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On August 30, 2017, I finished my largest project so far, H-pump3. It's here, if anyone has not seen it - https://ecchi.iwara.tv/videos/0x61liejb6tzlo2nm

By this date, I decided to draw a thematic picture in "honor of source of inspiration." I was guided by frame from Kagaku Na Yatsura OVA, so it's not really an original work, but that's what I was going to do.

Well and one more example of my arts, try to show myself from the good side!

Yes, you must be tired of reading it again, but after 1 days will be a payment - last chance to support me higher and get a picture next month, still 3 free places!

If anyone does not know how to change tier - here is the instruction https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000126286-How-do-I-edit-my-membership-

See you in September!



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