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TL:DR: Going down to 3x a week posts, with possible extra surprise posts tossed in when they're ready.

Hey yall!

Just wanted to give a heads up that I'm gonna have to reduce my posting schedule a little bit. Real life obligations got me a bit busier than I'd like, so 5 chapters a week has been kind of hand to mouth for a while now (as in, I'm finishing chapters late the night before / morning of).

Going forward, I'll be posting 3 chapters per week (MWF) here and on RR. I'll still be trying to get ahead in writing, using the extra time to build a more consistent backlog and get ahead once work settles down a bit. It'll also let me take better care editing so I don't have to retcon anything. Mostly this will help me do write more sustainably.

However, there's more! Whenever I do get a new chapter up, edited, and all good, then I'll post it for the $10 tier as a surprise extra chappie in addition to the normal schedule. That means that you'll be getting further and further ahead of RR releases. If we get far enough ahead, I'll start kicking the $5 backlog up a bit too. No guarantees for these chappies though, they'll be based largely on how hectic life is at the moment.

That's it! Just wanted to give you guys a heads up going forward. Thanks so much for the support, it means the world that anyone actually wants to read this story. I'll do my best to keep making it worth it <3 

Oh, and don't worry - I'm not in any danger of burning out and just not finishing the thing. I've got the whole overarching plot kicking around in my head, and it won't leave till I put it to paper. So I gotta do it for my own sanity (and because I want to see how some of this stuff turns out too ^^).

Have a great week! See yall on Wednesday!



Fair enough, gl with whatever is happening irl for you