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Hi, everyone! it's been quite the time since the last time I wrote a non-commission related journal, huh? I'm so sorry! but this new job has been bonkers.

It's been 6 months since I've been teaching in this new school, and let me tell you it's quite the experience. My colleagues are awesome. It's really nice to have some English teachers that can actually have a normal english conversation. My boss, The Principal, is really strict, but she's also really fair and kind (and smokin' hot! Like, OMG!).

The students... *sigh* ok, the students I had in my previous school were ok. I mean, they weren't perfect, but they were respectful and polite (or as much as they could), but, as students, they were the worst. I mean: never in my life I had to give so many bad grades for both homeworks and tests. In this school, students are more responsible (kinda?), I mean, at least most of them deliver their homeworks on time and they do Ok in their tests, but, as persons, they totally drain my patience and good will. I can say without a single doubt that I hate quite the number of students here.

And when we're not giving classes, then we have a lot of extra work to do (this weekend, for example, we have a "Family Day festival" and it will be sooooo painful).

The good part is that the salary is quite good, and trust me, despite how hard this job is, I'm doing my best to keep working here next year, but the worst part is that I barely have time to relax. I mean, I can't play video games as much as I can; when I try to watch a movie with my wife, I fall asleep, and, as you can see, I can't draw as regular as I used to.

I dunno if we're having two week vacation like my previous school (chances are we're not), but hey, I'm still glad to have a job.

I'll be trying to upload some personal pics what's reamin of June, but if I can't, well, see you in July with more commissions ^^;

That's all.

Thanks for reading.

^^ Have a good one!