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My most darling beautiful fellow perverts,

I finally managed it! I've been humming and ha-ing over creating this site for a while. I have been so worried about creating it and no one subscribing. Putting in the work for nothing. It would be a big blow to my ego, not going to lie. haha

But I know for sure I have at least two people who will subscribe so that makes me feel a little bit better. For anyone else who decided to join: HI!!! THANKS FOR BEING HERE WITH US.


Please be kind to everyone on here. I won't tolerate any bullying or mean comments. I want this to be a safe space for everyone. Once I'm sure that this can be done, I might consider opening a discord for patrons only.

I'm low key terrified this is all going to blow up in my face but I was hoping I could generate a bit of coin so I can afford to hire incredible writers and editors, commission some new art work for the spring, and potentially upgrade my recording equipment/recording space.

I hope that everyone enjoys the content I release. I will probably be doing lots of polls so I know what you guys want.

Thanks again everyone!!!!

Iris x (plus another billion kisses)



All of my work is fantasy and not real. It is made by me, a person over the age of 18 for individuals who are also legal age.



If u need help setting up a discord, u can always hit me up 👀👀