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  • Seth Story Barefoot KO'ed Training Stage V1.mp4



It's been a while since we saw a KO from Streetfighter V, so let's rectify that. This time its for the Android Ex-Boss, Seth! Of course, this is the new female version, but also the 'human' version modded by awesome modder bbbmods. This gives the Android Femme Fatale human (well, human-like) skin as opposed to the metallic dermis from her original body. By the by I also always use a Seth voice mod that makes her sound female as well as look it- I still find it so weird that the SFV devs made a female character with a male voice... that's why Ono was kicked out of Capcom, IMO lol. Anyway, Seth is looking hot in the vastly sexed-up Story outfit sans boots and gloves, as she lies out cold at the Training Stage. This KO is a Patron request, so I hope you all enjoy it! This outfit is also quite hot, though strangely I have yet to feature it in a video on the channel. This is something I intend to fix soon, so expect to see Barefoot Story Costume Human Seth in action on Youtube in the near future.

Anyway, a good thing about bbb's mod is that aside from making Seth sexier and more feminine, her feet definitely look nicer and overall just more lovely. I just imagine what her skin must feel like- especially the skin of her bare soles and feet. What do her toes feel like in my mouth? What do her feet smell like? How soft is her crotch if I press my face into it? Well, time to find out...



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