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  • Lidia Lifeguard CKO'ed Island Paradise V1.mp4



Now this is quite a bit of a special KO- not only is it all-new and piping-hot off the editing suite, it's a two-in-one KO. This is due to this pretty much being a vid featuring not just one but two hot fighting game ladies. Of course, its mainly featuring Lidia, the gorgeous Karateka and young and lovely Prime Minister of Poland, dressed for her audition for an upcoming Baywatch remake. But this can also be considered a KO for the sexy Lucia Morgan from Streetfighter! This mod is a port to Tekken 7 of a Streetfighter V mod called Lifeguard Lucia, by BrutalAce.

Well, Lidia or Lucia, the babe before you is hotter than the summer sun, but out colder than a tub of ice cream. She's totally unconscious, even though you can't see her eyes thanks to those slick shades. But she's napping so soundly, we can give her a full-body massage and she wouldn't rouse at all. I can suck and lick her gorgeous feet from soles to toes and she won't kick my face in with a lethal karate kick. So while we can, let's worship and service this righteous babe and give her mouth to mouth and mouth to feet as much as we can...



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