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It's been a while since we saw the Midgar Goddess, so now Tifa is back after a bit of a holiday (said she was off doing some FFVII Rebirth stuff).  We of course got right into a new KO, and she was quite happy to oblige. For this, we had her dress up in the Hikari school uniform, and she really liked the skirt (said it was very easy to fight in). She looked so gorgeous that we all had to stare slack-jawed when she came out in it.

The idea I wanted with this was a 'cozy' KO, not the usual exposed, open pose. This was adapted from the default KO in Zafina's winpose, but with some adjustments. I wanted the pose to be cute, but really sexy and show off some lovely angles (which I guess is true for any KO lol), and I think the results are pretty good. 

So here she has been laid out, napping quite peacefully and serenely. She actually fell asleep for real as we were taking the footage, so I snuck in some kisses on her beautiful feet. and toes. She smells so nice, I wanted to cuddle up right next to her, just nuzzle up right there, my head in her lap, silken crotch like a pillow. But I think Cloud Strife was coming by in a bit so I had to clear out quick. Anyway, we took the shots, and after, we carried her to the lounge where she could sleep more comfortably without the noise of the Tekken Force choppers overhead. She loves doing these KOs, so she'll be back for more, count on it. Enjoy the new KO!



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