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Life has been quite dull recently. with minimal productivity, I'd say.

I may have to pause The billing cycle if I won't be able to deliver by October 15th. Which I think I will not be able to due to the 1st term finals this Oct 18-31.

Update: Both project's script is done - Recording is ongoing. The 1st 1 minute of Keqnyu had already been animated and rendered while Focida blend files had been set up. (I'll work on blocking out the 1st 1 minute of it this weekend)




Take your time homie, I’ll be here! Also love these 2 projects you’re working on. I’m sure working on 2 projects both with 2 girls at the same time is rough.


That your time, quality art like yours takes a lot of time and effort. I’m sure we’d all rather you take longer to get some done than burn yourself out and quit! (Got friends that are artists and it’s a real risk) take care of yourself!