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  • Kolin Swimsuit (C5) CKO'ed Temple Grounds V1.mp4



Hey, FootLords! Here's a follow-up (albeit a pretty late follow-up lol) to the Kolin KO Ending I posted some time ago. The previous KO was a request that specified it to be a face-down KO, so this one is, similar to the last Laura KO, also a face-up or supine KO pose. For us KO lovers who prefer seeing the front parts of our gorgeous gals.

So here is Kolin, still in the default swimsuit- although this is still a mod (Ocean by DanteSDT), which gives her shorter hair than the default. I think this hairstyle is perfect for her, with the hair framing her face nicely and not being too much of a mess (which I feel her long hair tends to look). Aside from that, the mod also removes the military-style trimmings from the outfit (it removes the cap and coat by default). As usual, it takes modders to show Capcom devs that less is more.

Anyway, I got to say that Kolin is definitely NOT the prettiest lady in the SFV roster- her facial features are very strong, angular and, well, given to a character of dubious alignment. In short, she is a bad girl so she can't be TOO Pretty. That said, she's still got her appeal- and I gotta say- the villainess appeal is real, at least for me. Being a bad girl makes her even more sexy.

That said, Kolin is without a doubt, a beautiful woman. Shapely and sexy, and quiite buff- she's a fighter from her muscled arms and legs, and her rather large feet are definitely made for stomping and kicking. She has surely crushed many an enemy of the Illuminati between those crushing thighs. Having ice powers just makes her even, well, hotter- one can imagine those feet of hers being cold to the touch... maybe a loving fan can warm them up, particularly when she's out cold like, right now.

A great appeal of villainesses is that its very satisfying to KO them, and to see them unconscious and vulnerable. We've captured her, and she's under our watch now. We have to be careful though- we have to check if she really is unconscious, perhaps by feeling her pulse... especially on her soles. Yes, you don't know that you can check a lady's pulse by her feet? You can... but you need to do it with your face. Just press into her soles. LOL

Anyway, she's surely out cold, and will sleep soundly for a while. Let's give her a full body massage, to make sure she's, um, not hiding anything. Anyway, we can't take our eyes of this dangerous femme fatale, nor would be want to. Check her out, and enjoy. I'm sure we'll be seeing more KOs from her in the future...



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