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  • Chun-Li No Leggings (C1) CKO'ed Genbu Temple V1.mp4



Let's start off early and strong this week with an all-new KO from the all-new Streetfighter 6. Once again we're featuring none other than the Strongest Woman in the World, Chun-Li! The beautiful Master of Kung-Fu is gracing us with her sleepy presence, taking a long nap aming the sakura blossoms at Ryu's Genbu Temple. We do know they are good friends, perhaps they had a sparring match, and most probably it was Ryu who knocked out Chun as she is lying here now. Respectfully, he laid her out comfortably to let her sleep off the loss, but you can tell a bit from her KO'ed expression that she is quite ready to get back into the fight once she wakes up.

In any case, as the lovely INTERPOL Agent rests, its up to us as her fans to watch over her and keep her safe, and to worship and service her as she lies there, giving those monumental, iconic thighs the massages and appreciation they deserve. But of course, we also have to give special attention to her deadly and delicious feet, without which certainly her thighs would be of little use. We have to notice that, thanks to a nice mod, Chun took the effort to paint her toenails with bright red nail polish to make her delectable toes even more irresistible.

Anyway, I am really loving what I can do with SF6- I'm still learning and coming to grips with the posing (and I can't wait to show you the next Custom KO I've done). There will surely be more costumes to come, and in time, even more characters to pose. But for now, Chun-Li and the five other babes of SF6 will provide us with a lot of Barefoot KO Content in the months to come. For now, enjoy the sexy, sleepy Chun and her sleepy Kung-Fu Feet. 



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