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New Challenger Appears! Another Guest Fighters joins our large roster of babes in Tekken 7... none other than Tomboy Martial Artist, Streetfighter and Rival Schools Student Akira Kazama! What is she doing in Tekken? Well, maybe she's related to Asuka? Got invited by mistake? In any case, she came wearing her Lifeguard outfit (the only mod made for her by BrutalAce), ported over from SFV by our awesome modder TheRessen, as a replacer for Leo (since the both seem to practice similar fighting styles).

Akira is looking stunning, and I am absolutely pleased with how she translates to her new game. The original mod was super-detailed, as BrutalAce mods are, and all of that got translated perfectly. Of course, Akira will be made available as a reward for Patrons in the near future, but for now we'll whet your appetite for her with some action on the channel first. For now, enjoy these pics and check out her debut Arcade Mode video on Youtube.



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