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Here's a bit of a surprise- some KO screens from the PS3 classic, Tekken 6! Since this was an older game, it was never really given a PC release (though you can play it via emulators), and certainly didn't get modding support like Tekken 7. There have been other ways to capture KO Content from the game, usually via Cheat Engine, but its been tricky. However, most recently things have progressed nicely and we can now at least capture some more KOs from this old favorite of ours. So to start off, here are a few screens of Asuka and Lili out cold and napping in some very different locales. Asuka in her P1 Top and Sarashi shorts napping in a field with sheep, while Lili is Barefoot in her P2 Dress among some fancy fouintains.

I'm still getting used to capping stuff from this game, but it looks promising. Hopefully we'll have more KOs from Tekken 6 from here on in. Stay tuned!




I love the bare feet of the girls in the TEKKEN series, especially 6's feet, so to be able to freely screen capture them in that piece is a very exciting event. I especially love the shape and width of Asuka and Alisa's feet, but I also love the feet of the other characters, so I would be very happy if you continue to feature TEKKEN 6's barefoot KOs!