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  • Jun White Bikini CKO'ed Shrine of Eurydice V1.mp4



Well, its been a while since we saw this beautiful lady. This, of course is Jun. But full disclosure, our 'Jun' isn't really the missing mother of series protagonist Jin- nope, this is a younger, kinda-evil, kinda sadistic clone of Jun, created by a secret cell of Violet Systems during the TTT2 crisis with the Fake Jun. Well, this is also a Fake Jun, but at least it isn't Unknown hiding behind a Jun skin... or is it? Nah, its just Dark Jun, and we love her. She's a bit of a villainess, she loves beating up people and giggling as they lay out cold beneath her. She probably stomps on some faces every now and then... yeah, she's a darling. 

Anyway, she's apparently been bested by some strong opponent, and now is recovering and taking a long nap at the new Shrine of Eurydice stage. These are all things that I'll be showing in KO matches on Youtube in the near future, but this early you get to see the lovely Jun out cold for your admiration and pleasure. Gotta love her big, Kazama feet... all the better to massage, kiss and play with... so try to enjoy your time with her before the Violet System agents come and take her back to the lab for more, um, testing...



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