know how the ending will go. Isn’t that bad?”

Whatever both of them thought; it was true nothing would happen huddled by a wall. They both begin to walk around the Citadel. One problem they were both thinking of as they walked is the fact they had no access to a ship. Even if someone like Liara had the resources to get one pretty easily. If they were both like clones or twins and the real Liara and Miranda were alive in the world it would cause several problems. Like them both getting killed by said characters. Walking around the Citadel aimlessly was not helping them figure much out though. Males and females alike would take glances at them, sometimes in a flirting way, sometimes a dangerous one. A few bad back alleys were walked in now and again as well. At the very least Matt and Ben had each other to somewhat count on. “Hello? Excuse me…?” Both fears finally came into play now. Turning around they both stare at an Asari woman, one that seemed to be a bit young like Liara. “Dr. T’soni? Is that really you? I never expected to meet you just walking the streets.” The girl speaks with excitement in her voice like she had met some celebrity.

Ben being the target of the girl’s affections Matt casually bumps at her arm to get her to say something. To Matt’s surprise though Ben gives Matt an odd annoyed glare. “Yes, it’s really me in the flesh. Though I appreciate your excitement. I have much to do currently.” Ben was speaking like Liara, not just the voice Ben was speaking like how the character would. A bit snooty at times, brainy, a hardass in other areas.

The girl frowns a little but seems to at least somewhat understand. “Many still were unsure if you actually came back into the public. I am glad to see you, but I do know with current events you must be busier than most of our normal researchers.”

The fake Liara nods her head and pivots on her boot giving a little nod at Matt to follow. “Well, then I am glad you understand. Keep doing your best. I will do mine. Maybe when this is all over, we’ll both have more time.” A quick ending sentence so she can have the last word and power walk away from any other comments. It did seem like Liara. Ben and Matt walk for a few minutes till finally turning a corner to enter the Citadel shopping district. “What the heck was that?!”

Matt stares at the confused Ben now tapping at her body like something had been placed on it. “What do you mean dude? I thought you were just like putting on an act…”

Jumping in place Ben grabs at Matt’s shoulders and begins to shake her. “I was not in control of any of that! It was like Liara took over my body or something… but… but right now I’m fine. I don’t get it.”

Processing the information Matt feels a hand reaching toward her from behind. Quickly she swings her leg back slamming her shin into a sleazy human man’s face. “Hah, try better next time jerk.” Brushing her hair Miranda grabs onto Ben’s hand and pulls them both away from the scene. “Guess we need somewhere more private to talk.” More walking, Ben tries to get Matt to stop but she would not for several minutes. Finally, Matt pulls Ben into a little Citadel café and sits down with her at a small table in the back. “I don’t think that guy was Cerberus but can never be too careful.”

Ben strokes at the side of her face. Matt was acting like a paranoid Miranda which made some sense given what her situation was supposed to be. The girl is supposed to be hunted by Cerberus or still was being hunted. “Matt?” Ben gently places a hand atop Matt’s own and notices the girls’ eyes wince from just the light touch. “Are you okay? You seemed even more zoned out than I was.”

Placing her head into her palms Matt sighs slowly. “Oh god… that was so fucking weird Dude. I would never talk like that.”

Rolling her eyes Ben crosses her arms under her chest. “Yes, you’re not exactly refined. Hearing Miranda’s voice talk like the normal Matt is pretty weird.”

Sitting up from the table Matt once again grabs onto Ben’s hand. “Let’s just get out of here. Something whackies obviously going on.”

Walking out of the café Ben cannot help notice a few people staring at the girls with interlocked hands. “Ah… Matt I think some people are getting the wrong idea about us.”

Blowing some hairs from her eyes Matt shrugs and keeps walking. “Have them think what they want it doesn’t matter to us.”

For Ben it did matter a little bit. Finally, the boys reach the large area of the Citadel near the council meeting room. A nice pound outstretched before them. “Oh, huh, I haven’t seen this spot in a while. Do you think we could go to the council to—”

“Attention all Citizens Evacuation of the Citadel well now begin.”

The voice comes from the intercoms, even the VI woman was saying the same. Both women tilt their heads at the same time. Ben and Matt never heard of this in the game. Was it a part of the game, or a part they had not reached yet? “I mean we get to leave the Citadel then…” Ben mumbles the words softly unsure of herself how good of an idea that was.

Matt on the other hand walks right over to one of the VI nodes and taps on its side. “Okay, thing le—What’s the latest report on earth.” Matt’s tone shifts midsentence as soon as the VI acknowledges her.

“Well Citizen not much is currently known, but Earth is still fighting back against the reaper threat. Many people from all over the Milky Way are actively heading toward Earth to help with its defense as many Reaper Forces seem to be assaulting it being so far away from other colonized planets.”

A long sigh passes Matt’s lips and she pivots around on her heel grabbing at Ben’s shoulders. “We gotta somehow take a shuttle to earth. Either that or stay on the Citadel. I bet they're evacuating this place because Shepard figured some way to use this as a weapon!”

Ben did not want to get her hopes up. Everything was a mess enough. “I mean, I guess since we’re already here trying to stay on the Citadel would be our best bet right?” Matt nods and grabs hold of Ben once again. This time rushing off toward the council room. “H-hey, what do you think you’re doing? The council’s probably already gone… I kinda didn’t think of it but they’d leave first for sure. It’d be pointless to head over there now.”

Pushing past some crowds of people Matt just scoffs back at Ben not wanting to answer further. It takes a few minutes to push past the sea of people screaming about reapers and everything else. Finally, the women make it through the crowd to the lobby of the council. “I was hoping they’d be gone. We can hide out here. I mean in Mass Effect 1 that’s pretty much what happens right? Also in Miranda’s head or whatever happened to us. It seems like she knows a few hiding places around here. Spots the keepers use that we can throw ourselves into. We won’t get picked up by scanners, and we’ll have a nice and easy ride. Just make sure your helmet has oxygen still.”

The whole thing sounded like a dumb idea. From the outside with people yelling it seemed like they wanted to attach something to the Citadel. “Don’t you hear all of that Matt… I really don’t know if this is a very good idea. Attaching something to the Citadel too… maybe that means they’ll come over here to use the device as soon as it gets to earth’s orbit. If we stay in here… maybe we could trigger it faster? Though we don’t know what we’d be triggering either. A superweapon?”

Patting Ben on the back Matt shoves the Asari’s blue butt into a vent opening craming the girl in. “Just stop overthinking! This will all work out fine. We’ll be heroes! Even if we’re like clones or something and the real Miranda and Liara are around. If we use this thing snappy, we can save the day. I mean we both know they’ll try and make Shepard do it for some reason.”

Matt and Ben both find themselves squished awkwardly into the ventilation system. After what felt like over an hour of wobbling through the tight shafts finally the girls reach an opening where several Keepers were now flying back and forth. “I guess we could stay here for a bit…” Ben was unsure of herself but being so close to Keepers made her feel a bit at ease in a way. If the keepers were not running away surely the area itself must be safe. “Huh… I forget if Keepers need oxygen to survive. Do you think they’ll just disable the oxygen to all of these areas?”

Pressing the button on the side of Ben’s suit Matt gives her friend a thumbs up. A white helmet folds out from the collar. The helmet is simple enough to get on and connects the suit to make it one piece and airtight, able to filter in oxygen or use its supply as needed. “See you’re all safe either way.” Ben is surprised to see that Matt already has a helmet on herself, the cleavage area is now hidden away. Both were at least ready for lack of oxygen to be an issue. “Now we’ll be able to camp out here for a bit at least. Once everyone gets off the base, we can grab food if needed from the shops or something.”

Ben settles down against a metal wall looking down at her hands encased in her all-purpose suit. “We’re really in this world… and now what, we’re going right to the end of the game just like this? We barely got to take a breath in these new bodies. I wonder what’s going to even happen. What if we die in this world?”

Another slap to the shoulder and Matt slinks down beside Ben. “Stop worrying so much! I mean, I never heard Shepard’s name mentioned… but I mean the world we came into is probably a good one, right? They’d all be pissed off at him and spiteful otherwise. Sooo the big hero will save the day even if we do nothing.”

Long sigh passing Ben’s lips she nods. “You’re right. It’s not like they’ll give some bland end where world piece is randomly achieved from making us glow or something. That’d just be silly. We’ll do it. We already saw Shepard beat reapers before! They’ll push them back and secure a new future for the people of the Milk Way to work toward! Maybe they’ll even figure out how to travel to another galaxy without it taking a ton of time!”

Given a life they did not ask for the once young men wait. Many questions linger in their minds, but all they can do now is wait to see the end.


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