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Hello one and all

It is that time once again to give another update.

In general my current schedule has been making sure I get content up more or less weekly. This is already better than what I was doing before.

With the story I post today (as of when this was written) I will be caught up on Patron content for the most part.

So with March renewing things I hope I can tackle things at a good pace and get stuff done.

I may open the floor to commissions again though. February was commission free to ensure I got back on my feet and was actually working. Thus Patron content was caught up on. No more pesky back log.

I do worry that taking Commissions now could send me back into bad habits... so I may limit how many I take, or what I accept in general more than usual. We'll have to see what happens. I'll make more of an update about the commission stuff on DA though.

As for Patron content, currently I still don't have many patrons, but I do have them. I hope to get patron stories worked on and finished up in a timely matter. For those that want their rewards, please send a DA note, or contact me through discord. (If you already have before reading this, I'll get to you! Probably just finishing up that other story I mentioned earlier.)

Beyond this I hope I can keep getting content up in a healthy way and a bit more consistent. This will hopefully help me gather some more patrons for more stable income, so with this and commissions together I can hopefully devote more to my writing, and those who support me.

Well that's the dream at least... hopefully I can manage my emotions a little better and not keep stopping my work when I get a bit depressed.


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