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Hope you've been doing well! 

Anyway, I got some updates for yall! The main one being, I'm launching a new story WOOOOOOOOOOO!

The title is Armageddon: Skipping Leg Day Through the Apocalypse. If you've been around for a bit, you'll have seen the first chapter of it as a sneak preview - feel free to go back and check that post for more details. It's basically a system apocalypse about a very asymmetrical arm wrestler who becomes even more lopsided, and I'm very excited to write it. Hopefully other people are excited to read it, too!

Anyway, because of the launch, there are going to be some changes to the Patreon here. As you may have realized based on the concept and content of Armageddon, it's a bit... different... from Alone. So I don't want to spam you with updates about it if you don't actually care. If that's you, then don't worry! This will be the last post you get about it, and you won't suffer from a chapter dump in the coming few minutes. 

If you ARE interested though... I'm adding new Patreon tiers! There will be a new $5 and $10 for 5 and 10 advance chapters of Armageddon only. This will be in addition to the current $5 and $10 Alone tiers. And finally, there will be an $11 Professor of Protein tier that gets you all advance chapters of all of my stories! Including ones I might write in the future!

The extra $1 is mostly to differentiate this tier from the others. I didn't want to make it $15 or anything.

So yeah! That's the big news. By the time you read this, I should have all of those changes up and chapters posted. Hope you enjoy!

On to other matters - Alone Once More is gonna get published! Even better, it's getting an audiobook!!! WOW THAT'S COOL. I'm diving into the world of self-publishing for the ebook/physical copies, so hopefully I'll have more on that front early next year. I'll definitely keep yall in the loop about it though, because it's EXCITING. Again, thank you so much for all the support and allowing me to even consider this. It's gonna be so cool (at least, I hope so. I'll do my best to make it that way).

Also, just in case you're wondering, I will NOT be taking a break or hiatus for Christmas, so look forward to unwrapping a new chapter along with your other presents. Also, this new story will not affect Alone's posting schedule - I got that on lock.

Oh! Also, one more thing about the new story and its direction. I've still got about three or four other stories vying for my brain space, and one of them is very much more along the lines of Alone. So if you're worried that I'm completely abandoning this kind of story, don't fret! There's more monkey's paw tragedy in store, it might just be a bit farther down the line. Assuming I can keep writing, of course.

I think that's about it for now? All that I can think of at least. Thank you all again for all of your support - you don't know just how grateful I am for it. I hope that I can keep writing a story that you enjoy - heck, maybe even two. :)

Merry Christmas yall!



Congrats on both the publishing and the accompanying audiobook!!

Mio P

That’s so amazing!!! If this book ever became physical, I would definitely buy it! Can’t wait for the new book and perhaps future books similar to this one!