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  • Lili P2 Barefoot Mid-KO'ed (Nina RP Winpose) Urban Warzone V1.mp4



Here's a special KO video from none other than Tekken 6! While this is not one of the most popular Tekken installments generally among gamers, I believe that footfans regard this as one of the greats- including me. It is with Tekken 6 that the Character Customization (well, good CC) debuted. Yes, there was customization in Tekken 5 but it was pretty bad, basically just having you stick random objects on your fighter. In Tekken 6 we could change clothing and costumes, and of course, best of all, have them barefoot. Well, a lot of them, at least.

Lili, barefooted in her White Dress, was the first barefoot Tekken babe I ever saw from this game (via a blurry pic posted online) and I have been a fan of her feet ever since. Anyway, getting Tekken 6 KOs is a bit tricky, as capturing footage and stills requires a bit of work. But I think I'll be able to do more from this game in the near future, so let's start off with this Knockout video featuring Lili (I don't want to name it a KO Ending since its mainly a Nina KOs Lili thing. Anyway, great views of the unconscious Lili (though I really am not a fan of the T6 KO facial expression) including views of the nice and fleshy soles. Do you all like to see more Tekken 6 content? We'll try our best to bring them soon. For  now, enjoy this video!




Definitely! Would like to see more KO's like that, especially Alisa if it wouldn't be too hard for you :)