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Arguably my favorite newcomer (or returnee?) in Streetfighter V, Final Fight 2 heroine Lucia Morgan, lies out cold for your admiration. She has her throwback short hairstyle, but is dressed down in her swimsuit (modded, since her default summer gear comes with far too much clothing). Lucia is an impressive beauty, tall (5'10" afaik) and buff- which she needs to be since she's a cop in a tough city who takes on gangs hand-and-feet. For the record, I used to prefer this hairstyle, but that was before her Sporty outfit was released and became my favorite look for her. In any case, this fit and feisty policewoman is sizzling hot, not the least of which since her sexy, big feet can literally create flame. So when we kiss and lick those toes and soles, better make sure we won't scald ourselves on them.

I gotta do more KO Endings with the kick-ass hottie soon. Stay tuned for that! For now, enjoy the lovely Lucia.



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