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Imagine coming to the local gym for a workout and finding instead a Knockout of this caliber! Helena and Christie, both out cold and totally unconscious... It seems that these two beauties had a hell of a catfight, which resulted in both of them knocking each other out. And yes, they KO'ed each other, instead of them being a team defeated by another pair of opponents. At least, that is what we can deduce given that these two hate each other to pieces.

Well, the problem now is- which one to play with first? Both gorgeous goddesses of war with perfect bods, luscious legs and enchanting feet. Both with amazing bodies that will absorb your attention to no end. I guess you can only choose one, since by the time you are thoroughly spent with one, the other or both may be waking up. Perhaps it would be better to just concentrate on both of their pairs of perfect feet. Which pair of peds is more perfect, more kiss worthy, more tasty? Find out!



trigger 1 lor

I'm curious how the other members of the gym would react if they saw these chicks lying in the middle of the gym. What would they say to them? What are they going to do to them? What are they going to think? What are your thoughts?

trigger 1 lor

I have a couple of new, better ideals that you might like: perhaps Kasumi and Ayane Double Knockout. You ought to attempt to create a brand-new K.O stance. Perhaps you should to put them in spread eagle position. It would enhance the awesomeness of your content.


I'd at least check on them to see if they're all right. Maybe check their vitals. If I can, probably I'll try to make them comfortable, maybe even carry them to a bed or somewhere they can lie more comfortably than the floor. But if I saw them fighting I'd probably think twice as they may not act well against someone they find leering over them when they suddenly wake up lol