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Now THIS is an extra-special Screenshot Gallery-  Screenshot Story, actually. Done in XPS, this was something I did a few years ago, when I was feeling especially inspired and diligent and just found myself putting together this little saga in XPS. For starters, I used these unique XPS models of Sakura and Decapre in particular since both are pretty special. Both are ports of old SFV mods that I fell in love with since both used exceptionally detailed and beautiful feet models so I fell in love with them, basically. I actually think the Decapre model (which was originally entitled "Decapre Worldwide") is one of my favorite sexy mod/outfit. as I see it as the perfect sexy barefoot Zako or 'basic female guard' or  female assassin character.  I just had to do stuff with these two models, and this is one of them. So basically its a David and Goliath/GTS story, but instead of it just ending with the tiny person being flattened by the giantess (which is usually the case), the little heroine gets to fight back (eventually). I must admit, while I am primarily a Feet/KO enthusiast, there is something about Giantess feet, and what could be better than KO'ed Giantess Feet?

Anyway, this first part has Little Sakura being menaced by a Giant Decapre, who for some reason just wants to squash the little Shotokan beneath her sexy, enormous soles. Does Sakura stand a chance? Maybe... but we'll have to wait and see in Part 2 how things play out. For now, enjoy the views and sexy giant soles and toes aplenty.



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