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1st - Cynthia (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl) 22%

2nd - Futaba Sakura (Persona 5) 21%

Voting lasts 1 week until May 15th.

1. Futaba Sakura from Persona 5

Description: While exploring Mementos Futaba suddenly finds herself surrounded by shadow's (the game's enemies) that look suspiciously like air tanks. She turns around to run away but is instead wrapped up in their hoses. One of the hoses shoves itself into her mouth and begins to inflate her, starting with her boobs. After her boobs get rather large another hose inserts itself into her, this time through her butt. It begins to inflate her butt. Finally as she becomes almost absurdly curvy a third hose pokes into her belly button and swells that up too. Her limbs inflate, her hands inflate, her cheeks inflate, even her lips inflate until she's a big curvy blimp. Just as it looks like she might pop the tanks are suddenly shot by a slingshot. Pull back to reveal that Mona/Morgana has saved her. Happy end. XP

In short: inflation with hose (air)  Type: breasts + butt -> full body

2. Cynthia from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl

Description: Cynthia relaxing on the beach wearing a bikini with a bowl of candy but she doesn't realize it's a bowl of rare candies. As she's eating the candies her nipples become erect, she doesn't realize that her breasts and butt are growing larger and larger. As she swallow the last candy her bikini top explodes off her chest. As she grows bigger and bigger her nipples begin to leak with milk until geysers of milk erupt from her breasts. As her chest runs out of milk, a prompt pops up and says "Cynthia has learned hydro pump"

In short: self-expansion (milk)   Type: breasts

3. Orihime Inoe from Bleach

Description: Orihime inoe in a alice in wonderland scenario. She finds a drink me bottle and she drinks it. Her breasts and butt grow. Lastly she starts to grow taller.

In short: expansion (potion)  Type: breasts + butt ->giantess

4. Android 18 from Dragon Ball Z

Description: Android 18 is walking through field of flowers and as she bends down to smell some flowers out of nowhere pops out a h-pump and starts inflating her belly and after a while when 18 begins to look pregnant  another pumps comes up from behind  and starts pumping up her ass and her belly even more then another come over inserts itself into her bellybutton and pumps up her belly even more and even two more come over and each of them are pumping up each of her tits this pumping continues on for sometime as her ass her belly and her tits each fill up with so much air that shes the size of a blimp the pumps keep pumping faster and faster and faster until she finally BURSTS

In short: inflation with pumps (air)   Type: belly + butt + breasts -> full body

5. Nico Robin from One Piece

Description: Nami and Robin are on a beach of an island. Robin is distracted looking around, while Nami assembles her Climatact, bubbles generating out of the tip. Nami gets a mischievous look and calls for Robin, who turns around and suddenly gets the Climatact shoved in her mouth. The bubbles go in her, making her inflate in short intervals, basically one pump per bubble. Robin doesn't even try to fight back and just lets herself swell up super huge, looking pretty complacent, with Nami keeping the Climatact in place, having climbed on Robin when needed as she inflated. Nami eventually finds this suspicious, her devious face turning to concern. From behind Nami, Robin sprouts a clone of herself from the ground, equally as inflated. (Anything that happens to any Robin, the original or clone, happens to all other Robins.) Her clone bumps into her original's body, the tremor making Nami slip off and get caught between the two of them, her legs trapped in their cleavages. She tries to escape, but her hands keep slipping off Robin's bodies, unable to climb out. She sighs and gives up, and looks up at the original Robin in front of her, who drops the Climatact from her mouth, stopping the inflation. The Robins smile, and Nami nervously smiles back as well. By the end, Robin would be about as big as Nami was from her video, with a round body and rather big and round breasts. * If a second Robin seems difficult, then instead Robin wobbles her body, causing Nami to slip into her cleavage and getting caught in there.

Minor role: Nami

In short:  inflation with pump (air) Type: full body, more round

6. U-1196 from Cells at Work! Code Black

Description: White blood cell searches for a new type of foreign bacteria when she encounters a big slime ball. She begins to try to slice it but goes right through with no effect. The slime moves towards the populated areas, she pull out a straw from her cleavage. She jumps on the big slime ball sticks the straw into the mass and begins to suck. The slime goes into her body quickly fills up her breasts. Then as the slime try’s to escape she sucks harder, and like a vacuum she sucks the slime and begins filling up her belly then her whole body. The slime try’s to get away but is getting sucked away into white blood cells expanding belly. She gulps and gulps down the slime as her body is getting bigger, tighter, and more round, she looks like she might explode, until the last bit of slime enters her cheeks and swallows it down.leaving the body safe and the slime kicking inside white blood cells body, giving a wink, and victory burp.

In short:  inflation with straw (slime) Type: breasts -> full body, rounder

7. Diane from Seven Deadly Sins

Description: Diane - starting in small (human) size is given a experimental magic item to let her grow/shrink to giant/human size. She starts to slowly grow back to gaint size but wants to speed up the process. She then try’s using magic which makes item malfunction and just her breasts and butt start growing back to giant size. Then to keep things from getting worse trys to remove the item, losses her balance with the item falling in her cleavage out of reach and continues to grow from the malfunction.

In short: expansion (magic) Type: breasts + butt + giantess

8. Wiz from Konosuba

Description: Wiz cleaning her shop up when she accidentally knocks over a potion which releases a gas of some kind. her belly begins to expand, causing a few of her belts and straps to pop open, as her stomach continues to expand, her cheeks begin to puff up along with the rest of her body. her breasts, then her butt, then the rest of her body begin to expand now as well, and she waddles around to find a cure, she soon finds one. But as she’s reaching for it, she loses her balance and knocks down even more potions releasing even more gas, causing her to not only swell up more rapidly, but also much much larger. As she is wiggling her hands in panic, her hands swell up as well. She eventually grows so large that she outgrows her shop, Vanir walks into frame, looking shocked. The video ends with the over inflated Wiz with a sign hanging from her neck saying “Large balloon idiot for sale”.

In short:  self-inflation (magic) Type: belly > breasts > butt -> full body

9. Revy from Black Lagoon

Description: We find our assassin sitting on the couch in the lagoon company apartment as Rock walks through the door. In his hand is a plastic bag with some giant blueberries. He says that some strange hooded man siting on the street corner sold them to him and that you shouldn't eat more then one a day. But by the time he finishes saying all that, the bag in his hand is on the ground and empty. Shocked, he looks at Revy who's eating the last giant blueberry. Within seconds, we see her skin turns Blue and her ass expands to fill out the whole couch. Then her belly expands out and then finally her boobs. The shock of the expansion pisses her off but when she goes to yell at Rock, she sees that he already ran away. The sudden expansions destroys the couch and she falls to the floor on her back. At this point her entire body has gone round and she's helpless to stop growing. We see her leaking berry juice from her boobs and her vagina and she continues to grow. Before long she fills out the apartment with both her body and all the juice and you wonder what's gonna give out first, her or the apartment. As her body presses against the windows and the juice floods the room, the walls she finally pop her and the shock wave breaks the glass on the windows and a waterfall of berry juice pours out. We then see her at the window the dizzy swirls in her eyes.

In short: self-expansion (blueberry)   Type: butt > belly > breasts -> full body, round

10. Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Description: Jessica is walking through a park in Toon Town and trips, falling face-first onto a sprinkler system nozzle, and it gets stuck in her mouth. In cartoon fashion, it only turns on after she panics and realizes what's about to happen. Wide-eyed, she struggles to deal with the rushing water as her cheeks puff up and her belly inflates. She fills up slowly at first, as her heavy sloshing belly is slowly lifting her up higher and higher off the ground. After her belly reaches the size of an x-large beach ball a water valve breaks causing full-pressure mode, sending Jessica into a rapid inflation. Her eyes widen in surprise at the new pressure, as her butt and breasts are forced to inflate with water until she busts out of her dress. She reaches critical limit at about the size of a parade balloon and pops in a cartoonish fashion, or her size forces her mouth to pop off the nozzle.

In short: inflation with sprinkler (water) Type: belly -> full body

11. Kouhai-chan from Tawawa on Monday

Description: kouhai chan is walking through the street of Tokyo. When she noticed a bowl of blueberry labeled "free sample take one"  she decided to eat one. she loved the taste of the blueberry.  She decided to eat all the blueberry from the bowl. What she doesn't realize is that  , there is a fine print saying "warning no more than 4 blueberry or else face the consequences.”She starts to turn blue. Her whole body starts to inflate. Eventually, her clothes bursts off and she keeps growing bigger. Some of the blueberry juice gushes out of her mouth. Kouhai chan gets really big and eventually stops growing. In the end, she just sits there kinda swaying back and forth. Feeling the pleasure.

In short: self-expansion (blueberry)  Type: full body, round

12. Hinoa from Monster Hunter Rise

Description: After sending the hunter out on another quest, Hinoa tries out a new flavor of dango that inflates her whole body 3 times over, until she’s at her limit, when a cohoot flies over and lands on her inflated stomach, popping it.

In short: self-inflation (food)  Type: full body

13. Nani from Lilo and Stitch

Description: Nani driving her buggy when an air pump creature jumps on the hood. It winds through the steering wheel and into her mouth, bringing both her and the car to a stop. The creature then begins to pump and expand Nani. Nani begins to balloon, first her belly swells, followed by her rear shredding her pants, and then finished by her breasts expanding to shred her shirt. She is so big that she's a really tight fit in the buggy and is being squeezed so all of what's insider her gows more towards the top of her rappidly expanding body. She then breaks out of the buggy and is roughly the size of a small building! The pump creature stops expanding her by pulling the nozzle out of her mouth and then jumping up to lay down and take a nap on her now enourmous tits. Close up of confused Nani face and a sleeping air pump creature and that's the end.

In short: inflation with pump (air)  Type: belly > butt > breasts -> full body

14. Zombina from Monster Musume

Description: After eating some gassy food (like cookie) made by Miia in an open area (like a park), she blows up into a giant bouncy yellow and black sphere with her head, hands and feet almost sank (still visible) into it, much to her enjoyment (or arousement). No popping and no suit ripping. We get a full shot of her ballooned form in the end.

In short:  self-inflation (food) Type: full body, sphere

15. Emilia from RE:Zero

Description: Emilia from RE:Zero experiencing inflation similar to "Miku and H-Pump - 3: Tentacles action!" with similar types of hose insertion scenes as well as her body inflating in the same way.   * Reference to imbapovi video " Miku and H-Pump - 3: Tentacles action ", from 5:30  (iwara) 

In short: inflation with air (hoses). Type: breasts + butt + belly -> full body

16. Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa

Description: While in the gym, Junko accidentally activates her latest punishment/execution mechanism. This causes a hose to fly into her mouth and causes her boobs and butt to both expand. After a while, two more hoses attach to Junko's butt and navel, and the pumps go into overdrive, causing Junko not only to inflate faster, but grow rounder all around (but still with big "assets". Junko all the while enjoying both the sensation as well as the Despair of her soon to be demise. When she almost reaches room filling size, the pressure becomes too much, causing Junko to burst.

In short: inflation with hoses (air)  Type: breasts + butt -> full body

17. Tamamo no Mae from Fate/Extra

Description: As Tamamo is inflating some balloons with helium, she comes up with a fun idea. Instead of limiting herself to inflating some balloons, ¿why not inflate herself too? She connects the helium hose to her butt, and her whole body, including her tail, soon starts to swell up. With her body already floating and far bigger than any balloon, she decides to go a little further. Using her magic, she commands a bunch of the bigger balloons to fly towards her, inserting them in her nipples and mouth in order to transfer their helium into her body, inflating her breasts, butt, tail and belly even more. With those balloons and the tank empty, rather than a balloon, she's more like a blimp with how enormous she is. Even then, she teases with going even bigger.

In short: inflation with hose/balloon (helium)   Type: full body

18. Anne Bonny from Fate/Grand Order

Description: Anne ate Mary's snack without permission, so Mary decided to punish her. A hose is stuck in the mouth and water can be put in. Then breasts swells and she can't stand it. Eventually, her hips will grow too and be about the size of chest.

Minor role: Mary

In short: inflation with hose (water)  Type: breasts + butt


Picture with characters portraits! Attention: these are examples only - appearance and clothing may vary in the final product.



I see Pyrrha's streak of appearing on the polls has come to an end. XD


Wait, didn't we already do Jessica Rabbit?


C'mon, let's get that Cynthia MooMoo Milk


Boooo no more milk


More slime go u-1196


Come on Nani!


Still waiting on the the previous winner of the poll. Cathyl.


2,3,4,7,10,13,14, whenever you have time lol


man i really hope to see that emilia video at some point in the future! 😍 the concept sounds really good i still love those h-pump videos, i just love having so many hoses and pumps inflate someone all at once! 🥰


eh i really wanted to see Wiz one :(


Man I wish we had a third place again but I understand


I feel like the number of options might be a bit much. 🤔 Maybe a tournament where the top 2 options end up becoming videos?

James Sunderland

Or just... not have as many options. There doesn't need to be anywhere near this many, especially considering the two winners are all but inevitable. 95% of poll options never get any traction whatsoever so what's the point in having all these unnecessary options?

Jessie Wheatwood

this underage/ kid appeal stuff is horrible.

Yellow Thunder

I love this videos . I love that u got that Jessica Rabbit and Nani ideas . I would loved to see thoses. I’m a big fan


The cartoon characters thank you for your service, Jessie. Try focusing that energy on actual child sexual abuse material instead.