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Susie Ripped Her Pants

Written by Glazed and TheEpicSteve (https://twitter.com/Scooby_Lean)

(All characters depicted are at least 18 years of age, despite any official canon or statement.)

This story contains chubby chicks, pants ripping, donut assholes, slight morning routine, sleepy naked dinosaur girl, difficulty putting on pants.




There was loud snoring emitting from a room in a slightly run down house that signaled that there was something, or maybe someone sleeping rather peacefully. That something was Susie who was sprawled out on her mattress that was obviously too small as she took up nearly the entire surface, and if she wasn’t careful, could easily roll off the side. After a few more minutes of peaceful sleep, there was an awful sharp noise that started blaring into her ears, Susie lazily reached one arm out and punched the alarm clock button. Rolling over she wasn’t able to react fast enough before slipping and falling off her bed, a yelp and hard slam on the floor abruptly waking her up.

The dino girl groaned and rubbed her head as she got up after a few seconds later. She popped her back and other sleepy joints and wagged her head to adjust the hair and get it out of her eyes. Clad in nothing but an old pair of stretched panties, she groggily looked around her messy room to try and find something to put on, but eventually decided to wait until later and instead made her way to the kitchen to fix herself something simple for breakfast. Grabbing an assortment of snack items from random cupboards and the half-broken refrigerator, she threw her meal on a plate, grabbed a large glass from a separate cabinet, and poured herself a glass of milk to then sit down at the table to start eating. Like a rabid animal she ripped and teared at her plate's contents like she was possessed and in a matter of seconds the plate was empty with nothing but a few crumbs. Susie licked and sucked her lips, returning from her ravenous side like it didn’t happen.

Susie belched out weak calories and scratched crumbs off her breasts, getting up to go back to her room. The first pair of pants she didn’t even notice until now sat on a wooden chair that had long since been abused to a shaky hunk of wood, but it’s always been there so it usually blended in with the rest of the garbage strewn about in her room. Grabbing the pair, she pulled it up to her legs and found it an effortless slide up her two thighs from the constant use of these pair. Her satisfied attitude was stopped suddenly once they reached her upper thighs, it was usually difficult to get pants over hips, at least that's what Catti and Kris told her. But while she usually managed to get them over her hip, Susie found it especially difficult this time.

She pulled and pulled, but nothing she did made them go up any further. She panted, quickly losing energy and feeling sweat already slide down her back and on her face. Giving up for a moment, she took the time to re-adjust herself and get a better grip on these damned pants, and after catching her breath she was ready for round two. Gripping hard at the material she pulled with all her might, causing tears to appear from where her claws dug into the old fabric, and felt them slowly start to slide just a little higher up. Sounds of tearing and grunting filled the room as she pulled as hard as she could, it probably wasn’t working but there was no harm in trying again and again until it cooperated.

She felt her ass sliding in deeper and deeper. Maybe the extra sweat was helping her, and as more air brushed against her exposed skin she pulled harder, but she was almost there, and soon she felt the rim of her pants reach above her waist.


“Shit…” Susie grumbled, a heavy blush filling her cheeks after feeling a fresh cool breeze brush against her sweaty asshole.




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