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  • DOA6 Christie Hot Summer KO'ed Seaside Eden V1.mp4



We're back in Dead or Alive 6 with a classic supine/face up KO with none other than the sexy and sadistic Christie! This hot and dangerous diva is the one actual villainess in the DOA franchise, and I love her for it. There's nothing quite as sexy as an evil, hot babe, and this white-haired witch is one of the best. She's been evil and bad from day one, serving as assassin and henchwoman to the franchise big bad, and standing by Helena in DOATEC pretending to be her friend while in actuality being the assassin who actually killed her mom. Twisted and terrible, but you got to admire her focus.

But of course, the best thing about villainesses is that we get to fight her, and conceivably defeat her. While in the actual games Christie seems to get away all the time, its different here. When we defeat the Snake Hands Lady, she is down and out cold. As she lies finally helpless and unconscious before us, we gotta make sure she pays for her crimes- by pampering and worshipping her to the high heavens.

We gotta take those sleepy, sexy feet of hers and make sure they will do no more harm- by keeping watch over them up close and personal. I mean, if her feet are unconscious and limp, they won't be kicking anyone to death, right? And there's no better way to keep those legs and feet out of trouble than keeping them in our mouths... I mean, probably just her toes, as fitting her whole foot in our mouth would probably hurt.

Anyway, yeah, she won't be waking up anytime soon so let's just keep her sleeping and safe (for us) and her luscious soles just for us...

In case you didn't catch it, Chrisite has popped up in Tekken 7 thanks to some awesome mods, so she'll be seeing more KOs in more games so stay tuned for that in the future, For now, enjoy this classic KO.



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