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Now this is quite special! We have a babe featured that is originally from Virtua Fighter, but the game is Tekken 7! Only through awesome modders has this crossover become possible. Hailing from Virtua Fighter 5 is the cute and feisty Eileen, monkey style kung-fu expert, martial arts performer and all-around super cute girl... and now, Tekken Guest Fighter! Scratch that- Tekken 7 Knockout Beauty, since she is currently totally out cold and unconscious. Her KO face is truly beautiful and she looks so adorable as she sleeps, blissfully dreaming of her next fun fight, I'd say.

This mod (for Lucky Chloe or XIaoyu btw) is given to us by the awesome modder TheRessen, who we are collaborating on quite a few more super mods. What other guest beauty from other worlds is coming to Tekken 7? Stay tuned to find out in the near future. For now though, let's enjoy, admire and worship the lovely Eileen, who has been a favorite of mine for the longest time. FINALLY we get to enjoy her as she naps for us, and we can ogle and worship her pretty feet (which are definitely not monkey feet, thankfully). She is such a cutie, I just want to shower her with kisses and massages from head to delicious feet. And since she isn't waking up anytime soon, I just may do that... enjoy!



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