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The common room elevator dinged, its doors sliding aside silently. As usual, Philip stepped through the opening and made a sharp turn toward their table, settling across from Kaitlyn in one of the room's stiff-backed chairs. She looked up from her laptop as he pulled out his own.

"Hey, Philip."

"Good afternoon, Kaitlyn." He dipped his head formally. "I have reviewed the material relating to this assignment, and believe I have made some headway on the second problem…"

As Philip spoke, she watched his bearing. Since the beginning of the loop, his usually icy demeanor had seemed to thaw bit by painstaking bit as the guy relaxed around her. Yet now, he had snapped back into his cold formality and stuff-backed posture.

I can't really blame him, though. Not with how I've been acting.

"Sounds good." Kaitlyn pushed her laptop away, focusing her full attention on Philip. "Before we get started though, I just wanted to say… I'm sorry."

Philip blinked as she continued speaking. "I'm sorry for being so off lately. I was dealing with stuff, and… I didn't really know how to handle it. Though you could probably tell that."

Philip continued to watch her with an almost curious expression, though she thought she saw some of that concern hidden behind his eyes as well. "Should I take that to mean that you've successfully dealt with your 'stuff' then?"

"I… maybe." Kaitlyn grimaced. "I think so. I got some closure at least."

The tutor hesitated before asking his next question. "May I ask for additional specifics on your situation?"

Kaitlyn paused, considering. "I… a long time ago, I had someone that I was close to. Really close to. Someone I thought that I could rely on. And then, one day they just… disappeared. With no warning.

"It… messed me up for a long time. It made me afraid to let anyone get that close again." She shifted uncomfortably. "So, after the whole beach trip… I guess I kind of panicked. I didn't know what to do. How to handle that. I mean, you let me in, but… I was kind of scared of doing the same."

Philip was silent, his face expressionless as she talked. For a moment it felt as though she were being judged all over again, but she forced the sensation down. That wasn't the Philip she'd come to know. Not really.

Eventually, he spoke. "...I believe I understand. Have you… since resolved that residual fear?"

Kaitlyn nodded. "Yeah. I think so. At least… I'm trying my best. Er, I mean–"

She frantically tried to backtrack the words, remembering how loaded the phrase was for him. But Philip just inclined his head, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "I am glad. As I have mentioned before, if there is anything I can do to help, do not hesitate to ask. Even on subjects such as these."

"Ah… thank you." Kaitlyn couldn't help the faint blush that came to her cheeks as his grey eyes met hers. "Really."

"Of course." A slight smile appeared on his features like a crack in a glacier. "Though your willingness to speak about this issue at all does indicate some measure of improvement compared to your earlier disposition."

"Yeah… I guess so, huh?" Kaitlyn scratched her head. "Sorry about that, like I said. I wasn't trying to push you away or anything. I just…"

Philip nodded. "Indeed. I initially assumed that your attitude change related to my sharing of my own history. It seems that that was indeed the case, though not in the way that I expected."

Shoot. Kaitlyn nearly slapped herself in the forehead. Of COURSE he'd think that. Why didn't I even consider it?! That's totally what it looked like!

Seeing her distress, Philip motioned for her to relax. "It's quite alright. The misunderstanding is alleviated and no harm came of it. Additionally, I spoke of my past to you, so it only seems reasonable for me to hear out your own issues. I would consider us even."

"Even?!" Her eyebrows shot up. "No way. This isn't anywhere close to you dumping your entire childhood on me."

Philip chuckled. "Well, I suppose you'll need to speak about yourself more until you even out the discrepancy."

Kaitlyn blushed harder. Dang. Did he just back me into a corner there?

"A-anyway!" She pulled her laptop forward again. "Let's talk about the assignment!"

"Yes," Philip nodded, a hint of mirth still in his eyes. "Let's."


The weeks passed by in a comfortable return to normalcy and routine. She and Philip tackled the final Algorithms assignments with renewed fervor, meeting its challenges with unwavering determination. At the same time, Kaitlyn continued her work on Kate's Kitchen and even made some progress in her piano playing. Now she finally knew where all the keys were pretty well. At least, she didn't fumble at them quite as hesitantly as before.

But as the end of the semester approached, her thoughts began to wander more and more toward the end of the loop. Namely, the ending that she felt was coming.

She placed another onion on the cutting board before her. With smooth, practiced motions, she sent the chef's knife slicing through it in one direction, then the other. Flipping the knife around, she scraped the neatly diced bits into a bowl with the rest of the vegetables and called over her shoulder.

"Veggies ready, Chef!"

Scarra grunted a response. She took the knife and cutting board both over to the sinks to give them a quick wash, then hurried over to check on her sauces.

I'm pretty sure I'm on track for a romance ending, she admitted as she tasted the marinara. Not a one-sided one, either. I really feel like things have changed between us.

"Order in."

Philip strode into the kitchen as Kaitlyn sprinkled a bit more sauce into the bubbling red sauce. Their eyes met for a brief instant. It was just long enough for him to twitch a faint smile, and for her cheeks to redden.

Yeah… dangit. He really snuck up on me, didn't he?

Thinking back to where they'd started, Kaitlyn almost couldn't believe it. The guy before her still somewhat resembled the one that had chewed her out that first loop. She could still see the similarities even now. But he'd softened, become less severe.

Or maybe it's me. She headed back to the sinks to wash up a few dishes. Maybe I'm just projecting? Or imagining it?

She didn't think she was, though. Even when she saw Philip interacting with customers, he seemed… happier. His back remained ramrod-straight, but didn't have the same stiffness to it. His face stayed stoic, but the edges didn't have the same tightness. Even the bags beneath his eyes seemed a little less deep.

Yeah. it can't just be me. He seems different. In a good way.

It only filled her with more anticipation for next week: the final one of the loop. She'd kept expecting something to happen, some event or conversation with Philip during their study sessions or car rides after work, but still nothing. The issue of their mutual attraction hung between them, having replaced the awkwardness of only a few weeks earlier. It was starting to make her a bit nervous.

Maybe I'm wrong about this? Maybe he doesn't like me? She shook her head. No, I don't think that's it. It's probably just not the right timing. That's all.

Still, she couldn't shake the nerves. Maybe I should initiate things. Tell him… tell him that I like him. That's not weird, right? Or is that being too forward? What if he's still undecided and I ruin things by rushing it?

Kaitlyn's mind whirled with unanswered questions and possible ways to screw this up. Despite the whole timeloop thing, she really didn't want to ruin this. She had no desire to simply go through the motions of this entire relationship again.

Ok. She finally took a deep breath. If nothing happens this week, then… I'll invite him to dinner. Here, at Chella's. I've been saving up enough that it won't be a problem at all, especially if I want to sell a limited run of cupcakes or something.

The idea seemed like a good one to her. If nothing had happened by the final day of the loop, surely she could be forgiven for taking some initiative. And besides, she knew from experience that the restaurant would be deserted that day. They wouldn't need him too badly, right?

Though… maybe eating here's a bit too ostentatious for him. Kaitlyn bit her lip. He probably wouldn't want to waste money like that. Would he even agree, much less let me pay? Hmmm…

She continued working out a plan as the final customers left and they closed up the restaurant. Chella stepped into the kitchen with a heavy sigh of relief. "Well. Another busy night. Thank you both again for your help."

Kaitlyn nodded with a smile. "Of course. Anytime."

"Hopefully this big lug hasn't been working you too hard." The woman elbowed her husband with a chuckle. "I know he can be a real taskmaster."

Chef Scarra crossed his arms, not even flinching at his wife's jab. "You're talkin' to the wrong kid, Chell. She's holdin' up well."

Kaitlyn beamed. Despite how many loops she'd been working here, any amount of praise from Scarra still sent her over the moon. It was a testament to how infrequently it still came.

Philip grabbed his things and headed toward the door, waiting for Kaitlyn. After saying her final goodbyes, she followed him.

"Oh! One more thing!" Chella called just as Philip put a hand on the door. "We're going to be closed next Saturday, just so you both know. Just wanted to give you a heads up!"

Just like that, her entire plan went up in flames.

Kaitlyn froze mid-stride. What?! Next Saturday?! But… but… that's the last day of the loop!

She whipped back toward Chella, her face a mix of panic and confusion. Why?! They've never closed before, not once! What happened? What changed?

"Wh… why?" Kaitlyn couldn't help the words that slipped out of her.

"Oh, no need to look so flustered." Chella waved her off. "You know, we just wanted to take some time off to ourselves. And Saturday seemed like a wonderful day to do it! Right, honey?"

Scarra gave a grunt of agreement.

Like hell! Kaitlyn's gaze flicked between the pair in confusion. Since when do they take breaks like this?! Especially Scarra!

The worst part was, it didn't just ruin her plans. It likely ruined Philip's as well. She knew fully well how much the guy relied on the income from each and every job.

Slowly, she turned toward him, dreading what she'd see. But rather than disappointment or resignation, Philip stood pinching the bridge of his nose in… annoyance? At Chella?

Wow. That's… more reaction than I expected. Kaitlyn was taken aback. I've never seen him look upset with her, ever. What's going on?

Before she could open her mouth to speak though, Chella began speaking again in an even more cheery tone as though ignorant of Philip's expression. "Well, I'd suggest you both take some time off, as well! Or maybe… since you both will be free, maybe you can do something together?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Anatonia." Philip practically ground his teeth together. "I appreciate the advance warning."

"Oh, of course, honey!" She waggled her eyebrows suggestively. "Don't get into too much trouble though, you hear?"

Scarra jerked his chin toward the door. "You heard her. Don't come in on Saturday. Now get lost."

Snapping her mouth shut, Kaitlyn nodded and turned back toward the exit. Philip led her outside and opened the passenger side door for her, a long-suffering look still on his face. Kaitlyn still wasn't entirely sure what was wrong with him – or that entire interaction, for that matter – but now that the initial shock had worn off she took the time to plan next steps.

Ok. Well, this almost works better. If we've both got the entire night off, then maybe that opens up more options! And Chella already suggested doing something together, so it wouldn't be out of place for me to ask. I'll just have to figure out what…

As they settled into their seats, Philip finally broke the silence. "Well," he began with a sigh, "since we so suddenly have an evening free from work… Would you be opposed to actually doing something together?"

Kaitlyn's eyes widened in surprise. She didn't even have to ask the question herself. "Uh, sure! Like what? I can look into things to do again if you want…"

Philip shook his head. "I have a few ideas myself, this time. I will pick you up around six if that is acceptable?"

"S-sure." Kaitlyn found herself reeling. It was just one change after another tonight. It felt as though her train had not only jumped the tracks, but grown wings as well.

Did he… plan this?

"Perfect. Then I will look forward to it."

With that, Philip put the car into drive and puttered toward campus.


Mio P

Thanks for the chapter! I’m sad to have to say goodbye to Philip soon… Author, give me Vinny as apology, please! 🥹