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  • DOA6 Nico Swimsuit KO'ed (Supine) Sweat V1.mp4



We're back with Dead or Alive 6 and a babe that makes her debut here- it's none other than the cute but deadly NiCO, the brilliant bad girl in the employ of MIST and the dastardly Victor Donovan. 

NiCO makes her debut in DOA6, and has the dubious honor of being the last DOA Girl since the apparent end of the series. She's a bit young, perhaps even underage, but heck- she's old enough to be a scientist and subject people to torture, so she is of age. The anime-colored hair is a bit much, but I do like that she's a megane beauty. Being a bad girl also gives her that villainess appeal, which sets her apart from other girls like Marie Rose and Honoka (at least for me).

NiCO uses an interesting and precise fighting style, but her power is in, literally, power- as in, electricity. Not sure how she is able to generate the volts- maybe she's a Mishima? Most likely she has some kind of tech hidden on her person- which I'll try to search for on her unconscious bod. Maybe between her toes? Well, who cares- I really don't need an excuse to get in close to her cute and pretty feet.

Anyway, NiCO here is a bit young, and seems to have some kind of trauma in her past which has turned her into a bit of a villain- the true nature of which only Helena knows- and perhaps that will remain at least until the DOA series returns. NiCO may have some sort of redemption someday, but we don't really need that to care for her. She's cute, she's hot, and she's got lovely feet fit for worship so she can't all be bad. So as she sleeps before us, let's pamper and service her with a loving body and foot massage. Enjoy!



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