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  • Marie Rose Controls Helena.mp4



Here's something different- a little narrative barefoot feature from DOA5, starring Marie Rose and Helena. Marie Rose is the loyal little servant, isn't she? Faultlessly faithful to her beautiful mistress, Lady Douglas. But now it can be told- the REAL deal. Helena isn't the master, Marie Rose is! Little does everyone know but some time ago, Marie Rose challenged Helena in a private sparring duel, on the pretense of practicing some new techniques, which Helena foolishly agreed to. While Helena thought she was simply sparring, Marie Rose was not pulling any punches- and in a few seconds, Helena was totally unconscious and out cold on the floor.

But that wasn't the end of it- Marie Rose DID have some new techniques to show off- pressure point techniques that once applied, will place the recipient under the influence, albeit unconsciously, of the applicant. But Marie Rose needed access to Helena's bare soles to use her mind control technique...

So really- Marie Rose controls DOATEC, and Helena is merely her loyal, if unwitting puppet! BELIEVE IT!

Well, actually this is just a little dream the Little Devil has, she likes to massage Helena' s feet, that's all. Anyway, it makes for a cool story. I cooked this up a long time ago, and I brought it out here for you to enjoy. Hope you all like it!



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