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I hope everything is ready, and I invite you to join my new tiers!

*Note that you pay only difference after moving on new Tier. If you had 1$ before and go to Tier-2 with 5$ - you only pay 4$. If you had 5$ or more, going to Tier-2, it's free this month (example)

If you want to read detailed description again, it is located here


Almost nothing has changed, except that I am not yet able to sketch the way I wanted to, as I need more time to train my hand with a graphics tablet. So far, it’s pretty bad, and I’m unhappy. So don't subscribe to Tier-4 for the sketch, or I'll remember you and do drawing later when I'm better at hand drawing. So far, this is not listed in the benefits!

Well, now Povi will be watching tiers, I hope it's more cute place here now.

And don't forget to click on this button, if not all available options are shown by default!

Good luck!



I upgrade myself from 1 USD to 5 USD. ^_^ <3