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Okay, okay. Let’s continue with another pic and my Resident Evil personal story.

Time to continue with RE2.

Warning: looong story!

Alright, if I’m super specific, I would say that Resident Evil 2 was, not only the very first PlayStation game I’ve ever played, but the very first RE game I played too, but that would be a huge overstatement. Allow me to explain:

You see, back in 1999, my best friend who I just met back then, invited me to play video games at a local arcade store. Since the last time I played video games back then was in 1995 with MK for Super NES, playing a brand-new console after all those years would be great… and yeah, it totally was! Since that day I became a huge gamer and video games have been a big part of my life since then. But back to RE.

The very first game we tried was RE2 or “the zombie’s game” as everybody called it. I thought the gameplay would be similar to “Final Fight” or any other Beat’em up game. But imagine this: my very first 3D game, in a first screen full of zombies, with an awful new controller (tank controllers) and not knowing how to move or which button I was supposed to press to shoot my gun. Needless to say, we got killed in the very first screen. So, we said “f*ck this game” and started playing KOF ’97 (which would be the very first PS1 game I truly played and enjoyed), and I would never tried another RE game until the year 2000 with RE3.

I won’t enter in much details with my experiences with RE3 here (that’ll be next time), but the point is that that was the game that made me feel in love with the franchise… also, since that was the only game which I have a save file with infinite ammo thanks to Bryan (yes, this mofo again), it was the only RE I was playing all the time, so needles to say, I was already bored of it. I was already familiarized with the tank controllers and the aim/shoot button combination, so I was ready to give RE2 another try. But since my first experience let me a little traumatized (remember I don’t like gore and being eaten by zombies was pretty gory for me), I was scared to start a new game without unlimited ammo, so I asked Bryan to lend me his save file of RE2 with unlimited ammo, but he refused. Why? No reason, he just didn’t want to (asshole). He just told me “hey, when you beat the game once, you automatically unlock infinite ammo for all weapons. That’s how I unlocked the infinite ammo for RE3”… “*sigh* Fine. Guess I’ll give it a try” – I said and so, I completed Claire A, and I had a terrific time. I really enjoyed the item management system and it taught me to enjoy the game in a more cautious way. However, I preferred the sensation of being the most powerful being in the city thanks to my unlimited ammo weapons.

So, as you can imagine, I cleared Claire A and I didn’t unlock sh*t. “Hey, Bryan!! You lied! I beat the game and I didn’t unlock anything!” – I said. “You beat Leon B too, right?” – he replied… “Oh… that too? *sigh* fine” – I said… so yeah, I also beat Leon B and I didn’t unlock anything!! “Bryan WTF, you lied to me again!!” - I yelled. “*chuckles* Bad luck, I guess. Your game must be broken” – He said and he left… I think I started disliking that guy since that moment, and years later, it would become worst.

Anyway, later I discovered that I could unlock the infinite ammo machine gun, gatling and rocket launcher by having a good ranking beating the game… oooooor just putting an special input in the options menu to get infinite ammo for every weapon in every game mode, which I did and THEN I started really enjoying RE2 which quickly became my favorite entry from the original trilogy.

When the Remake from PS4 came out years later, you can’t imagine how exited I was to revive this experience of the good old days, and even when RE2 Remake is an incredible game and a superb remake… I dunno, man. The lack of a zapping system and how less cheesy the plot was made me miss the classic RE2 more, which I still prefer over this remake… I wonder if there is a way to play it right now… do you know if I can find a PC version of classic RE2 nowadays?

Next time will be RE3: Nemesis.

^^ Hope you like it.



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