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Chara's Eventful Day

Written by Glazed and TheEpicSteve (https://twitter.com/Scooby_Lean)

(All characters depicted are at least 18 years of age, despite any official canon or statement.)

This story contains chubby chicks, breast expansion, lactation, self sucking, slutty masturbation, breast play, masturbation, implied prostitution, showering, growing pains.




“...And I got invited to meet them behind the Bakery, but I said I’ll be busy and we could do it next week. But it seems like it’ll be a good time.” Asriel said as the two made their way to school on foot.
“Assy, are you all like… passing a blunt or something? The hell’s so interesting behind that bakery?” Chara asked, hearing an awful lot about these get-togethers her brother gets into. After asking about it, Asriel trailed off and shrugged. “Nothing like that, it's a little uhh… well you know, it’s a secret.” Chara rolled her eyes, and felt a sharp pain on the sides of her boobs again, she winced and rubbed her sides. “Assy, I might need to stop for a minute. My boobs are killing me…” Her brother looked at his watch. “Sorry Chara, we start in five minutes. I can’t be late again. He said walking a little faster. “Then I’ll catch up. I just need a minute.” She yelled, actually kinda glad to have some alone time, she's going to need to see what's going on under the hood.

Chara lifted her shirt a bit and undid her bra underneath it, feeling the tight grip release from her breasts and the strap that had stopped digging into her back and sides. She sighed in relief and felt a warmth and relaxation rush over her body, but her breasts still felt a bit tense somehow. She reached her hands up to them and started rubbing them which usually helped when they got like this, and made her feel a little calmer in general. As she rubbed she felt that pain flush away instantly. This is so weird, her boobs felt slightly uncomfortable this morning, but now it felt like her sides were clipping into it every second. As she thought this, she felt liquid rub against her fingers, warm silky liquid.

Chara's eyes opened sharply and she looked down, immediately removing her hands from under her sweater. They were damp with some white liquid but she had little time to think about what the mystery liquid was as she felt it starting to soak through her sweater as she felt the material grow damp as two dark spots grew right where her nipples were. “What… the… FUCK?!?!” She yelled as she looked at herself. Panicking as the situation only got worse within a matter of seconds, Chara didn’t know what to do and booked it back home. School was for losers anyway. Running clearly wasn’t working in this scenario as she felt her unrestrained tits slap noisily against her torso and only swung aimlessly underneath her sweater, and it didn’t help that the dampness was only growing as she ran as fast as she could. She felt her sensitive nipples brush against her sweater, making her breasts tingle in a weird way, and she felt the liquid run down her tummy not long after. The tightness only continued to worsen as she approached her house, and she barely had time to think before Toriel rounded the corner, having heard the front door open and shut rather loudly.

“Oh, Chara, you’re home early. Is school-” Toriel was suddenly cut off. “I’VE GOTTA GO! LOVE YOU! BYE!”  Chara yelled to her as she ran down the hallway to the bathroom. Toriel merely shrugged as she watched Chara’s rotund rear race down the hallway.

Upon entering the bathroom Chara was quick to notice her completely soaked sweater, which spread to her arms when trying to cover her breasts as she came home. She began to strip it off her sweaty body and toss it to the ground before promptly turning on the shower and while waiting for it to warm up she examined herself in the mirror. Her face was red and drenched in sweat, not sure if that was from all the running or sheer embarrassment of the situation. Her breasts looked much bigger than they did that morning, looking somewhat bloated almost but the main attraction was the white liquid seeping from her nipples. Now that she was alone she could investigate her findings further. She let some drip onto her hand and licked it off, her fears were confirmed. She was producing milk! But how was that possible? She wasn’t pregnant, she hadn’t even had sex in what, a month?

Finally the shower had warmed up to the appropriate temperature and Chara gingerly stepped inside, feeling the warm water soothe her tense sweaty body. Steam collected around her as she played around with her breasts more, watching small streams of milk spray out with each light grab. They felt so full and it felt kind of good to let them lactate. She wasn’t sure how to properly handle the situation. The rate at which they were leaking wasn’t enough to relieve the pressure she was feeling in them, and her hands would get tired very quickly even if she honestly decided to milk herself in the shower like some whore in a porno. She needed to think of something that would get the job done efficiently. She felt her lips smack against each other, she remembered the taste, the first thing that came to mind was simply to suck her own breasts, but that was too much… there had to be a less slutty solution… maybe it isn’t so bad.

Lifting one of her surprisingly heavy breasts up to her mouth, Chara gingerly wrapped her lips around the nipple and gave a nice long suck. Instantly there was a rush of flavorful creamy milk that gushed into her mouth and her eyes widened as the taste reminded her of the milk that her mom usually served for them in the morning. The taste was nearly identical which weirded her out to some degree, but she’d have to deal with that later.

With each suck she feels the warm milk run down her throat in a steady stream, soon that sucking turned to slurping, then desperate gulping. It felt and tasted so good. She gasped for air, letting a mouthful of her dairy product spill down her needy tit. She panted as she took a sucky break, but as she stood there, she felt her legs wiggle beneath her, and her pussy was quivering at an intensity she couldn't ignore. This really was turning into one of those dumb milky pornos she'd find on Assy's computer.

She moaned through her mouth as she rubbed her clit. It was much more sensitive than it normally was, and her breasts tingled with delight and started to feel heavy again. She panted soft and deeply as her hand slipped a finger in her drenched pussy on its own, then two, soon she had three fingers plapping her pussy that had a thick stream of warm milk dripping onto it.

Her thick legs wobbled and descended her body that slipped further and further down the smooth shower wall until her ass was sitting firmly on the warm shower floor. She brought her tit back to her mouth and sucked on it, using her free hand to milk her lonely twin.

Chara sat there, sucking, plapping, tweaking, moaning like a slut. The shower was filled with entirely wet sounds and all she could muster in her perverted thoughts was simply how relieved she felt, and she was certainly going to be doing this again. Maybe she'll let Assy watch.

Suddenly she groaned into her breast as she felt an orgasm rock her body, and she nearly came twice as she bit her nipple during this. Her breast aggressively gushed milk into her mouth with each wave of pleasure that ran through her like the mix of water and lactose that ran down the shower drain.

Chara panted helplessly and enjoyed her post nut glow. Her body went limp and relaxed, leaving her looking like she spilt milk all over herself. What's better is the pain and pressure she felt earlier was gone. This was very relaxing, she could sit here forever. 

As if on cue, the bathroom door had a knock come from it followed by Toriels soft voice.

"Chara sweetie? Everything okay in there?"

Charas face tensed up and the hot steamy shower turned ice cold. "UHH... YEAH! I'm good!" Her voice echoed through the bathroom door, attempting to cover herself as best she could, despite her breasts being twice their normal size and her pussy still having a whole fist rammed into it. Toriel heard her daughter scramble inside the bathroom and she chuckled to herself hearing this. She had her suspicions as to what was happening and felt she'd rather be alone. She's going to be in there a while after all. 




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