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  • Seth Human Swimwear (C3) CKO'ed Ring of Prosperity V1.mp4



We've got a KO from Streetfighter V this time, still a mainstay game for me and the channel despite SF6's arrival. There's unlimited content to be had with the previous and somewhat controversial installment of Streetfighter, and I've invested so much into mods for this game, plus there are babes here that conceivably will not be appearing in SF6- at least not anytime soon. One such babe is Seth

But Seth is a guy, you say? Well, technically Seth is not male, 'he' is an artificial being, strictly an A.I.- so he can be any gender he wants. His final version though is definitely female- as his mind is placed within the quite hot and sexy body of the android known as Doll Unit Zero, after his old, male body was stepped on (quite hard) by Juri. So we got a new and improved Seth, now in a female body, and quite a lot more powerful than before. Thanks to mods, we have her with more human skin rather than the default metallic skin.

But we went even further and got a mod that gives Seth a female voice, and voila- its a whole new barefoot babe to admire. And she is barefoot by default, with big, beautiful feet to enjoy. Thanks to longtime modder BBBmods, we have her here looking like a goddamn snack, as KatzProductions would say.

So despite this Boss Babe being pretty strong, she got knocked out by someone stronger, and now she's lying out cold and laid out like a feast before the Illuminati leader, Gill- who is looking quite pleased and liking what he sees. We certainly can identify, as if we see the sexy Doll Unit Zero/FemSeth unconscious before us like this, we will certainly be slow-clapping like some pleased, evil mastermind.

I won't just clap- I'll have my minions carry her off to my private chamber, where I can more closely examine this gorgeous being, from tranquil unconscious face, toned, perfect body and of course, sexy, sleeping feet. Curious at how a sexy android's feet feel like, smell like up close? Taste even? Find out yourself and enjoy...



TheVHM108 Productions

Well, this character is my least favorite in SFV, but has a good appearance. And I'm nervous of asking this one for a KO scene because of mixed opinions.