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  • Natsu Purple Bikini CKO'ed Dragon's Nest.mp4



Here's a brand new KO for Tekken 7, featuring the spunky kunoichi, Natsu! Don't worry if you find yourself wondering, who's this cute blonde ninja girl? Well, Natsu hails from the somewhat controversial Soul Calibur V, a chapter of the Tale of Souls and Swords which was infamous for doing a bit of a time jump and as a result removing several longtime favorites from the roster. Among those MIA in SCV were Sophitia Alexandria, Setsuka, Xianghua and Taki. Several young newcomers were meant to replace the absentees, with Natsu stepping up to take Taki's place, being her student/apprentice.

Unfortunately, many gamers and longtime Soul Calibur fans didn't take too well to SCV, which I believe resulted in Soul Calibur VI becoming a soft reboot of the series. That said, I have to say I actually really liked Natsu- I love the blonde ninja's distinct hairstyle and her cool, laidback attitude- plus she was of course darn hot. So when I saw a chance to have her in Tekken 7 via mods, I went for it.

So basically 'Natsu' is Kunimitsu, but with her blonde topknot hair, trademark hair ornament and the penchant for purple. Aside from the hair, we commissioned a makeup/face mod to remove Kuni's characteristic face markings and mole. Lastly we also had a Voice mod for Natsu done as well. So this is as close to Natsu as we can get, barring having her actual SCV character model (which probably would look a bit off) ported to Tekken 7.

Anyway, Natsu is sexy as ninja girls go, with a perfect bod (as perfect as Kuni's, of course) and she has a brash personality to go with her ninja skills. She apparently bit off  a bit more than she could chew this time, leading to her laid out and unconscious... and open to us giving that killer bod and feet of hers some loving worship. Hey, ninja feet are always amazing so let's jump at every opportunity to give a kunoichi some full body service, with extra sole loving...



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