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Kaitlyn considered her options as Philip's car pulled into the dimly-lit street. What's the best question to start with?

The problem wasn't that she was lacking options. Instead, she found herself practically drowning in them. There was so much she didn't know about her tutor that she couldn't help but itch to satisfy that curiosity.

I could ask about his classes, maybe. I know he's a CS major but not exactly what he's taking. Or maybe I should try a different path. She glanced over at Philip as he drove. Does he have any hobbies? I doubt it, if he spends all his time working and studying. Maybe it's a dumb question… What about family?

That thought brought her up short. She pushed down the vague feeling of longing as it reared again. That one might be less important. Though, why do I care about importance here? It's just a conversation. It's not like I'm actively researching endings or anything. I'm just… learning. Yeah. I'm just curious.

Her mind whirled with possibilities, trying to narrow down the list into a handful of questions. Yet despite her efforts, it seemed like an impossible task. There were just too many to list. Luckily, she was saved from her indecision as Philip himself broke the silence.

"Are you prepared for midterms?"

Kaitlyn blinked in surprise, then nodded. If by "prepared" he means "could crush them while blindfolded", then yeah. I'm good. "I think so. Are you?"

He shrugged. "I believe that I understand the material well enough to satisfy the course requirements at this point."

She chuckled. "Of course. Like you'll get anything other than straight A's."

The guy was obviously being humble. Though his classes themselves were a mystery, Kaitlyn had no doubt that Philip could also destroy any test that dared to oppose him. His impressive grasp of every subject she'd asked him about thus far made it clear.

Philip, for his part, just shrugged. "Nothing is ever certain. Though I am confident in my grasp of the material, whether that translates to a passing exam grade has yet to be seen." He glanced in her direction. "If you ever become uncertain about your own exam prospects though, you know how to contact me. Though I share similar doubts that you would require additional tutoring, I am not opposed to putting your programming sessions on hold for a few weeks..."

She shook her head. "No need. I'll be ok, really. I want to keep learning that stuff anyway."

"As you wish."

After a moment of hesitation, Kaitlyn decided to take a risk. A small one, but a risk nonetheless. Screw it. He's been way more open this time. Might as well do the same in return.

She nudged him with an elbow. "Same goes for you, though."


"If you need any help with your classes, just say the word." She failed to suppress a grin. "I'm not half bad at calculus, you know."

Philip's grey eyes flicked to hers for a moment, then returned to the road. A tight smile came to his lips. After a few moments of no response, Kaitlyn's own grin fell.

Shoot. Did I get too familiar? Quietly, she sat back against the dull grey upholstery. Guess I pushed my luck too far. Or maybe he couldn't tell it was a joke? He has a sense of humor though, so maybe the joke just wasn't that funny…

"Programming, too."

She looked at him in confusion. "What?"

"You're not half bad at programming, either." He shrugged, the glow from the streetlights sending angular shadows across his face. "Perhaps not entirely proficient enough to offer tutoring on the subject, which I expect is why you didn't offer to help with that class as well. But you are improving. Nevertheless, I will keep the offer in mind."

Confusion furrowed her brow. "I was joking, you know. You're obviously way smarter than me. I doubt I could actually teach you anything even in the subjects I am good at, much less calculus."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Do you lack confidence in calculus, then? I thought you were optimistic about your midterms prospects."

"No, I mean– I was–" Kaitlyn stammered. "I am confident, but taking a test and teaching someone else are completely different! Besides, I'm the last person who should be teaching you math!"

The idea of her tutoring Philip in any subject felt frankly absurd. Even in chemistry and genetics, she couldn't shake the feeling that he'd somehow manage to outclass her, even if he'd never taken either. It might have been a bit irrational, sure, but still.

It was possible that she could abuse the timeloop to eventually surpass his apparently bottomless pool of knowledge, but still. There was no way she'd ever compare to his teaching. He just had a way of putting things so clearly they felt obvious.

"Well, perhaps that is an even better reason to request tutoring. If you cannot teach a subject, then can you truly claim to understand it?"

"I understand it plenty, really!" Kaitlyn crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Besides, how would you tutoring me make me a better teacher?"

"Well, if you prefer, I can tutor you in tutoring."

Kaitlyn stared at the guy. His expression remained as stoic as ever, but she thought she spotted the barest hint of a smirk curling his lips.

He's… he IS messing with me!

Her own grin returned. "And feel like a total copycat? Next thing I know, I'll be wearing a blue dress shirt and vest everywhere. Not thanks. I'll stick with just programming for now."

Philip gave a sharp exhale of air through his nose that seemed like a chuckle. At least, Kaitlyn counted it as one.

"Actually…" Time to actually ask a question of my own. "What classes are you taking, anyway?"

Philip hesitated for a moment before answering, speaking slowly. "Why do you ask?"

"Just curious," she admitted. "I really don't know that much about you. Other than that you're a CS major who works at Chella's and tutors."

"I am not the most talkative person. As I'm sure you have noticed." He rolled to a stop at a traffic light and flicked the blinker on. It sent a soft ticking sound through the car's cabin.

No, really? Kaitlyn barely suppressed a snort at that. More like the least talkative person I've ever met. Even Ian is a better conversationalist than you. Though maybe you have him beat in word count.

For a moment, she considered that. It was true that Philip was by far the hardest of the male leads to get talking. Even Vinny was easier to learn about, and he wasn't even on campus. But somehow she'd managed it without fully realizing. Over the past few weeks the guy had seemed friendlier than ever before. Less ambiguously friendly, at least.

I wonder if there was some sort of trigger. Some particular thing I said or did that made him open up. Or maybe it's just because he's teaching me programming… Either way, this might be the closest we've ever gotten.

With a start, Kaitlyn put the breaks on that line of thought. Nope, nope, NOPE. Remember the plan, Kaitlyn. I'm going to learn a few more skillsets before thinking about endings again. This isn't the time or the place. Don't get distracted.

The amber lampposts of campus drifted by as they neared the campus. Though… if this is the way to the Philip friend ending, I should probably pay attention to why. Just to make it easier later. Maybe.

"Algorithms, Discrete Mathematics, Vector Calculus, and Software Engineering."

Kaitlyn looked up in surprise. After the guy staying silent for so long, she hadn't honestly expected an answer. Even now, Philip's posture seemed oddly tense as he waited for a response. She barely noticed as her mind processed the information.

Dang. Four classes, and none of them sound easy. The list sent her reeling. If he's also working this much, that definitely explains why he's got no free time. Especially if those classes are anywhere near as obnoxious as mine were.

The fact that none of them sounded like GE's - general education requirements - also confused her. How in the world did he even pull off a schedule like that? Some of those sound like second or third year classes. Is he older than I thought? Might as well ask.

"That sounds rough," she winced sympathetically. "Especially for a first semester. Actually, are you a first year too?"

"No." Philip answered simply without elaborating. "May I ask what classes you're enrolled in?"

"Sure. I've got Genetics, Chemistry, Writing, Statistics, and the dreaded Calculus."

"Hmm. Five classes seems quite ambitious for a first semester in college."

"Yep." Kaitlyn smiled wryly. "It definitely felt like it at first. But I think I've got it under control now. I'd guess you're having an even harder time than me, though."

"I manage. Same as you." The car bobbed suddenly as its tire hit a pothole. "Though I must admit, that makes your insistence on auditing a sixth class even more… impressive."

"Ah. Yeah." Her hand scratched her cheek in embarrassment. "I guess that would raise some eyebrows, huh?"

"It would. Especially considering the amount of work you do on the side."

"I uh… I did a lot of prep work before the semester started. A lot of… extracurricular studying." It was a half-truth, but one that might not hold up well. Better to change the subject before he asked any more questions. "Anyway, my turn. How long have you been working at Chella's?"

"Four years."

"Four years?!" Kaitlyn blanched. "How? You can't be a senior!"

"I live nearby."

"Ooooooh." Realization dawned as she settled back into the passenger seat. "That explains the car. So you live off-campus then?"


The picture started coming together. "Got it. Must be nice. Cheap, convenient, and you have family so nearby…"

Her words trailed off as her gaze went distant. She simply watched the scenery go by for a moment. Past the windshield, the full moon cast its soft light across the trees lining the street, their leaves still and motionless.

Pull yourself together, Kaitlyn. You need to get a better handle on your feelings. Stop freaking out at the slightest little thought of… of the past.

With that, she forced a smile back onto her face. "So uh, how long have you been tutoring?"

They continued making small talk for a while longer as the car rumbled along. Kaitlyn learned a few minor facts about Philip, like how he'd started tutoring formally back in high school. She, in turn, shared just a bit of information about herself as well. But soon enough, their short trip came to a close. They pulled up to the tall red-brick exterior of the west dorms.

Philip pulled up to the curb and halted, turning toward his passenger. "Here we are."

"Thanks for the ride." Kaitlyn unbuckled and reached for the door handle. "Really. I appreciate it."

"Of course," he nodded as she stepped out. "I’ll see you on Monday for tutoring, then?"

"Yup! See you then."

She shut the door behind her and gave a final wave goodbye. Then, with a nod of acknowledgement, the car puttered forward once more. Its dim tail lights receded into the distance and were soon out of sight.

Well, that was eventful. Turning toward her dorm, Kaitlyn started walking. I feel like I learned a lot there. He's not so bad at conversation when he actually tries.

The revelation didn't surprise her nearly as much as it might have, once. At this point she was making an effort to keep her mind extra open about Philip, especially considering how wrong her initial judgements had been. Still, it raised the question of what exactly had brought on that change even more.

Stifling a yawn, she found the dorm's closest stairwell and headed up. That was a matter for later. Right now, it was time to sleep.


Mio P

Thanks for the chapter! Philip sure is amazing 🥹