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̅ Please …run now! Yells Ofelia to the mob before losing her conscious.

̅ Yes, please do – answers the Mohan –, otherwise, killing you won’t be that fun.

̅ We’re tired of you, Mohan! – says one of the townspeople –Your reign of terror is over!

̅ “My reign of terror”, you said? Have you forgot who has been giving you fish, pure water and fertile soil to prolong your pathetic lives?! You’re just like Chía! You all think you’re better than me! You only use me, but when I ask for something fair in return, you treat me as a piece of crap!

̅ How dare you say that kidnaping and killing women is something fair! – says a woman –How many lives ruined by your greed and lust?! There are not enough fish or fertile soil you can give us to pay that!

Ofelia was hurt protecting me from the Mohan and now the entire town has come to save us. What a great job you’re doing, Chía… Normally, that mob would be more than enough to kill such a weak demon, but since he was given a portion of my chaos magic, the townspeople would be nothing but a pushover for him.

The Mohan is ready to attack, but suddenly, he stops. His cocky grin has disappeared from his face and now he looks… confused? He slightly looks at me and then focus his attention to the mob again… what’s got into him?

̅ Y-You, ungrateful trash!! – yells the Mohan –I had enough of you! You’re not even worthy of my precious time! You can rot in hell with your filthy town, for what I care!

Did he just stutter? Is he… is he scared? He’s supposed to be stronger than them at this moment. Then why is he so afraid now?... wait a second… His power! … I can sense it more clearly now! First, I recovered my sight and now, I can completely feel his power… He’s got weaker, way weaker and he knows it!... How did this happen?... I first touched his head and then I grabbed his neck… That’s it! I made physical contact with him! I’m absorbing his chaos magic and regaining my own power!! That’s why Bochica freed me and Sugunsua sent me to this quest! Literally, I’m the only one who can recover the chaos magic! I must absorb from him what remains of my power!

̅ KILL HIM! yells the leader of the mob, followed by the battle cry from the rest who lunges to the creature.


The Mohan rise his arms and, suddenly, the forest trembles…


Dozens of creatures made of rotten branches and mud rise from the ground. “The forest army”, he used to call them. They’re not that strong, but their true menace comes in their quantity and their constant respawn. As expected, the forest army attack the mob stopping it from reach the Mohan, who tries to flee… that coward scum, I can’t let him escape!

̅ What’s wrong, Mohan? – I say –Aren’t you forgetting someone? I thought you were going to take me as your slave.

The creature gives me a mean look but proceeds in his escape.

̅ What, are you ignoring me now or you finally remembered where’s your place?

That last comment infuriates him, making him return… That’s right, you monster. Stay here.

̅ Remember my place? – says the creature –Are you dense?! You’re nothing but a filthy human now. You have no powers and can’t even stand up! And still you DARE to tell ME to know my place?! I could snap your neck without even trying, Chía!!

̅ Then come and do it, Mohan. I’m not going anywhere.

The Mohan clenches his teeth so hard that he breaks his cigar. He wants to kill me but, as I expected, he doesn’t dare to touch me. He already notices what’s going on. He knows I’ll absorb what remains of his power if I touch him.

Meanwhile, I can hear the townspeople fighting the forest army. They’re doing their best to pass through, but the creatures keep respawning… I have to end this quick or everyone will be slaughtered.

̅ Where did all that bravado go, Mohan? Do I scare you that much?

̅ Big talk for a little human, Chia.

̅ Bigger talk for a little bitch.

Once again, the last comment makes the Mohan so angry that he finally lunges to me, but he quickly stops… Damn it! So close! Gotta keep pushing his buttons. Despite my foot hurting like hell, I stand up and face him.

̅ What, not even that? – I mock at him –You see, Mohan. The thing is that you have something that belongs to me. You have part of my chaos magic and I want it back.

̅ As if, Chía! I owned this magic fair and square!! I deserve it!! I broke my ass making you happy for centuries and I got nothing from you. Not even a damn “thank you”, you ungrateful brat!!

̅ Making me happy? Oh, right! You said you were my “most loyal follower”, right?... Please. the only reason why you were stuck at my side was because you were terrified to be killed by almost everyone. And the only reason why I allowed you to stay closed to me was because your hairy butt was warm enough to rest my feet on. You are nothing but a pervert, two-faced coward.

His eyes are glowing red. He’s absolutely livid. Keep going, Chía.

̅ You know why was I defeated alongside my forces of darkness? I think you know, Mohan. We were ambushed by Bochica and the rest of the gods. I never expected to be attacked in my lair. My own lair!! So hidden I that not even Bachue’s almighty vision could find it. Then how could they, huh? Can you tell me, Mohan?!... Nevermind. I think I actually have to thank you. If it hadn’t been for you, I would have never been defeated and I would have never learned my lesson. I’m back to my right track thanks to you. You deserve a big hug.

Contrary of what was I expecting, the Mohan calms down and takes a deep breath. After that, he points at something behind me. When I turn back to see what it is, I noticed that one of the Mohan’s creatures is taking Ofelia as a hostage.

That despicable monster! Coward until the very end!

̅ Miss… ChĂ­a.  â€“ weakly says Ofelia regaining her conscious.

̅ Ofelia!  â€“ I shout.

̅ Now, Chía. I’ll say it for the last time: I’m leaving now. I’m taking MY power with me and you’re not stopping me, or else I’m going to kill your little friend. The town is already doomed, but at least you can save this girl’s life.

̅ …

̅ That’s right. Keep your mouth shut, Chía. We’ll end this another time.

No!... I can’t let him go! The town needs me! Ofelia needs me!... it’s now or never.

̅ *sigh*… yeah, hurry up and leave, Mohan. Your boss must be wondering why you’re not there licking his balls yet.

̅ THAT’S IT!! YOU’RE DEAD NOW!! – yells the Mohan.

The monster finally has lost his patience and lunges right to me. However, despite being waiting for his attack, it ended up being way quicker and stronger that I expected... His claws and fist have pierced my stomach.

̅ MISS CHÍA, NOOOO!! – screams Ofelia in horror.


̅ AGH… *coughs*… Mo… Mohan…!!

I can’t speak. I’m coughing a lot of blood. No doubt about it. This is a fatal blow. I can feel my lifeforce being drained from my body. I’m dying.

̅ *cough*… *cough* I… can´t… *cough*



My just recovered vision is fading away with the rest of my senses. I can see Ofelia screaming her lungs out and I barely listen to her. My body temperature is dropping fast… Hundred of years trapped inside the moon… finally being free… to end like this?... I don’t know what hurts more… the hole in my stomach… losing to the Mohan from all monsters… dying without getting the slightest bit of redemption… or dying without seeing you one last time, Bochica… I’m sorry… *sobs*… I’m so sorry…

̅ C´mon kiddo. You’re not letting your father down, are you? – sounds a voice deep inside my head.

That voice… I recognize that voice… Bochica… old man… You’re not here and still, at my verge of death, I can hear you nagging me… I miss you so much, old jerk…




no, no, no! I’m not giving up without even starting my mission!

̅ Farewell, fallen goddess – says the Mohan.

̅ Gh… gh…  â€“ I try to speak.

̅ Huh? What was that? You finally ran out of insults?

̅ Gh… gh… gh…!

̅ I can’t understand you, Chía. Stop mumbling and die already!

̅ I… said… GOTCHA!

̅ !!!

I take the Mohan by surprise and grab his face as hard as I can. I’m not letting him go!

̅ AGH!! LET ME GO!!!  â€“ screams the Mohan.

The monster tries to push me back, but I don’t let him to. I’m using my last string of energy to grab his face. I even tense my stomach to keep his hand trapped.

̅ MISS CHÍA, NO! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! –  screams Ofelia while trying to free herself from the branch monster.


The Mohan keeps struggling with violence with no results. This is my last move. If I can’t beat a creature so pathetic as the Mohan, then my quest is a waste of time. You’ll see, Bochica. I’m not letting you down.

Every second that passes, I grab the Mohan’s face harder and harder. I can even fell his nose breaking. My senses… they’re returning. I can clearly listen the creature screaming. I can see his face filled with horror. My stomach no longer hurts. Actually, it’s healing, same as my broken foot. Suddenly, a bright and intense white light emanates from the Mohan and illuminates the entire place

̅ M-Miss Chía? says the confused Ofelia while the branch monster disintegrates, freeing her in the process.

The trembling forest stops moving, the forest army starts falling to pieces. The townspeople… they’re finally free to attack the Mohan, but they don’t. They just stay there, looking at us with awe and confusion. Only the leader of the mob slowly advances trying to understand what’s happening.

̅ Are you all ok? – I ask the man.

The man doesn’t answer, just nods.

̅ What a relief – I say –. Please, take Ofelia with you. She’s hurt.

̅ Y-Yes! – finally says the confused man.

̅ Miss ChĂ­a?  â€“ asks timidly the little girl.

̅ There you go again, Ofelia. “Miss Chía, Miss Chía”. I heard you calling me the first time. I’m fine, I promise. You’re the one who needs to be healed right now.

̅ I SAY LET ME GO!! – shouts the Mohan.

The creature throws a punch to my face. But nothing happens. He has lost all of his strength. Then, the bright light enters to my body, leaving the forest almost covered by the darkness of the night, only lighted by the fire of the torches… my power… no doubt about it. This is my power. Huh? Looks like I even have new clothes.

I finally free the Mohan. He falls on his knees, weakened and humiliated. All of his anger has gone as well. He knows he’s not stronger than the townspeople now.

̅ Now – I say –, this brings some memories, huh?

̅ Chía… – says the Mohan with tears coming out of his eyes –, have mercy.

̅ W-Who is that woman?! – asks the leader of the mob.

̅ She’s Chía – replies Ofelia –, The goddess of the Moon.




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