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I have been behind on a few things, though I always make sure to finish what I start. I do apologize for my delays, a lot has been going on. Though I guess delays have been a theme for me lately.

Either way, I write down everything I need to do, but please remember if you're a patron I need your ideas sent to me for whatever reward you are redeeming. Even if I have to push it off for a bit I will get them  done. I'm slowly catching up on things, last month became a bit of a mess for me.

Either way be it a DA note, or a comment here, just let me know the info for whatever reward(s) you have access to. Not like I have a ton... I should be able to manage this workload fine, state of the world causes issues for everyone currently I suppose. Anyway that being said I'm tackling stories before captions, commissions and patron stories I got backlogged come first, then caption commissions and patron captions.

I know me being slow probably annoys a few people. If I owe anyone anything currently, feel free to pester me about it till I actually get it done, it can help give me a little more motivation if I'm feeling down.

Either way this is the PSA for this month. Thank you for those supporting me despite me being annoyingly slow at times. I know my procrastination is one of my main problems.


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