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What happened to get those two in such a predicament?


Holy shit dude! That is *fan-fucking-tasic!* <3 <3


Gotta say, I love me some bondage, and I'd love to see more from you. Just a little heads up though if you're not aware, Patreon has been coming down on creators for anything that they deem "non-consensual" or "sexual violence," both real and imagined. From their community guidelines: "However, we have zero tolerance when it comes to the glorification of sexual violence which includes bestiality, rape, and child exploitation (i.e., sexualized depiction of minors). This is true for illustrated, animated, or any other type of creations. Patreon reserves the right to review and remove accounts that may violate this guideline. We also do not allow other fringe sexual fetish creations, such as incest, necrophilia, or fetish creations that is hard to distinguish from non-consensual sex." Another creator I follow that has been on Patreon for years just deleted all their posts a few days ago because of Patreon bringing the hammer down on them. Something to be aware of and prepared for if you didn't already know.

Grant Hynd

Even though they are dissimilar to each other, I do love seeing the small differences between their bodies, the attention to detail in that regard is one of the main reasons I follow you to date, wish more artists did that too. :)