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  • Rose String Bikini (C6) CKO'ed Kanzuki Estate (Day) V1.mp4



Streetfighter V had a long and storied run, from its rather troubled debut, all the way to the coming close when its sequel, Streetfighter 6, finally is released. But SFV will always be a game I enjoy and go back to even once SF6 is out, for the awesome roster of characters that has grown to an impressive size over the years. I am quite happy that among the fighters that SFV gave us is the beautiful fortune-teller, Rose. Rose's SFV version is easily one of the most eye-catching babes in the game, and really- ALL of them are eye-catching. Rose still stands head and shoulders above the rest- literally- with her exceptional height and gorgeous figure. But best for me is her exquisite face. Her SF4 version was a bit too, um, long-faced, and certainly did not really look as good as her character art. 

SFV Rose though has striking good looks and a truly enchanting face with her arched eyebrows and fine features. Add to that her heavenly body- which among the ladies is a bit unique in that she isn't ripped or muscled like most everyone else. Nope, Rose being a mystic and mistress of Soul Power apparently means her strength isn't totally about physical strength, so she can afford to be not quite as ripped (though I am sure she is as fit as every other girl).

And so as we gaze at the unconscious Rose here before us, we can see a body that is quite more voluptuous and temptingly sinful to behold. And we do know she enjoys baths, so I imagine she smells quite nice all over... which we'll confirm as we examine her from lovely head to her kissable toes.  Plus every crevice and curve in between. I am not a seer by any means, but I see pleasure as we get close to and worship this magical beauty...
